I read this amazingly adorable AU on tumblr (check out beesandjam on tumblr) where Sirius and James work at a pizza place and Remus orders and who else is the delivery boy who blares Queen but Sirius Black? I couldn't resist after blushing and giggling for an hour

Read. Rate. Review. Be jolly and enjoy tofu with mixed veg and vegan chocolate cupcakes!

Remus Lupin was not an indulgent man. As a University student living paycheck to paycheck he had no chance to be but he liked to think himself above mindless indulgence. He allowed himself a few luxuries; copious amounts of chocolate, music and sweaters. However his new medication, something his doctor said would get rid of his headaches was making him impossibly hungry lately. He wasn't the type to have a full meal after midnight but it was currently 12 minutes after one in the morning and he was famished.

Lily, sweet girl that she was and an excellent flat mate, wasn't overly fond of cooking and only ever ate out. Bless her for bringing home boxes of food knowing that Remus had probably forgotten to make himself something yet again. Not there was anything to make. Peter, a good friend who had recently moved in with his girlfriend Mary, had always done the shopping. After he left Remus couldn't seem to find time to go to the grocery store. Studying and work took up more time than he thought possible.

So here he was anxiously waiting for the pizza he had ordered. He should have ordered a side of breadsticks. Then again, two pizzas should be enough. He couldn't think. His stomach was growling and he was out of chocolate. He was about to bang his forehead against his desk when he heard the buzzer. He opened the door with a little too much enthusiasm. He suddenly wished he had brushed his hair within the last three days or that he wasn't wearing his oldest jumper, a maroon knit that hung from his shoulders, or that his jeans weren't rolled up to reveal long electric green socks with dinosaurs on them because the delivery boy as less boy and more delicious man.

He can hear Queen blaring from the car outside his flat and he has to fight a smile because he loves Queen. The delivery boy is eyeing him in a way that makes Remus flush a bit because he looks a wreck but Mister Pizza seems to like it. His eyes are the softest shade of grey that Remus has ever seen and his lips have a wry curve to them that looks very well placed and his shiny black locks are in the messiest bun Remus has ever seen and there are pens and pencils sticking out of it. Remus wants to pull them all out and see how long his hair really is.

"Just a moment." Remus says softly while turning to grab his wallet from the hall table. He is pulling a note from his wallet and handing it to the driver, who is clearly humming along with his car, he can't help himself before adding, "So, get on your bikes and ride, huh."

The driver's eyes go wide and he smiles. Remus nearly forgets to breathe. He takes the pizzas and wishes the driver a good night before turning to close the door. He could swear he heard the delivery boy say "Ride 'em cowboy" which made him laugh. He laid on the couch, blaring Queen and eating his pizzas, until he fell asleep with a sappy smile on his face.

It was a week later that hunger struck again and he had pillaged all the leftovers from the fridge and he still hadn't gone to get groceries. He seriously wondered at his own inability to enter a store and buy something other than books or chocolate. He had called for a pizza and was amused by the bickering in the background and the bewilderment in the voice of the man who took his order. He was in the process of changing when the buzzer rang. He had just pulled on sweatpants, he suspected Lily had stolen them again because there was paint all over them, and had yet to change out of his green button down but he had one wool sock on and a bar of chocolate in his mouth.

Remus opened the door while trying to pull his other sock on. He looked up and his bar of chocolate nearly fell from his mouth. The delivery boy had a mischievous sort of grin that made Remus want to wipe it off his face. Today his hair as in a haphazard braid and it fell just beyond his shoulders. Remus found he liked the length. It had a sort of carefree charm. Remus smiled back.

"What? No Queen today?" He asked casually around his bar of chocolate. Only just remembering to take it from his mouth. He sat it on the hall table before reaching into his wallet.

The delivery boy shrugged with a twinkle in his eye, his leather jacket rustling with the movement. Remus shifted and the sound of socks against the grain of the wood seemed to echo. An owl hooted and he realized he was staring. He shook himself slightly and thanked the man for the food. He handed the man his money and their hands brushed. Remus bit his lower lip as he felt a warmth flow through him. The delivery boy smirked and trotted back to his car. Remus shut the door but listened to the heavy thud of his biker boots on the stones.

He sank into a quilted chair and considered ordering a pizza tomorrow night too if it meant seeing the ebony haired adonis again. Although, if he was interested in Remus after the state he had seen him in then he was probably a lunatic. Remus chuckled to himself and opened the pizza box, the smell of melted cheese and a bit of grease permeating. Remus barks out a laugh and flushes.

Inside the box is written in elegant print "20% off your next order if you go out with me"


Sirius was blaring The Ramones as he drove back to work. God, if 'Jumper Boy' wasn't the cutest thing he had ever seen. He pulled behind Jimmy's Pie Shop and cut the engine while thinking about the way that bar of chocolate had hung from his mouth or the way his amber eyes would look in the sun and how the top of his honey head was just a bit too shaggy. He walked in the back door and plopped down on a chair. It was rare to get orders this late on a Tuesday so he had plenty of free time. James came into the kitchen, clearly deciding to no longer watch the phones. He took one look at Sirius and laughed.

"You have the goofiest look on your face."

"I do not. My face is always spectacular." Sirius replied indignantly.

"You have a dopey smile wiping away the usual splendor."

"Don't you have phones to answering?"

"Not at the moment."

And Sirius was blessed in that moment because the phone rang. James glared at him but went to the phone. Sirius beamed and began wiping down the mess from the last few deliveries. James calls him to the front and Sirius sighs because it's probably a customer who is outside their delivery range and James hates telling them no and thinks that it is "very punk rock" to handle the rough customers. So Sirius takes his time rubbing down the counter.

James laughs loudly. "It's some guy looking for Freddie Mercury." James says in amusement.

Sirius nearly trips over himself trying to get to the phone. He drops the rag in his hand and nearly slips on it. He curses loudly and reaches for the greasy phone. He say hello in what he hopes was a casual voice. James asks in what was meant to be hushed tones, "Is that the 'Nice looking bloke who listens to Queen and has a good arse?"

"Shut up, James."

"Well that's how you described him. I've got nothing else to go on." He shrugged before rumpling his already ridiculous hair.

"Sod off!" Sirius hissed out in a whisper.

He hears a deep chuckle from the other line and his pants are suddenly a bit too tight. The voice that comes from the phone is low and sexual and it sounds like its right next to him instead of curling out of a cheap plastic module.

"So, when does the coupon expire, Mr. Delivery Boy?"

Obviously we need a follow up chapter filled with smut, right? Couldn't agree more ;)

I'll get right on that. Review and tell me what you think. I'm always open for requests as well.

Thanks for reading.