I decided to make a Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction because I had an idea regarding it.

The basis of the idea is detailed in this beginning chapter.

I haven't read anything like it thus far, even though one basic concept will be familiar.

"Oh boy! You're a durable one aint'cha?!"

"Please! I'm begging you! Just let me go!" the ghoul wailed. He was violently smashed face-first into the wall of the alley, and several teeth clattered to the pavement.

"My dad tells me I can't eat humans, even though they taste sooooo good. He says I can only eat ghouls, and I can only come out of my room once a month." the white haired young man said with a disturbingly innocent smile.

The taste of a ghoul's flesh couldn't be compared to the few times he'd eaten a human, but it was an old and familiar taste. As far back as he could remember, he had been taken care of by his dad, and he lived in Cochlea with him and all of his friends. Sometimes he would do something wrong, and he would be sent back to Haruguchi for his punishment. While Kaneki wasn't fond of the man, he liked that at least someone got pleasure from his pain. When the session was over, he would be dragged back to his room and his dad's buddies would put on an audiobook for him to listen to while he recovered.

He picked up the ghoul he had been beating on, relishing in the look of pain in his eyes. The man's clothes were soaked through with blood, and he was breathing raggedly with his single functioning lung.

Kaneki roughly threw him into a wall and looked at him with a bit of disappointment. The ghoul was durable sure, but he had virtually no attack power. Kaneki had only got stabbed once, and it wasn't even painful enough to make him blink.

"Come on, is that really all the fight you got?" he asked, "I only get to come out once a month, and you have the gall to make me waste it on you? Jeez, the 20th ward sucks!"

Kaneki groaned in exasperation, "I'm going to have to find someone else at this point, this is so shitty!"

Kaneki slammed his foot into the small of the ghoul's back, drawing a sharp cry of pain. The ghoul struggled futilely to escape the pressure of Kaneki's bare foot, but gave up after a moment.

"Please, just kill me." he whimpered.

Kaneki scowled, "You're a real coward alright, I barely even touched you. You want to die so bad? Fine!"

The ghoul's mouth was forced open as Kaneki's hand invaded it, gripping his upper jaw tightly. The ghoul didn't even get a chance to scream as the upper portion of his head was violently ripped off.

Kaneki sighed as he tossed the head aside and started walking. He may not mind the taste of ghoul, but he wasn't going to waste valuable time to eat a weakling.

Touka was walking back to Anteiku from Yoriko's house, as her human friend had decided to invite her over for dinner. Touka reluctantly agreed, forcing herself to keep the food down, no matter how disgusting it tasted to her. Yoriko had taken the time to prepare a meal for her, and she'd be damned if she let her friend's work go to waste.

As a result however, she was feeling rather ill and was slightly off balance on her way back.

Touka's head shot up when she heard several voices screaming from an alley one block down. She forced the sick feeling down and took to the rooftops, running over buildings till she stood over the alley the screams were emanating from.

Her eyes widened when she looked down.

Kaneki stood in front of the three remaining ghouls he had cornered, four dark red tentacles swaying behind him. He hadn't had any luck finding a ghoul that was actually strong, so he reluctantly decided to go for quantity over quality. The two corpses behind him were a testament to that fact. They didn't even have Kagunes yet.

One of the survivors, a teenage girl, formed a blue Koukaku Kagune that covered her shoulder. Kaneki grinned when the ghoul rushed at him with a war cry, impaling her arm through his chest.

Kaneki didn't even flinch as he took the hit, the fluorescent blade penetrating his lung. He kept his smile even as blood leaked from his mouth.

The girl attempted to retreat, but she was stopped when Kaneki gripped her arm with enough force to break bones. She cried out, but that wouldn't be anything to what was coming.

Kaneki grabbed her throat and lifted her into the air with his right hand, keeping her arm in his grip. With a twist he ripped her arm, Kagune and all, off of her body. She gave an unholy scream of pain and terror right before she was silenced when Kaneki broke her neck.

He dropped her body unceremoniously, and the other two ghouls cowered at the end of the one-way alley. It was obvious the girl was the strongest of them, so Kaneki didn't even give them a chance to attack him. He sent two of his Rinkaku tentacles sailing at them with the intent to end them with one strike.

The last thing he expected to see was his tentacles severed before they could reach their target.

Touka landed in front of the ghouls, standing defiantly against this stranger. She had arrived just as he ripped that poor girl's arm off. There was no way in hell she was going to allow this freak to continue.

"Who are you and what the HELL do you think you're doing!?" Touka shouted.

Kaneki laughed, "Well now, this is interesting. You look strong!"

"Tch, I asked you a question, douchebag." she said.

"That you did. Very well, my name is Kaneki Ken. As for what I'm doing, I couldn't find anyone strong to eat, so I went after some weaklings to get my Rc count up. I only get to eat once a month, you see." Kaneki answered.

Touka frowned, then gasped slightly when she saw that only one of his eyes had a Kakugan. A One-Eye.

Kaneki grinned even wider somehow, "After a couple hunting trips I noticed something. I always wanted to ask, since I don't know much about myself. How rare is a One-Eyed ghoul?"

Touka smirked, "It's going to be less common in a moment." She held her arms out to her sides and her crimson Ukaku Kagune exploded from her back, forming a large wing with a smaller wing on the other side.

Kaneki cracked his finger, giggling like a maniac, "You will do. You'll be delicious, I CAN TELL!"

Kaneki crouched on all fours, then two more Rinkaku tentacles burst from his lower back. These ones were far different though. They took the appearance of giant centipede tails with blades in place of legs. Kaneki's face was shrouded by his hair, but then he looked up to reveal a black angled mask with one shaking red eye in the middle.

Touka was frozen with fear. What the hell was this thing?!

"HAHAHAHAHA! Is-is-is-is it dinner time?! I think it IS!" Kaneki screamed gleefully.

His body tensed, and Touka got ready.

"Tell me... one thousand... minus se-se-SEVEN!" he roared as he shot off like a bullet in Touka's direction. Her eyes widened when she realized he was too fast to dodge. She closed her eyes, and the sound of tearing flesh was heard.

But it wasn't hers.

Her eyes opened and she saw a terrifying sight. Towering over her by at least a meter and with one alabaster blade piercing Kaneki's body, the One-Eyed Owl stood tall.


She looked sharply at the Owl, her face showing shock. She knew that voice!

"Take these ghouls and get out of here." said the Owl. Kaneki screamed again, and Owl was pierced through by one of Kaneki's centipede tails.

Kaneki pulled himself off of the blade and jumped back. He stared at the Owl for a bit, strangely silent. Then he grabbed two of the bodies with his red tentacles, turned around and jumped away, bouncing off of buildings like a pinball.

The Owl stayed put for a moment, before the red and white armor encasing him glowed and evaporated.

After a moment, the red mist cleared to reveal Yoshimura still clad in his manager's garb. A large hole in his clothing showed where Kaneki had stabbed him. There was no wound though.

Yoshimura sighed, "I'm sorry Touka, but we'll have to discuss this later. Come with me, and bring those two with you. They could use some coffee."

So? What did you think? This is my first attempt at a Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction, and I already like it.

This is an idea in which Kaneki is a CCG pet project, though his One-Eye status isn't their doing.

Let me know what you guys think, I'm dying to know!