WWWWOOOHHHH! First story eva! Seriously people, first story published ever. I'm really excited!

Couple things: This takes place after the Ceremonial Duel, and Yami has his own body! *gasp*

Aaaand that's about it I suppose… you guys just have to readJ

Reviews are really ENCOUAGED AND WELCOMED AND NEEDED AND WANTED! Please! And constructive criticism also! It'll only help me improve, and give you lot a better story!

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN YUGIOH. Sadly.



As I love lemons, I think they give more emotional meaning to a romance story;)

Summary: Months after the infamous duel, Yami still has missing pieces of his memory, Yuugi's having dreams of Ancient Egypt, and a mysterious ancient necklace is found in the Pharaoh's tomb that seems very familiar to the light and dark halves. Just how will the necklace help connect these mysteries? YxYY puzzleshipping! blindshipping! Ancient Egypt

Yuugi gasped, throwing his head back in pleasure as his lover pounded into his tight hole unmercifully. His fingernails scratched down the Pharaoh's back, causing pain and pleasure sparks to send through Atemu's body. Yuugi tightened his hold on Atemu and arched his back; allowing Atemu's cock to delve deeper inside him, hitting his sensitive prostate.

"nngh…UUUnghh… Gods! …A-A-Atemu ppplease…" Yuugi choked on his words as Atemu gave another particularly hard thrust to his sweet spot, sending pleasure that started to tighten into an orgasm. His cock was trapped between them, spreading glorious amounts of precome that decorated their stomachs.

"Scream for me Heba… let me- unngh- hear you.." Atemu felt his buildup of pleasure and began thrusting at an animalistic paste; chasing after his climax as he thrust inside the squeezing walls.

"Harder… nnggh! OOOh right there, oh Gods… oh Gods Atemu-" Yuugi gasped out his lovers name as he felt his walls tighten in anticipation of his nearing orgasm. Atemu's eyes rolled back in pleasure, moaning and thrusting deeper into Yuugi's prostate, shooting bright lights of electrifying pleasure through his body.

Atemu could feel his release approach; he roughly tightened his hold on his lover to keep him in his position, "Unnnh, almost… there my love.. nnngh… so tight!-"

"Ooooh, ooooh, nnnnghh.. oh Gods.. im gonnna come-" Yuugi's eyes scrunched themselves shut and his mouth was open to moan out his pleasure.

"Come for me Heba, I…want to- nngh! Feel you-" Atemu brought his head back up from Yuugi's neck, kissing his skin until he reached Yuugi's mouth. They briefly looked each other in the eyes; Crimson met Amethyst, and at last their mouths connected in a breathless kiss. The kiss was loving, but sloppy, as neither could concentrate for long with their relief so close. Yuugi couldn't take it any longer, and as Atemu's repeated what he said again, Yuugi gratefully followed his orders and let his body uncoil.

"A-A-Atemmmuu- OOOooohh-nnnghgh-Gods!…" He moaned and screamed and thrashed against Atemu as his release came spilling out between their bodies, his walls tightening around Atemu's cock and his lover gave once last growl to signal his completion. His load spilled deep into Yuugi, and Yuugi moaned in pleasure as he felt his lover's come dripping inside his body. Atemu thrusted weakly once more and leaned down to gently kiss Yuugi.

"Heba, my love, you are-"

Yuugi Motou's eyes sprang to life as his beating heart pounded so hard that he swore he could feel it try to break through his pale chest. His amethyst eyes finally focused on the white ceiling of his room, and his body tensed as he realized exactly where he was. Trapped in the arms of his Yami, his darkness, on his small twin bed. The golden rays of the sun were barely peeking out of the skylight above, giving Yuugi the sense that it was just after 7 in the morning. His alarm clock wasn't supposed to ring for another hour, but that was the last thing on his mind. He had another predicament: his raging hard on.

Yami's arms had him trapped in his close embrace, cuddling his little light while they had slept. Yuugi was fine with their sleeping arrangement, in fact he loved it; but lately it had become his biggest problem. For the last couple of months, Yuugi's dreams have been plagued with different scenes of Yami and himself in Ancient Egypt. Weird, but he just reckoned that his brain was just trying to figure out the jumbled mess of everything that they had gone through together. The dreams had started off as innocent: Yami as Pharaoh, and Yuugi as-


He really didn't know exactly what he was in the dreams, but he figured to be a slave of some sort. He dressed weird; always had on different types of outfits, but that's beside the point. Either way, he dreamed of himself being with Yami during his rule of his kingdom. And they really did start off innocently; the dreams pertained of heartfelt conversations where they were laughing and socializing. The dreams showed him their close friendship, and occasional flirting. Yuugi even had a dream of their first meeting; but it was just very strange and discouraging to face Yami as the Pharaoh… he actually scared him a bit. He was just so…God-like. A definite king. It was really intimidating at first, but luckily it was only a dream!

Through the first month it was just that; dreaming of their companionship. Then, the dreams slowly began to get more… mature. He had dreams of them being together…sexually… practically every night now. Yuugi couldn't help but want to see more, he had been wanting Yami in that way for a while.

It was his biggest secret. He was in love with Mou Hitori No Boku. He had fallen in love with the spirit somewhere during Battle City, and finally realized it when Yami almost left him for the afterlife. Almost losing the other half of your soul can really open up the eyes of some people; and that's just what had happened.

After Yami had gained his own body as a gift from the Gods; things were different. Yuugi and Yami no longer had their mind link, and Yami had lost all of his shadow powers. He was a mere mortal now, but the two spiky haired boys were okay with this fact as long as they had each other. Due to the circumstance of the absent mind link though, it seemed that their souls and body craved each other more in order to bandage that missing part. They quickly became physically close: holding hands, cuddling, sleeping together in his bed… basically everything couples did normally.

Except the intimate parts.

Their relationship was such of the elephant in the room; the two boys knew and liked the way they acted as a couple, yet did not breach past the invisible line of being in love. Yuugi did not want to step past that line; for he had the natural fear of rejection from a loved one. Until Yami said something, Yuugi was sure that his feelings for the other would never come out into the open; he just couldn't risk losing his Mou Hitori No Boku. And so, his feelings would remain a secret, where he would settle with his longing glances and loving dreams to keep him from stepping over the line into the unknown.

How am I gonna get out of here and into the bathroom without waking him up?

Yuugi squirmed a little in frustration, which only served to make the situation worse. Yami tighten his embrace, a hand sneaking underneath Yuugi's pajama shirt to lay there upon the heated skin. A quick intake of breathe was the only sign given that Yuugi reacted to it.

Gah. Great. No what am I gonna do?

Biting his bottom lip, Yuugi slowly brought his hand and grabbed Yami's wrist, pulled it away from his stomach, and carefully rolled off the edge of the bed. As his feet his the soft carpet he brought Yami's hand back down where his stomach was before, lifting himself off the bed at the same time. He cheered internally for the win and hastily made the exit towards the bathroom, taking one last heartfelt glance at the Pharaoh's sleeping body.

After a good hour of bathroom management that included blowing off a load on his shower wall, Yuugi was finally dressed and ready for the day. He went down the stairs into the kitchen to get started on breakfast for himself and Yami. He knew as soon as the smell of the pancakes wafted upstairs to Yami's nose, he'd quickly wake to come down to join him. He didn't have to worry about his grandpa; he was once again on another excavation in Egypt and wouldn't be back for another couple of weeks. Of course, that always depended on whether he found anything exciting or not. Thus the house and the game shop were left to the privacy of himself and Yami, which he couldn't help but wonder if that was a bad thing.

With no one around…it's so much easier to break my friendship with Yami and try for something more. I can't help but love him… with the dreams showing me what could be…it just makes me want to be with him even more.

Meanwhile, Yami woke up to the delicious scent of blueberry pancakes coming from the kitchen. He smiled to himself; he knew that Yuugi was cooking his favorite breakfast. He quickly stretched out his muscles and hopped out of bed to the shower, where he could get himself ready for the exciting day ahead.

The gang was supposed to meet up with Ishizu Ishtar today at the Domino Museum. A couple of weeks after the Ceremonial Duel, Ishizu and Malik Ishtar had come across Yami once again, asking for his permission to finally excavate the Nameless Pharaoh's tomb. They assured Yami that only a selected and trusted group of archeologists would join in the project, and whatever that was found needed to have Yami's approval to be showcased. He also had the authority to take whatever they found, if he wanted that item enough. Yami happily agreed to this contract, as he was curious himself of what was put in his tomb after his death. He actually told Ishizu that everything could be showcased, just as long as he could seal the exhibit with his approval before it went public. It was simple enough; and the sister and brother were happy that they could help the Pharaoh once again. Of course, their main objective with the excavation was returning Yami's belongings to him, but also to finally give the "Nameless Pharaoh" the recognition he rightfully deserved: the world to know his heroic sacrifice that saved Egypt from the shadows. It also had another objective, one that Yami was hoping for the most; the rest of his memories. They all thought, including Yami, that all of his memories of the ancient past would be returned to him following the ceremonial duel. And for a while, they were all fooled with that notion. But once they were back to Domino again, Yami began to notice missing pieces in his memory. The missing parts seemed to be halfway during his rule as Pharaoh, when he was around 17 summers old. It was as if 2 years of his life were mostly gone, and he couldn't fathom why. After talking to Yuugi about it, he took his partner's advice and called Ishizu for answers. Depressingly, Ishizu didn't know anything, which was very discouraging for Yami. Her suggestion was though that maybe the exhibit would jog these missing parts of his memory, especially if he recognized something from during that time. He took this information with hope, and was now very optimistic about today's adventure.

Thus, today was the day where he would finally be seeing his ancient belongings at the Nameless Pharaoh's Exhibit here in Domino. They were to meet Ishizu at 9 AM, and it was going on 8 right now. Yami quickly dried off and dressed, then ran down the stairs to thank Yuugi for the breakfast.

"You made my favorite, thank you Aibou," He spotted Yuugi as he was setting the table, and quickly rushed over to run his hand softly across his back in greeting. Yuugi shivered to himself at his touch, internally reveling in the feelings that came from the pleasant welcome.

Yuugi and Yami both pulled out their chairs to sit down and eat. "It's your big day today, Mou Hitori No Boku, I wanted to help make it more special…" Yami smiled at Yuugi, knowing just how thoughtful his other half is. He loved that about him.

"You always make my day special, Aibou." Yuugi blushed, the blood settling in his cheeks as he gave a small and quick smile at Yami, before pulling his head back down to the plate of pancakes.

So, there it is! My first chapter of the story. I hope you got enough out of it, to understand some of the plot. I really had to explain a lot in this to set up the next chapter.. which is already almost done!

ANYWAYS, if you liked it, if you didn't like it, if you loved it, if you hated it, LET ME KNOW! PLEEEEAAAASSSEEE review! First story, first reviews, exciting memories for me and You! I really want my readers to be involved, so let me know what your opinions and ideas are! Thanks XOXOXO