A Burden Shared

A Transformers Prime Fanfiction

Chapter 1

There is something almost universal about a construction site. Or so the humans mused who were privileged to view the Port of New Iacon as it was being erected. Perhaps it was not so much universal but just what was shared between Earth and Cybertron. At the moment it consisted of spans of barren girders reaching nearly a mile into sky. It resembled nothing so much as two giant ribcages with six 'ribs' on a side, anchored to the same spine. Steady docking lights provided a contrast to the billowing waves of sparks that marked where the welding crews were filling out the arms that would be capable of holding the trade and hopes of a renewed world in their grasp once they were complete.

The top ribs, the smallest, were nearly complete and boasted five functional landing platforms. The one closest to the spine was not only occupied but cheerfully lit. Its walls were decorated with brightly colored safety signs and even a few commercial advertisements aimed at the few humans who landed there. At the moment a small crowd of soldiers in green fatigues was being ushered through an airlock by a midsized blue Cybertronian with a datapad she kept frantically checking. For the most part the visitors were ignoring her as there was something more interesting to keep their attention.

"Man that is one crazy Joe. First he breaks up a catfight that hot then he lets the little she demon get him alone."

Cadet Darby very deliberately ignored the muffled laughter as his fellow soldiers disappeared through the massive metal door and into the spine. It had been a long time since he had let jeers directed at himself earn a reaction, and he usually smiled whenever he thought back to the days when a bratty redhead could provoke him into retorting. Time and experience were honing him down, removing all extraneous reactions and leaving someone else, someone better he hoped. Form his intense training to the odd dreams he kept having, it was all changing him. For the most part he liked the results, but sometimes the sense of other was frightening. The landing platform was in truth open to the night sky above but the brilliant lights that seared down on them blocked that view. At the moment it was offering at least the illusion of privacy to the remaining two humans and for that he was grateful.

Unit E Special Agent in Training – Miko Nakadi – stood with her forehead pressed against the cool metal of the wall, drawing in deep, slow breaths. Jack waited quietly behind her with one hand resting on her stiff shoulder. He could feel the powerful muscles trembling beneath his touch, causing the light armor plating that protected them to shift and quiver, but they were slowly quieting as the woman gathered herself.

"Stupid! Baka!" Miko finally hissed out between clenched teeth as she straightened and shrugged off her friend's comforting touch.

Jack wasn't certain if she was referring to her own behavior or the tightly wound bureaucrat she had gotten in the altercation with on the plane ride out from DC to the departure base and he sensed that Miko just wanted the incident to be over. So he gave a noncommittal hum of support and handed over a handkerchief without a word. She snatched it out of his hand and fierily dabbed her face clean. It smeared the makeup she had been wearing to the diplomatic function they had been attending. Rather than say anything Jack simply pulled out his Energex Compass and flicked it open to provide the mirrored section for her use. Miko glanced at her reflection and scowled.

"This would be perfect if we were going to a Slash Monkey concert," she spat out as she attacked the mascara smears with a vengeance.

"Yeah, too bad they stopped touring last year," Jack offered.

If there was any lingering sarcasm in his voice it was covered by Miko's harsh laugh.

"Slag it all to the Pit Jack! Why do I let those brainless morons get to me?" she demanded.

Jack hid his wince at the vulgarity and carefully pondered his response.

"Because you know that, unfortunately, women like her have power in this day and age," he replied, deciding his friend was not being rhetorical, "and the damage that they do, the evil that they do, with that power leads to girls like you getting hurt and people dying."

Miko gave another curse, at least from the venom she put into it and the context Jack assumed it was a curse. Her time with the Wreckers meant that the younger human had a vocabulary that put all of his Marine friends to shame. Jack let a sad smile spread across his face, and calculating that it was safe now he reached out and pulled Miko into an embrace.

"You have a wonderfully strong heart Miko Nakadi," he stated firmly. "A heart that cries out for justice and life. You want to rid the world of evils like the ones that woman supports. There is no shame in that."

Miko tensed in his grasp and Jack resigned himself for the slap or punch to follow, but after a moment she relaxed and gave a dry laugh.

"No shame," she murmured, her Indonesian accent suddenly thick, "but maybe a lawsuit eh?"

"Well if you insist on attacking soft DC lobbyists in plain sight of multiple witnesses," Jack agreed ruefully. He pulled out a second handkerchief and wet it on his tongue before expertly cleaning up the last smudges on Miko's face.

"I wonder if Fowler ever gets tired of cleaning up my messes," Miko murmured as she gratefully turned her face into the firm but gentle ministrations.

Jack chuckled and shook his head. "He'd get worried if you didn't cause and incident every few weeks." He deadpanned. "You are like the Wreckers' safety valve."

"Oh stop it." Miko gave him a playfully swat but leaned into him at the same time.

Jack felt his heart rate accelerate a bit and was about to tell her he was done and her face was clean when the docking bay doors slid open to reveal a bright yellow figure striding towards them with a determined set to his normally cheerful faceplates and a bright crimson cape of office swishing behind him.

"President Bumblebee!" Jack exclaimed as he tried to disentangle himself from Miko.

"Hey Bee," the Wrecker muttered, refusing to be moved from her comfortable position. "Gonna chew out Jack about the cape thing again?" She asked hopefully glancing sidewise at the approaching Cybertronian.

"No, Agent Nakadi," Bumblebee replied as a smirk of amusement threatened to displace the stress and fatigue that had become a near permanent fixture on his faceplates. "While I still have issues with Cadet Darby's little suggestion that is not the issue at the moment."

"So not my fault!" Jack protested automatically as he and Miko darted out of the way of the swinging metalmesh.

Bumblebee actually chuckled but shook his helm. "Again not the issue at the moment."

"Come on, training and assessing the newest batch of Icemen isn't all that critical," Miko interjected as she swung her pack up onto her shoulders. "Is it?"

Bumblebee gave a rueful sigh and rubbed his faceplates tiredly. Jack and Miko glanced at each other in concern. This did look serious, but neither could think of anything that had gone wrong enough to drag the cheerful mech down like this.

"I only wish it was that simple," Bumblebee said as he folded down into his alt mode. "Short version is we need the Ambassador from Earth to mediate an issue for us."

Jack tried to suppress a groan as he tossed his gear into the back of Bumblebee's alt mode but clearly the sports car had heard it.

"I know you hate the politics Jack but we really need you on this," the President spoke with tired resignation in his voice.

"Which Decepticons are giving trouble this time?" Jack asked as they buckled in and took off. Though he couldn't quite suppress a smile at the sound of the cape snapping in the wind behind them like a sail. Yes he did usually feel guilty over the whole thing but it did look good on Bee in either mode.

"Not Decepticons this time Jack," Bumblebee corrected as he opened his glove compartment and tossed out a human sized datapad.

Jack picked up the device and activated the highlighted file. He frowned and showed it to Miko who leaned in with mild interest.

"Predaking?" She gasped, eyes suddenly lighting with fascination.