Chapter 1: The Beginning

The swinging music rolling through the small shop had my hips swaying back and forth. My eyes closed slightly as I twirled, spinning the stack of dusty books I held in the air. I dropped them on the cluttered counter and mimicked playing a trumpet along with the tune.

The small books and antique store I worked in to pay the bills was perfect for me. Inconspicuous. Quiet. No trouble. At least I thought. The blaring music almost drowned out the squealing of tires outside of the shop. Almost.

I looked out the front display window to see three Triple Triad thugs exiting a flashy looking Satomobile. I frowned.

"Is that the Triad?" My boss, a shaky and nervous old man, quivered in the doorway to his workshop. I nodded in response. "They usually don't come this far. The police have had it secured... I thought..."

I leaned forward daringly, glancing skyward. No airships. Someone has been paid off. There was a bank across the street from my shop. I could guarantee that was the target.

"Mr. Ling, maybe you should go into your workshop for now." He nodded vigorously in agreement, shuffling backwards. I saw one thug's hand become engulfed in flame, a wicked grin on his face. "And lock the door," I added over my shoulder.

"And what of you?"

"I'll be alright. We aren't the target. I'll finish up out here, and then go out the back door. It's almost closing."

"Well..." His voice was tight. "Alright. Just be careful, Kanni." With that, I heard the distinct click of the lock.

I knew I was just letting a bank robbery occur, but I wouldn't get involved. Why would I? So I could join the eternal list of targets for the Triad? No, thank you.

More flashy Satomobiles rolled into the road, practically shutting it down entirely. Someone on the police force was definitely bribed. A huge truck, most likely for the loot, rumbled down the street, shaking on the uneven cobblestone. I backed away from the window, returning to the stack of books I had earlier.

As long as no one was getting hurt...

A scream tore me out of my pitiful excuses. My head snapped up, spying the woman who was being dragged out of the bank by her hair. Most likely a worker there. She was pushed up against a Satomobile, the thugs grabbing at her hips and waist.

"No! Please! Let me go!"

I let out a sigh through my nose. Of course. Alright, Kanni. Just be careful. Don't lose control. You can do this...

I slammed down the books again, dust rising in billows, and stormed to the front of the shop. As my hand reached for the door handle, I snatched up a small bronze paperweight that rested on the front counter. The damned jingling of the bell ruined any type of surprise attack I had planned, but I kept calm.

"Get back inside, girl. This has nothing to do with you." The growl came from the man that was gripping the struggling woman's waist. Her eyes were pleading for help. I adjusted the hood covering my head so it cinched in more, making sure it wouldn't fall off and reveal my unique hair, as well as shadow my face.

I raised my voice slightly. "My apologies. I don't mean to interrupt but it seems that the lady doesn't want to partake in what you have planned. So how about you let the poor thing go?"

I was met with a gruff chuckle. "Oh? And do you want to partake in what I have planned in her place?"

I put my fist- the one with the paperweight concealed inside- on my hip and let out a breathy laugh. "I want to partake in what I have planned."

"And that is, little girl?"

I felt my lips pull up into a cocky smirk. "Why don't you come find out?"

The thug let go of the girl, placing her in the hold of a bulky man with a crude looking eyepatch over his left eye. As the cocky one waltzed towards me, I pulled back my arm, letting the paperweight fly, nailing the bulky thug's good eye spot on. He wailed, releasing the woman.

"Run!" I screamed as I sprinted towards the man walking towards me. I slid, swiping out his feet. I rolled back upright, dodging sideways away from a blast of fire. I deftly jumped over an earthbender thug as he tried to crush me with a piece of the road. I landed behind him and let out three quick jabs to chi points on his back. He was down in seconds.

I bounced on my toes, ready for the next attack. I felt heat from the fire that was sent at my head, leading me to bound over the nearest Satomobile. I waited patiently, calming my breath. Two thugs rounded the vehicle from opposite sides. I jumped on one, wrapping my legs around his torso and flipping in the air, sending him careening into the other thug. A waterbender lashed out at me with a water whip, wrapping it around my wrist and sending me flying through a shop window.

I cried out as the glass cut into my side. The waterbender sent ice towards me as I rolled behind a desk. The sharp twangs of metal could be heard as the icicles crashed into the radios and phonographs. I snatched one off the floor next to me and chucked it at the waterbender. I followed soon after, hurdling his second attempt with the water whip and kicking him hard in the jaw. Landing gracefully on my feet, I twirled, grabbing the next thug's wrist and twisting him around. A few more jabs and he was down as well.

Breathing heavily, I looked about, taking in the moaning thugs that lay sprawled across the street.


I pivoted, seeing my work place was ablaze. Probably one of the firebender's misplaced shots.

Mr. Ling!

I raced towards the burning building, crashing through the window, my arms shielding my face. I looked around, stepping out of the way as burning pieces of the merchandise crashed to the floor.

"Mr Ling! Stay calm! I'm coming!" I jumped through a wall of flames, slamming into the wall next to his office.

"Mr. Ling!" My hands ripped at the doorknob, but it remained shut. The damned lock! "Mr. Ling you need to unlock the door! Mr. Ling?" I only heard coughing on the other side. And it was growing weaker. I panicked slightly. "Hold on!" I backed up, feeling the scorching heat of the flames behind me and the heaviness of the smoke settling into my lungs. I kicked at the door, feeling it shudder under the force. I lashed out again, this time feeling the hinges give. The door crashed inward, letting flames roar into my face.

I dove through the door, coughing now. "Mr. Ling?!"

"Here..." I heard his meek voice softly from under the desk. Whatever he had been trying to restore was now aflame on the desk. I lunged forward, grabbing the crook of his arm and hauling him upward.

"We need to go! Now!" I practically carried my boss out of the shop, trying to reach the front door. He was collapsing into me, the smoke getting to his elderly from faster than my youthful one. "Just a little...further..." I looked up when I heard a sickening crack. As if in slow motion, I watched the ceiling collapse. I dislodged myself from Mr. Ling's heavy form and shoved him through the open door. I saw him hit the ground outside and heard the calls of the police before I was met with incredible pain and blackness.

Strong arms were carrying me. They were solid. Warm. As my head spun, I felt myself get lowered to the ground and the cool stone beneath me. I preferred the warmth.

"What do we do with her?" The voice floated as if through water. I didn't recognize it.

The next voice, however, was distinct. "She is no threat to us. If she recovers... recruit her. Her skills would be...useful in our endeavors."

The voice was deep. Gravelly. Husky, even. But above all. Cold. Calculating. Confident. I finally willed my eyes to snap open to see the retreating form of one of the most dreaded enemies of Republic City.

I coughed violently, my vision blurring with pain as I rolled to my side to throw up unceremoniously into the street.

I looked up to see that the men had vanished. I struggled to breathe, both due to pain and fear. I hadn't been in Republic City long, but I knew the voice that crackled through the radios. I knew the mask. The one I saw painted on thrown fliers and underbellies of old bridges. I knew the sound of the whispers that spoke his name in dark corners.
