Author's note: Alright, this my first ninja turtle fic, so wish me luck, but do feel to point out mistakes I made and let me know what I can improve on this. I can take it and be nice about it.

This is in the 2012 universes because I find this more hilarious with 2012 than 2003. Okay, now that's said and done, let's see how this goes! Also I might do more stories like this or do something completely different, but I just I want to get this one out and if you know if this belongs in the Ninja Turtles archive then tell me and i will change it.

It stared like any other day for the fearless leader, Leonardo, as he got up walked and in the kitchen, but as soon as he gotten the ingredients to make cereal and filled bow with the cereal, he noticed a black, oval shaped bug on top of the cereal box. "Whaa!" he cried, as dropped the box.

"Hehehe!" Just then, he noticed his little brother and follower giggling in front of the door.

"Mikey?!" he called in a bit of a bitter tone, but just as he did spotted more of those oval bugs taped to everywhere and everything you could think of.

Soon he gained a perplex look, before Mikey ceased his giggle fit asked "Like my April fools prank, Leo?! Doctor Prankinstine strikes again!" That's right how could he forgot the one time of the year where his brother's prankish side becomes it's most unbearable. Though he could tell this is going to be a long day he did have a question. "Where did you get this many bugs?!"

"Well? I was walking home a couple nights ago when all of the sudden I saw someone dumping a something in a dumpster. Curious, I went too look, where I saw a whole box filled with plastic cockroaches." All the sudden Mikey gotten into a triumph pose, before saying "So I gotten the idea of using them in my April fools prank! BOOOYAKASHA!' There were times where Leo was surprised and shocked at what his little brother was capable of; whether it be being able to conceal two water balloons all through a battle and still able to use it them on him, being right about a huge crocodile monster being a friend, or able to make the most undiserisable combination of food ever and eat every trace of it, this was one of those times.

Just then, a yawn broke the silence. Both look over too that it was there other brother Donnie walking in still half-asleep; that is until he stopped and eyes widen. "What in the world?"

"Mikey did it;" Leo said.

At that moment, Mikey went into another triumph pose, before saying "Doctor Prakenstine strikes again!" Just then, another yawn was heard this time it was their other brother Raph, half-asleep as Donnie walking in, but unlike Donnie when Raph noticed the toy bugs, he shrieked like a little girl, before fainting and making Mikey laughed his shell off, while the other just stared.