Hello hello, everyone :) I'm here with chapter 2 and you can thank Sabah ( KlausTheVirgin on twitter) for that because she pushes me to write, lol. Fortunately she's here to do it or else you wouldn't have had the chapter before december.

I wanted to thank everyone who followed, favorited and reviewed the first chapter, I really appreciate it, the reviews motivate me to write the chapters believe me guys.

This chapter hasn't been beta'ed like the first chapter, please be nice, I apologize for the mistakes you will find, hopefully you won't find many.

Chapter 2

Once the contract was signed and back in Caroline's purse, Klaus offered her to go in his suite to be in a more private place but Caroline nicely declined, that was one of her rules, she would never meet with a new client in a private place, we never know what the client was like, she wanted to learn a little more about him before considering going somewhere more private with him. Caroline took her glass of water and brought it to her lips looking at the wall loosing herself in her thoughts.

She couldn't wait to see what was under Klaus' clothes and she was pretty sure she wouldn't be disappointed. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine him naked, and she wasn't disappointed by what she was imagining, unfortunately she was only imagining it. She could see a well chiselled chest, not too muscular, just perfect, she wondered if he had tattoos, she doubted it but it was still possible, Caroline's thoughts were broken when Klaus cleared his throat and her eyes snapped open as she put her glass of water back down.

"Lost in your thoughts, love?" Klaus asked with a smirk.

"Indeed," Caroline said dismissively before changing the subject, "So, why an escort, Mr Mikaelson?" She asked with a seductive smile that Klaus loved already.

"Klaus." He corrected her before answering her question, "Actually the idea never crossed my mind and it was my best friend, who is also my sister's fiancé so you will meet him tonight, who gave me this brilliant idea. My mother is really old fashioned and I suppose I am too at some point, like everyone in my family, but seeing me still single at my age scares her a little, for her I should be married and have children already even though I am only twenty nine. Back on the subject, my mother pressures me a lot on that matter so I thought, or rather Stefan thought, that it would be a good idea to pay an escort to act as my girlfriend, of course Stefan will be the only one aware of the fact that you are an escort tonight. What about you?"

"What about me?" Caroline asked taken aback by his question. She was quite satisfied with his answer.

"You want to know my motives which is normal, I also want to know yours, why an escort?" Klaus asked looking at her in the eyes with a serious look that threw Caroline off balance, this man would be the death of her, he was a God.

"Well, um," Caroline was a little uncomfortable, her clients didn't usually ask her much about herself, she doubted any of them knew she was in college, "I'm in college and I need money to pay for it and becoming an escort seemed like a good option, and it is."

"In college, what are you studying? How old are you?" Klaus asked his interest picked.

"I'm twenty one and I'm studying… um… well I'm in a double degree, I study management on one side and I also dance, classic dance to be precise, I'm in a reputed dance school, anyway, it's not important." Caroline explained uneasy. She wasn't used to talk about herself. Why was she talking about herself anyway, she didn't have to, he was her client he didn't need to know anything about her, he didn't need to know those things.

Klaus could tell Caroline was uncomfortable talking about herself and he guessed her clients didn't usually ask about herself, then what was their conversations about? Caroline seemed to be a really interesting woman, she seemed intelligent and she surely was talented since she was in a reputed dance school. He hadn't imagined her to be a dancer, especially not a classic one, he was impressed and he wanted to see that, he wanted to see her dance, now that he knew it he could see it, the way she carried herself, she certainly was elegant.

Now there was also this part of him that was impatient to see how far she could spread her legs, he couldn't be blamed, he was a man and he was really attracted to the woman in front of him, he could even say he had never been that attracted to a woman before and he knew they would have sex tonight so of course his thoughts drifted to such dirty things. He couldn't wait to be buried deep inside of her, or just to kiss her lips really, she was mesmerizing.

"I disagree, I think it is really interesting. In what school dance, if I may ask?" Klaus asked looking straight at her with hungry eyes.

"You may but if you don't mind I won't answer. I don't discuss my private life with my clients, especially not with the occasional ones." Caroline explained, "I am supposed to be the one asking the questions there are a few things we need to discuss before we meet with your family."

"Who said I was an occasional client?" Klaus asked concentrating on that part.

"Well, I assumed you would ask for a brunette next time." Caroline stated.

"I can't present you as my girlfriend to my family and present them another one in a week, sweetheart." Klaus pointed out before adding, "And even if I could I wouldn't want to, I would like to become your client, a permanent one. Why would I want to ask for a brunette when I can have the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Caroline blushed furiously and looked elsewhere for a minute which didn't go unnoticed by Klaus who smirked, his eyes trailed on her.

"You don't need to flatter me, Mr. Mikaelson. You pay so you'll have me in your bed even without the compliments." Caroline said a little curtly.

"It sounds so wrong said like that, love. And for the record I never say something I don't mean, never." Klaus said seriously choosing to ignore the fact that she hadn't called him 'Klaus', for now.

Caroline cleared her throat, the conversation becoming too personal for her liking. It was strange, Klaus made her feel something strange, she didn't feel like that at all with her other clients.

"We don't have much time left and I have to know a few things about your family and a few other details, like for example your siblings' names, as well as your parents', who is the older, the younger, who is dating who, how old they are, a little bit about your relationship with them, how did we meet, how long ago did we meet, when did we start dating, this kind of things." Caroline enumerated being back in her professional mode.

Klaus picked up on that instantly but didn't say anything about it and simply answered her questions. Only half an hour later it was already time to leave to join Klaus' family. Caroline had listened closely to all the information Klaus had given her and wow, he had a large family, she would be lucky if she wouldn't make any mistake, at least one, but she was pretty confident, Caroline had a good memory.

Klaus knew it was a lot of information to take in but he trusted Caroline, she seemed intelligent and she didn't seem lost, not once when he told her the big lines of his life, just enough so his family would believe she was his girlfriend, of course he didn't reveal anything he considered too personal or that he thought wouldn't be of use for her job, and she seemed pleased with his not detailed answers. He wasn't going to tell everything about his life to a stranger, no matter how beautiful this stranger was.

Klaus and Caroline left the hotel together and a man brought Klaus' car in front of the hotel before handing the keys to Klaus. Caroline looked at the car and if she wouldn't have been used to it by now she would certainly have jumped and squealed in excitement. Klaus' car was glorious, Caroline would love to drive a car like this one, of course she knew nothing about cars and she couldn't tell what car it was but she could tell it was an expensive one. Her eyes were transfixed on the car and she forgot that Klaus was there until she heard a door being opened. She turned toward Klaus to see that he was holding the passenger door open for her to climb in the car with a smile adorning his lips while he was observing her. Caroline approached him with a smile of her own and for the first time since they met she touched him, she put her hand on his forearm seductively.

"Can I drive it?" She asked with an adorable voice and smile. Klaus looked down at her hand on his forearm and his eyes darkened, he wanted her so badly.

"Not a chance in the world, Caroline." Klaus said nicely looking back up at her.

"Maybe not today but some day maybe?" Caroline asked leaning in a little closer and invading his personal space. She obviously didn't know that patience wasn't one of Klaus' qualities or else she wouldn't provoke him like that, he just wanted to rip her dress off and ravish her and he couldn't think about anything else.

"Someday maybe." Klaus repeated and before he knew it Caroline was out of his personal space and seated in the passenger side of the car with a pleased smile on her lips.

"That's a promise, Mr Mikaelson." She said happy and only then did he realise that he had kind of accepted her request. Klaus didn't let anyone drive his car except if it was someone like the man of the hotel to park it. And now he would let a woman drive it? No way.

He closed the door and circled the car before quickly climbing in it and starting the engine, driving off in the night. The ride was silent, none of them talked, but it was a comfortable silence, Caroline much preferred that to her clients bragging about how rich they were and that kind of things during the whole drive, but something still surprised Caroline.

"You don't have a driver." She stated after a few minutes.

"I love to drive cars, why would I bother hiring a driver?" Klaus asked concentrated on the road.

"Maybe because you have so much money that you don't know what to do with it anymore. You do pay a woman to be your girlfriend after all." Caroline said and realised how it sounded only once it was out, it sounded like an accusation or something but it really wasn't, it was just a statement, "I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry."

"It's all right, Caroline. Please don't apologize for such futile things, I do enjoy my women feisty like I told you earlier." Klaus said a small smirk appearing on his lips.

"Oh, well, if you want sass I can be sassy." Caroline pointed out reassured.

"I don't want sass. I want honesty, I want to know what you think even if you know that I won't be pleased by it." Klaus explained turning toward Caroline for a second before looking back at the road.

"It's a good thing I'm an honest woman, don't worry if something doesn't please me I'll let you know." It was true, Caroline wasn't one to hold back, if she didn't like something she would say it.

"It will be only out of the bedroom of course. Everything I'll do in the bedroom will please you, you can be sure of that." Klaus said sure of himself.

Caroline huffed, "I see that arrogance isn't one of your defaults." She said sarcastically and Klaus simply chuckled. Caroline smiled enjoying their conversation and loving his laughter.

"We're here." Klaus said taking Caroline aback. Caroline turned toward the window and her eyes poked out of her orbits. This wasn't a house, this was a mansion.

"This is where your mother lives?" She asked mesmerized.

"Yes, she's always liked things that make her look like royalty." Klaus explained before climbing out of the car and circling it to open Caroline's door.

Caroline climbed out of the car and before she knew it she was pinned against it next to the open door. Klaus had a hand on each side of her, imprisoning her so she couldn't go away. Caroline's surprised eyes snapped to his and Klaus fell in love with her eyes, no matter what expression she had on her face she was beautiful, he hadn't seen sadness or anger yet but he knew even in those moments she would look beautiful.

"What are you doing?" Caroline asked with a short breath putting her hands on his shoulders as to catch herself.

"I want a kiss. I believe we need training." Klaus said seductively.

Caroline eventually understanding shifted demeanour, she shifted from a confused and surprised one to a seductive one.

"Mr Mikaelson, you need training in order to kiss a woman?" She asked looking at him through her long lashes and Klaus licked his lower lip.

"Maybe I just need an excuse to kiss you." Klaus said his eyes darkening in lust.

"You don't need excuses to kiss me, Klaus. I am yours for the night." Caroline said in a low husky voice.

Her words provoked a strange feeling in Klaus' chest, one that he had never felt before but he ignored it and brought his hands to her face cupping it tenderly. And the next thing he knew was that his lips were attached to hers and God the feeling was wonderful. He loved the taste of her lips and the softness of them. He deepened the kiss and felt Caroline's fingers entangling in his hair in the back of his head. He pressed his body against hers as his tongue danced with hers and a moan escaped Caroline's lips.

"Nik!" They both heard a high pitched voice call from afar. They broke apart panting for air before turning toward the person who had interrupted them. Klaus recognized his little sister and sighed before turning toward Caroline who had dilated pupils and swollen lips, soon, he would ravish her soon, he thought as he looked at her hungrily.

"Come on." He said offering a hand to Caroline who brought hers to his before they both started moving forward.

"Rebekah, I presume?" Caroline asked whispering close to his ear and Klaus nodded bringing her even closer to him if possible which earned a smile from Caroline.

Caroline had never enjoyed herself that much with a client, he was a glorious kisser and she couldn't wait to see what he could do in bed. His lips were surprisingly soft but still manly. His hands on her face had been tender and sweet and his chest, pressed against hers, hard and muscular.

They reached the front doors where Rebekah was. Rebekah was a beautiful blonde woman, she had Klaus' lips and bright blue eyes, her hair was long and straight and she looked cold and authoritative but nothing Caroline couldn't handle. Let's not forget the deadly glares she was sending Caroline's way.

"You must be, Rebekah." Caroline said smiling extending her hand. Rebekah shook her hand and nodded coldly before turning toward her brother as a smile broke across her face. She jumped on him and hugged him tightly.

"Nik, you're late, everyone is already here, even Kol and Bonnie are already here." Rebekah informed him. Caroline remembered Klaus telling her that Kol was his little brother and that he was the wild one in the family but he was doing better now that he had his girlfriend, Bonnie, they have been dating for a few months now if Caroline remembered well.

Klaus ignored his sister's comment and smiled, "Rebekah, this is my girlfriend, Caroline." He presented her.

"Of course, good evening, Caroline." Rebekah said with a fake smile before turning toward Klaus once more, "Fortunately I'm the one who caught you making out in front of the house and not mother, she would've had a heart attack." She added clearly trying to make Caroline uncomfortable, which didn't work, it would have worked if their mother would have been at Rebekah's place though.

Klaus huffed, "Always exaggerating, little sister, let's go inside now." He said and Rebekah said something between her teeth that they didn't make out before turning around and walking inside the house followed by Klaus who put his arm around Caroline's waist and dragged her inside as well. He would surely enjoy spending the evening attached to Caroline.

So? What do you think? Please leave me feedback and let me know what you thought of this chapter. It's important for me as a writer to know my readers opinion.

And THANK YOU very much for reading everyone, I really appreciate the gesture.

You can follow me on twitter, I also warn there when I update (AnaelleOups alias 50ShadesOf Klaroline)