What's up readers!? This is my first PPG story and it's been awhile since I watched an episode of PPG. So go easy onme if any of the characters are a little ooc or something. Anyways this is a one-shot depending on if I feel like writing more so just enjoy! Also here are two links for how the PPG and RRB appear in this story.



Disclaimer : I own nothing except the plot of this story. The RowdyRuff Boys were drawn by Yuki119 and the PowerPuff Girls were drawn by Isaiah Stephens. They both can be found on DeviantArt.

CRASH! A fist slammed into Brick's jaw and he stumbled backwards. He fell against a van and leaned against it. He lightly moaned as his tooth fumbled around his mouth before spitting it out and onto the cracked ground. He touched his mouth and he could already feel another fang growing into where his k-9 tooth was knocked out.

'Thank you, super healing.' He sighed as he looked up at his brothers who were slowing advancing upon him. Butch cracked his knuckles and chuckled menacingly.

"Hehehahaha! Man, I forgot how good that felt." Butch flashed a toothy grin.

It had been 12 years since they were created but biologically, they were 17 and battle hardened like warriors. Bricks hat had fallen off his head and now some of his hair covered his face. He stood up and put his hand out in an attempt to stop them.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? Stand down!" Brick took a step forward and to show no fear.

"We don't take orders from you anymore bro." Boomer grinned.

"Especially not after you saved that bitch!" Butch exclaimed.

Brick looked to his left and on the ground beside him was an unconscious Blossom whose battle suit was ripped. She laid there with dried blood running down her temple. He used his x-ray vision to see that three of her ribs were bruised but of course they were already mending. He faced his brothers again.

"We don't need to harm them anymore. Our father created us to destroy them but those aren't his wishes anymore." Brick explained.

"They attacked us first. So whatever happens to them is on THEM!" Butch cracked his neck and stretched his arms, preparing for another fight.

"They were manipulated by HIM, just like we were before! Let's stop this before it escalates further." Brick pleaded.

"I guess you forgot they KILLED us before and HIM saved our lives. I know HIM still wants them dead and we owe him." Boomer stated.

"HE didn't save us, HE corrupted us! We don't owe HIM jack for bringing us back to this god forsaken planet. But since we're here we can still have fun, without...this." He pointed to Blossom.

"That's funny, I thought we were born EVIL HAHA!" Boomer exclaimed with venom dripping from every word. As he spoke a bat summoned from electricity formed in his hands.

They had been created from snips, snails, and puppy dog tails. Of course we can't forget about the unstable chemical X found in prison. They were made to be stronger and more than capable of beating the powerpuff girls except they were only about a fraction of as smart as them. Of course that's how they usually lost to them in the past but over the years they had developed quick and now rivaled the PPGs mentally as well. Okay Boomer was still a little dim sometimes but he got by. They had even began to attend high school with bad intentions of course. Well at first, until Brick decided beating the PPGs just wasn't his drive anymore after breaking the grip of HIM for himself and his brothers.

"Don't you get it? We can go back to the way it was if you guys just don't want to go to school. We're free to choose our own destiny now."

When they first exploded from the PPGs kisses, they were brought back by HIM. Except they had come back a little tweaked and a lot more sinister. They never knew what it was but they wanted more destruction and they felt more hateful towards everything. During a recent battle with HIM and the powerpuffs, HIM was dazed just long enough for Brick to struggle but eventually snuff out HIM's essence from his mind (A/N: now he doesn't have to get HIM anything for Christmas lol). Since that battle Brick The Bludgeoner had convinced his brothers to stop trying to ruin the girls' school life and actually focus on trying to be somebody or to do something that interests them. After awhile of attending school without a negative motive, things began to turn around. Boomer was in band and Butch wasn't as angry as he used to be.

"You're standing next to our destiny." Butch declared as his hands began to glow.

"Do what you want, but leave them alone...before I get angry."

His red eyes began to glow a burning red and his hair waved majestically from the sheer force of his own power. Honestly he wasn't sure he could take both of his brothers at the same time but he knew he had to do whatever it took to protect Blossom. After all it was the least he could do after she freed him. Butch shot the green energy from his hands, out towards Brick. Brick dodged it and poked his fingers through the vans sliding door. He noticed Boomer advancing quickly with his electric bat. Brick gripped the van by the holes he ripped into it and slammed the van into Boomers side, sending him flying into a billboard. Butch flew at supersonic speeds and tackled Brick through a building. He landed a few shots to Bricks face before his hand was caught. Brick had seized both his hands and his eyes began glowing again before laser beams discharged from them. Butch was hit and immediately sent back through the hole they crashed into. Brick flew after him but as soon as he was outside Boomer slammed his bat into the side of Brick's head, causing him to go down. Butch watched from afar while holding his chest in pain.

"Take care of him, I'll go finish off the power bitch." He turned and flew away.

"NO!" Brick yelled and flew after him but Boomer was on his tail. They got back to where Blossom lay and Butch landed next to her. His hand began to glow as he prepared his next attack. Brick landed with a thud and cracked the ground beneath him. Boomer formed a fireball and hit it like an MLB pro towards Brick. He foresaw this attack and dodged it just in time for it to surprise Butch. It knocked him out and Brick grabbed Blossom mid sprint and flew away, leaving Boomer to check on his unconscious brother.

Brick landed in an empty construction site, nobody was working considering how late it was into the night. He wondered if the PPGs' often stayed out this late and if it worried their father. He leaned her against a brick wall and she stirred a bit before opening her eyelids.

"What...what happened?" She noticed Brick leaning over her. His hat was missing, long hair disheveled, long sleeve shirt ripped, and he was breathing heavy.

"Relax." He simply replied.

"Brick!" She grabbed him pushed him against the wall. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Saving your life brat." He growled.

"Yea righ- MMMMMMMPH!" Brick cut her off with a hand pressed to her mouth.

"Look my brothers have been acting strange ever since they visited HIM's grave."

"They did what? That area is off limits to everyone. Do you even know how much pain and strife he's caused to this world?"

"I know, I'm sorry."

"I thought you had changed!"

"I did! ...but somehow he's held some kind of influence over my brothers even after you got rid of him. I just assumed that he played possum...and as we speak he hides to regain his strength."

"You think he survived? Now that's just crazy, do you realize what we did to him? We-" CRASH!

A hand burst through the wall behind Brick and an arm wrapped around his neck. Blossom fell back in shock and Butch grabbed her hair and slammed her against a metal beam. She would have been able to fight back better but she was still dazed from the surprise attack.

"Maybe once we get rid of you and your sisters we can finally have some fun in peace." Butch gripped her throat with one hand and rammed his fist into her stomach. He then lifted her off the ground and a green energy charged around his body like armor. He raised his hand in an offensive manner. Brick knew he was about to strike.

"RRRRRAAAAAAGHHH!" His eyes glowed red and electricity charged through them.

'I'm supposed to be strong, fast...invulnerable. Some would actually compare me to that comic guy Superman. Well, I don't feel very invincible at the moment. This has been the most painful experience in my life. I've never hurt so much...I've never been so...vulnerable.'

This one really stuck with me so I just had to put it out. I knew I wanted a tragic story but I wasn't sure if I wanted to OFF someone or not. Honestly the ending is open for predictions haha. If you decide in your mind that everyone just stopped fighting after and became best buds forever then you go right ahead. But seriously, thanks for reading and I may or may not continue this. ENJOY YOURSELVES AND TRY TO HAVE FUN AND FEEL GOOD! UNTIL NEXT TIME, SEE YA!