Christian's POV

It was as if I was living my life in a haze. I knew what was going on around me, but it seemed hard to figure out why. I couldn't recall too much of the last few months, and I definitely could not remember anything from the past many years. I had no idea how anything happened. Sure every once in a while a memory was thrown my way, but most of the time it made no sense to me.

Even with this haze I felt a connection to the people around me. Especially to Rose and Adrian. Lissa tried on numerous occasions to get close to me, but having her around only confused me further so she kept her distance, swearing she understood. I felt guilt, but did not know why. I felt lost, but did not know why. I simply knew Rose needed me, and the others needed me to stay around.

The doctors I saw on an almost daily basis told me it would take time. One of them was even sure one of these days it would all just hit me. I just wasn't sure that was what I wanted. It seemed as if I was better off without my memory. Watching Rose be so broken was proof enough of this. If losing a single person affected her this much, how would my memory effect me?

I had tried time and time again to get into Rose's room, but she had officially now completely shut us out. I had no idea what was in that note but whatever it was, was enough of a message to come with black roses. It had been days now that she had locked herself in her room. She would only peek out to grab the food we would put next to her door.

I could not remember a lot about Rose but I knew enough to stay on my toes. I made it a point to watch her door constantly, something inside of me telling me it was needed. But there was never any movement when I was near. She would only open it as soon as she sensed me walking away. This only further led me to think she was a lot smarter than I remembered.

I wanted to talk to her, but I had no idea what to say. Something inside of me screamed to comfort her, but I had no idea what to do. From what I had gathered the only thing that was going to make Rose better was to get Dimitri, her lover back. And from all the conversations I had heard it was not going to be an easy feat. The four of us had been through into hell, we had managed to slip away, for now. But that was only because Dimitri had sacrificed himself.

"Let's take a break. She's not going anywhere." Adrian had stationed himself next to me near Rose's door, but no noise had come from it yet. Chances were she was sleeping, something she had been doing a lot of as of lately.

"You think she's going to get better?" Adrian shrugged running his hands through his scruffy face.

"I don't know man. This is s a big blow. I feel like this is my fault for listening to him." He sighed deeply and I really took him in.

Adrian felt like he should not have listened to Dimitri. That perhaps he along with Rose they could have saved him. It ate at him night and day. But I knew it was not true. From what I had learned about the man that once had us, there was nothing that could have been done. Dimitri gave himself up to save all of us. If Adrian had not helped him, Rose would have been taken along with him. And somehow I believed it would be easier to save one of them instead of two.

We walked around the house in silence for a bit. Our families and friends scattered around. I could not help but be a little put off. I had no real family here. I had learned from asking Lissa that my mother and father had been killed, by the rest of my family. And the only living relative that I had had seemed to have betrayed me. And to think Adrian was feeling alone. Rose was feeling alone. They had people. I had no one.

I did not let myself dwell on that though. I may not have had blood relatives but I did have people who cared. Dimitri's mother, Olena had been helping me a lot. She would talk to me late at night when I could not sleep. She would share stories from when we all were younger. How close the four of us had been. It helped make me feel better, but it did nothing to spark my memory.

For now I was OK with that. The haze I lived it also numbed feelings, emotions. I was not sure I could handle what would happen once I got those back. No, for now I was thankful I could not truly feel. It made watching Rose easier. It made looking around me bearable.

"She's being too calm." I snapped my head up and Adrian looked up at Rose's window. We had walked outside and were in a tennis court. The cold breeze picking up.

"Maybe she has just worn herself out?" He shook his head in negation.

"No, she was worn out at first. After those flowers came a few days ago she lit up. I saw it in her eyes. We need to look out." My eyes wondered over to the window he stared at.

The blinds had remained closed since she had received the flowers. She had not left the room. And I colud hear her pacing at odds hours of the night. I could hear her yelling in frustation into what I assumed were her pillows. I had even caught what I knew were sobs coming from that room. If Adrian thought that was calm I was not sure what a worked up Rose was.

"We have eyes on her at all times. She's not going anywhere. But maybe we should start to help her out." Adrian cringed at this.

"We have been. Its just like before. He's gone. Disappeared. No sightings, no nothing." I sighed deeply as I leaned against the tennis fence. My cold breath forming a small cloud into the night sky.

"Abe said he was looking at the house in New York." Adrian let out a loud laugh.

"He's gone from there too. All of them. Even the fucking lab is empty. Nothing had been left behind. No finger prints. No fibers. Fucking nothing. It's like we were never there. Like nothing ever happened. He just up and fucking left and relocated somewhere else." He started to walk back towards indoors. I followed silently.

There was not much I could say to Adrian. Mostly because I did not know what to say. I was trying still to grasp what had happened to us. It was straight out of some weird syfi movie. Trained assassins, medications to make you forget. It all seemed unreal. But looking around me and feeling how I felt was a constant reminder that it was all real, very very real.

We had spent a good hour walking around before I decided to go up to my post near Rose's room. Adrain decided to check up on a few things. I figured she would still be in there possibly pacing, it was 2 am and this was her favorite time to move around. I figured I would release the poor guardian who was watching her and try maybe tonight to talk to her.

My plan was quickly diminished as I noticed Mikhail passed out in front of Rose's slightly ajar door. I pulled out my gun set and ready for an attack. Inching my way closer, looking out everywhere, something that seemed natural, I listened. But I could not hear anything, no struggle no whispers. I toed over Mikhail and was relieved to see his chest rising and falling.

Pushing the door open with the barrel of my gun I looked into the room. Everything looked right. There were no disturbances, nothing tossed around. Even everything looked right. I knew deep inside something was wrong. It was then that the made bed, and empty dresser caught my attention. She had left.

In one motion I had my gun back in its holster as I ran out of the room and down the stairs. My action caught the attention of Olena and Abe who were, as usually talking in his study. But I had no time to acknowledge them. Rose had left. And I had given her the perfect opportunity. Damn Adrian!

"What's wrong?" Abe came closer his hands out in a sign of surrender.

"She's gone." I dodged for the door but I already knew what I was going to find.

There was one car missing. A Honda Civic. It was the perfect vehicle. It was gray, simple and would blend in with every other damn car out there. She had an hour on us. God fucking knew where she was, where she was headed. But I still went outside. I still looked, I found tired marks in the snow, but I knew they would disappear as soon as she turned into the main road.

"She's not in her room!" Adrian came running down the stairs screaming. His eyes wide, fear hidden in the green depths.

"She took the Honda. There's no way to know where she went. We have no idea what she knows!"

"Fuck!" Adrian punched the perfect white wall leaving a small dent.

"Who's gone?" Abe's frantic voice broke me out of my thoughts. One look at him and I wanted to hide. I was about to tell him that the daughter he had just gotten back was gone. And it had been my fault.

"Rose." The one name had Olena sobbing. She had gotten her son back only to have him ripped away not even an hour later. And now, the woman that man loved was gone too.

"What do you mean! Mikhail was at her door. You two have been watching her!" Abe was becoming furious. He flew past us up the stairs, up to what I could only assume was into Rose's room. But he was going to find what both Adrian I had. Nothing.

I forced myself up the stairs anyways. I was sure someone like Rose would leave no clues, it was worth a shot though. We needed to at least look. I sighed deeply as I took the steps slowly. Everyone around me worked in a blur, but I took my time.

Instinct told me nothing was going to lead us to Rose. We were going to have to go out and find her. Something I knew would be far from easy. She was out there looking for Dimitri, and now we would try and tail her. And just when I thought things were getting easy.

I am beyond excited to start this part of the saga! I literally have been waiting patiently for years to write this! I have so so so many different ideas for this story. This chapter was a little slow, but I needed a few things to happen before I settle into Rose. One I needed you to see how Christian is still sort of lost. I also needed a scene where Rose leaves and they cannot find her. This part of the story is now mostly going to be told from Rose's POV. From time to time we will get some insight from Adrain and Christian but it won't be much. This part is about Rose going after Dimitri, its my Blood Promise if you may. Let me know what you think! What you expect!

Luka update... He sings... A lot... Note he's only 4 & 1/2 months, so its not quite musical. Practice time is usually at 4 am.. Some times 5am if he's feeling nice... Vocal scales are a big deal people, and he's working on being a star some day!