
"Rose, pack James up, we're going shopping!" the Princess called up the stairs after her feeder had left the following morning.
"He's already packed up!" Hathaway responded, coming down the stairs with James in the capsule. "I know what you plan before you do, 'member?" she laughed.
"Be nice," Belikov chastised lightly and pecked her cheek while relieving her of aforementioned baby-holding capsule. James I saw was squirming inside it with a cheeky smile on his face. That smile looked remarkably like his mother's, already. God help them if they have a daughter just like James.

Belikov was taken off active duty for the trip, by group consensus. We all understood the dangers of Hathaway and Belikov guarding around each other, especially with James in the picture. That didn't mean the parents weren't alert and attentive, that they weren't aware of their surroundings and tense as they pushed James in the pram while keeping up with the Princess and Ozera... As the royals went baby shopping.

"Lissa, just wait and see what you get from the family first," Hathaway murmured softly. "Just get mat clothes, books and jewellery stuff for you, today." Her best friend held superiority and could completely disregard Hathaway's advice if she wished, but instead, the Princess acted as if the reverse were true... or at least took in Hathaway's opinion like a true equal. I never failed to be astounded by how humble and 'common' the Princess always tended to behave. I guess Ozera kept her grounded, so did Hathaway, I think. It was refreshing to guard someone who didn't flout their power and superiority, someone who appreciated and respected the effort put into guarding her and those who put in said effort.

The girls continued to shop. And by girls, I mean the Princess had invited a couple of her new human friends along with her and Ozera. Not necessarily the smartest of ideas as it turned out to be. To say Belikov ended up being eye candy for the two young human females would be an understatement. A very big understatement. I could tell the only thing that inspired them to even think of trying to be subtle about their obvious gawking was the fact they had been introduced to Rose and met James. And even then it was an effort for them to remember James was Belikov's son and Rose was his fiancée.

"Rose, this is perfect for James, don't you think?" exclaimed the very curly red-headed teen I think was named Jayne or Julie or something. She held up and shook a little blue jumpsuit that was a fake set of jean overalls. Hathaway scrutinised it and eyed Belikov. Even I'll admit they were cute and James would look adorable in them.
"Comrade?" Hathaway enquired.
He grinned and nodded before kissing Rose's nose. "Perfect. Thanks... Jade, was it?"
"That's me," piped up the long, flat-ironed-straight ash-blond next to her. She was in her very early twenties with blue eyes and an obvious fake tan. She probably thought she looked hot and had done it to impress Belikov. Belikov only went for one woman and her name just so happened to belong to the one rocking the pram and standing beside him.
"I'm Jayne," the teen corrected flirtatiously. The flirting went straight past Belikov, but Hathaway didn't miss it, not by a long shot. She inched closer to Belikov and glared warningly at the slightly taller, pale, red-haired human. Belikov either chose to ignore the jealousy radiating from Hathaway or it too passed over him since the flirting attempt from Jayne did. Regardless, his arm instinctually wound around her waist in response.
"Well I think these will go well," the Princess picked up a pair of blue baby mittens. They looked as though they actually would go well with the suggested jumpsuit.

"I got it!" Hathaway sprinted from the living room to the front door. The bell had rung and timing said it was likely to be the pizza delivery boy. But she wasn't taking chances. She slipped out the door with her hand twitching towards her hidden stake. Two short minutes later and after a reasonably friendly business exchange Hathaway re-entered, unharmed and laden with five pizza boxes, what looked to be two garlic breads, and four small brown boxes I guessed to be the desserts she and the Princess had argued over. Belikov rushed to her side and removed the extras. Hathaway glared playfully and pointedly.
"If you're going to act as though I'm a weakling at least take the extra four pizzas and the extras."
"Oh Roza, never, ever think I'd see you as a weakling- you're the strongest person I know, after all," he kissed her quickly before they set the group's easy Sunday night, celebratory dinner on the coffee table. Hathaway had talked them into being lazy-bums and pigging-out on pizza as reward for everyone submitting their most-urgent assignments. And simply because no one could be bothered to go out and buy the ingredients to make the Princess' meat-lover's pizza and pickles with cream cheese and double-stuffed Oreos craving.

The girls turned on the movie channel and the boys groaned. Belikov didn't, but he looked like he wanted to as he registered what was being shown... Breaking Dawn parts 1 and 2.
"I'm so glad James didn't pose a threat to my life," declared Hathaway.
"I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle, all dressed in white and glowing. No doubt hiding a stake somewhere as well," said Belikov, taking Hathaway's hand in his. He was grinning like love-sick fool.
"You'll have to wait until James can be your page-boy," teased his fiancée.
"I'd wait a lifetime to marry you, Guardian Rosemarie Hathaway." I expected Hathaway to snap at him for using her full name. Instead she blushed. Belikov had a certain power over her without even trying to charm her, that much was obvious...

to everyone...