Disclaimer: I don't own the turtles...

Last chapter!...I mean...unless I write something after this. I probably won't. I love all of those who read and all of those who commented so much! I mean it!

Thanks so much for reading, enjoy the last chappy! (^U^)


Raph didn't ease up on the accelerator until they were pulling up in front of the lair. No one wasted any time bringing Donnie out of the Party Wagon. April was waiting at the entrance for them. She gasped, as they passed her, turning and walking beside Leo.

"Is he…"

"He's okay for now, just unconscious."

April nodded and decided to stay silent for the time being.

They finally got to the dojo, when Master Splinter was waiting. As soon as they walked in the door Splinter took Donnie from them and laid him on the floor, sitting down beside him. The others took a seat on the other side.

"What are you going to do?" Leo asked quietly. Splinter sighed.

"Do you remember the Rat King?"

"How could we forget?" Mikey answered, the others nodding in agreement.

"What I'm going to do to Donatello is somewhat similar to what the Rat King did to me. The rat king was able to see into my mind, and I will be able to see into his." Splinter gestured towards Donnie and shook his head.

"I don't like it, for it is rather intrusive, but it may be the only way to purge the spirit."

The boys and April nodded. They quietly watched as Splinter closed his eyes and seemed to glow. He reached out and rested a hand on Donnie's head, then they were both glowing. All was silent.

"Now what?" Mikey asked.

"Now we wait." Leo answered.

Splinter slowly channeled his energy into Donnie. At first, all was dark, then bright bursts of color and sound were exploding before his eyes. He recognized them. Memories…and they were recent.

Splinter recognized the fast passing of trees as Donnie drove in the Shellraizer…a sudden surge of pain making Donnie lose control…the vehicle flipping and crashing against a tree…Donnie being violently thrown out before it burst into flames. Again, everything was dark, but Splinter still felt hints of strong emotion.

Sadness…and fear. Lots and lots of fear.

The pictures were back. Leo, Raph, and Mikey battling against Donnie. Mikey struggling to remove Donnie's fingers from around his neck. Leo spitting up blood as he was punched over and over.

He heard Donnie's screams, and could almost feel the burning ache in his heart as he was forced to do things he had no desire to do. Splinter understood Donnie's extreme measures to try and put an end to it all. Only a fraction of the pain made him want to retreat back into the comfortable warmth of his own mind. But he didn't stop. He pushed through the colorful chaos until finally it was dark again,

Then he spotted it.

The wispy figure of a boy, looking no older than Donatello himself. He wore a dark blue tunic and a black apron over it, the same color of his pitch black hair. The brightest spots on the boy were the light smudges of dried clay all over his clothes, hands, and face, his pale skin, and the glowing red of his eyes.

The boy turned as Splinter approached him. A smirk appeared on his face.

"You're the turtle's father aren't you? This is a very strange family."

The child's voice was surprisingly deep. Even with the pleasant way he was speaking there was a menacing undertone. He floated over and grabbed Splinter's hand in a firm handshake.

"It's nice to meet you."

Splinter nodded and slipped his hand free from the boy's.

"I suppose you already know why I have come here."

The boy's grin widened.

"No idea."

"I must request you leave my son's body immediately. He can no longer withstand your presence."

The boy got suddenly serious.

"I'm not leaving. I've got a bone to pick with your son, and I'm not leaving this body until he had paid the price for messing with me."

"Might I ask what he has done to cause you to be so angry?"

The boy glared at Splinter, but finally shrugged and snapped his fingers. A floating circle appeared next to him. Inside was a picture of what was clearly him when he was younger and his parents.

"This is my mother and father. My mother was a florist. She loved gardening. We had a huge garden where all of her flowers and fresh fruit grew. My father was a potter. He made the vases that she put her flowers in. He was known to be the best potter of all the lands. People came from all around and paid big money to get their hands on one of his works."

"It sounds like you admired your father a lot."

The boy nodded.

"I did. I looked up to him. I decided I'd become as great of a potter as he was."

The picture merged into another, his father helping sculpt what would be a pot.

"My father helped me pursue that dream, and soon I made my own reputation in the world of pottery as well. Then things got bad."

The picture changed again. A thick man in brightly colored robes, but there was something off about him.

"The richest man in the area requested a pot from my father. No one really liked him. He was known to be a horrible spoiled man, but my father accepted his request with open arms as he would any other. Around the same time my mother fell ill. My father was constantly at her side and he couldn't complete the pot by the deadline. When the man came back looking for his pot and found nothing, he got upset. He took my parents away and told me that he'd give me a chance to make him his pot. If I could do it by the deadline he'd give my parents back. If I couldn't he said he'd make sure it was the last pot we ever made."

The picture changed. It was the boy again, but the same age as he appeared in his wispy form. He was working hard to sculpt the rich man's pot."

I worked day and night to complete his pot. My skills were great, but still not on the same level as my father, so I had to work twice as hard. I finished it though, and I thought it looked wonderful. But when the man came again…he didn't like it. He said it wasn't up to his standards.

I had only just finished his pot when he came, so the kiln was still hot…

He threw me and both of my parents inside and lit up the fire.

A pot that I had been working on before he came along and jacked up our lives was still in that kiln. I had meant for it to be a surprise gift for my parents. I guess I always cherished it in death because…even as we burned alive, my parents accepted my gift. The last thing they did was thank me for it. I spent years protecting it. When the archeologists found it and put it in that museum, I was there. I put my heart and soul into that pot. It was the symbol of my family.

That's the pot your son broke."

The picture disappeared and there was an explosion of color again. The distinct sound of the pot shattering echoed through the color.

"Good going Donnie."

"And you were telling me to be careful."

"Let's go, before we break something else."

There had been a sad, nostalgic look on the boy's face when he told his story. That was gone now. There was nothing but anger, as if the replay of the incident in which the pot broke had rekindled his flame.

"Your son broke the only thing that was left of my family. It symbolized us. It had been covered in our ashes. That pot was EVERYTHING to me!"

The area seemed to get hotter and hotter. A red glow surrounded the boy.

"He took away everything, and I will take everything from him!"

"...Your anger is misdirected."

The darkness lit up in a hot flame like glow. The boy got in Splinter's face.

"Well he broke the pot didn't he!?"

"Yes, by accident, but that is not even what you are upset about is it?"

"Of course it is! He broke my family's pot! He took it away from me! He took everything away from me!"

"My son is not the man who caused you and your family's death!" Splinter shouted back.

The flames disappeared.

The boy seemed shocked for a second, the angry look gone from his face. He shook his head and took on an agitated pout.

"I never said he was."

"Never those exact words, but I think you losing your pot reminded you of the feeling of losing your family, since you said the pot symbolized your family."

The boy looked confused. He shook his head again, appearing to be thinking.

"No, no, it's because…my pot…it's all his fault…"


"The…your…your son! Donatello's!"

"Is it? Why do your cherish that pot again?"

"Because it symbolizes my family, which was taken away from me by…"

"Not my son. Child, you are taking out your anger on the wrong one."

The boy laughed. He looked up at Splinter. He almost looked lost. Splinter pitied the child. He could relate to feeling like everything he cared about had been taken away, that feeling of hurt, anger, sadness, but he had learned to move on. Not to forget, but not to dwell on the past. And by doing that he had found something else to call his everything. He had a new family now. He pitied the child because clearly, moving on was not something he had figured out how to do, and it had driven him to causing pointless harm. And now that he was realizing his flaw, he was lost.

"No, I have to be angry at him. It makes sense, otherwise, why would I have tried to kill his girlfriend?"

Splinter placed at hand on the child's translucent shoulder.

"Child, I understand why you may feel upset. That pot meant a lot to you. But trust me when I tell you that my son had no ill will towards you or your family. Therefore, trying to destroy him and his…"

"I'm just as bad as the man who…"

Splinter nodded.

"I wouldn't wish my fate on anyone." The boy whispered.

The silence they had been left in was interrupted by what started as a soft whimper, seeming to be coming from a distance. Donnie's image formed at little ways away. The image was weak and flickering, but he was there. He was crouched down, his head between his knees. Quiet sobs echoed through the dark.

Splinter dashed to the image of his son, dropping to his knees in front of him.


Donnie looked up. Splinter's heart broke a little at the sight of his child. He was so broken and helpless. He was lost. He was scared.

"S-Sensei…" he choked out.

Splinter wrapped his arms around Donnie, his body trembling in his arms.

Splinter noticed the boy walk up in to them and drop to his knees as well.


Donnie glanced towards him. He flinched and pressed into Splinter, trembling even more.

The boy flung his arms around Donnie, tears springing from his eyes.


The boy cried, clinging on to Donnie for dear life. It was heart wrenching, the sound of that child's crying, filled with more sadness and regret that Splinter thought any child that age should know, at least, any child the age he had died.

Donnie turned his head again, this time without recoiling in fear.

"I…I'm sorry I broke your pot." He whispered.


Donnie hugged him back, both of them burying their face into each other's shoulders, finding comfort in the ones they probably thought least likely.

"Forgive me…please forgive me…" The boy sobbed.

"I forgive you…forgive me?" Donnie answered. The boy looked at him and smiled, tears still running down his cheeks.

"I forgive you."

Donnie smiled back. The boy suddenly began to glow. He began to laugh. Not the sinister laugh Donnie was used to hearing from him. It was a real laugh. He was truly happy.

"Thank you…for forgiving me."

Donnie nodded.

"And thank you, Splinter. For making me realize."

Splinter nodded as well.

"You are welcome child."

The boy's image began to fade away.

"I'm going to leave. Tell your girlfriend and your brothers I'm sorry."

Donnie blushed.


The boy faded more and more, and right when he was almost gone, there was a bright flash of light.

When Splinter opened his eyes again he was back in the dojo. He looked at his other three sons and April who had been waiting patiently. Their looked at Splinter and their faces lit up.

"Sensei…" Leo started. "Did you…?"

Leo silenced when Donnie stirred in front of them.

He slowly opened his eyes.

His own reddish-brown eyes.


Donnie turned towards Leo's voice. A small smile slowly spread across his face.

He sat up and hugged his brothers.

"You guys are the best brothers anyone could ever ask for."

Leo smiled and hugged him back.

"Aww, thanks man." Mikey giggled.

"We're glad your back Donnie." Leo answered.

"Thanks for not giving up on me."

"That's what brothers are for."

They broke the hug and smiled at one another, just happy that everyone was alive.

Donnie noticed April and gasped.


"I'm glad you're okay Donnie." She said, grinning. Donnie crawled towards her.

"April…Are you okay? No, course not. You should be taking it easy so you can heal."

"Hey, I had to be here for you. Don't think I was just going to leave you alone after what happened."

Donnie blushed again. April hugged him.

"I'm glad you're back."

Donnie nodded.

Finally April let Donnie go and he turned to Splinter.

"Sensei, thank you."

"You are welcome, Donatello."

A warm silence settled over the group before Mikey stood and stretched.

"Wow, this moment would be finished off perfectly with some pizza! Want some Donnie?"

"I'd love some." Donnie answered.

With that, the teens started out of the Dojo, laughing and just appreciating each other's company.

Donnie was the last one out, but right before he got out the door he spun on his heel and ran back to Splinter.


Donnie threw his arms around Splinter.

"Don't think you weren't getting one."

Splinter jolted, but smiled and hugged him back.

"I'm glad we're family…father."

"I am grateful as well…my son."

Donnie smiled and gave one final squeeze before running off to enjoy pizza with his family.

That night Splinter had a dream. The child rejoined with his mother and father, and a frown never passed his face again. He had been lost, but he found his way home. Where he felt safe, where he was happiest, where he was together with what he cherished.

Where he was together with his family.