Holy shit I'm back! Didn't think I would return did ya? Well I'm alive and still kicking and thanks to some new inspiration, partially on the return of Waddle to the league forums, I have a renewed writing spirit. Enjoy the story and feel free to leave a review, fav, or anything of that nature.

Now to come up with a bad closing remark: To infinity and bey...shit. Um...um...Hurrah! Nailed it!

- Ninja -

Chapter 1: The Mystery Man

A suave young man, sporting a Tom Cruise style short haircut (the front styled upwards and to the side with the rest slightly ruffled) approached the institute of war. Clothed in a simple white T shirt/brown aviator jacket combo and jeans, the man stopped to admire the building before him. He was clearly toned, lean and muscular, evident even through his clothing. He took in the fancy architecture and roman styled columns through his pair of black shades before continuing forward.

As he climbed the steps of the Institute, he noticed two summoners standing guard at the entrance. He noticed from their diamond trimmed robes that these were no ordinary mages. Their hoods covered their features as they stood motionless, arms crossed as if almost asking for someone to test their abilities.

They hadn't tried to stop him so far, so he must have been cleared or something. He tried to step by the guards, but an extended arm blocked his path. The summoner on the left still hadn't moved, but from the swift motion of his actions, this summoner was experienced.

"No entry unless a valid summoner ID is shown," stated the summoner in a serious voice, not once looking towards the handsome man.

"Um…I'd rather not…haha," joked the man, his right hand scratching the back of his next as he chuckled.

"Then you are not permitted to enter," stated the other summoner, "and if you don't go quietly…"

His partner continued, cracking his knuckles, his hands glowing orange, "Then we have the right to use force if necessary."

The two turned their heads towards the mystery man. "Which will it be?"

The handsome young man couldn't make out their features, but he could swear he saw them grinning under their hoods.

Sighing, the man put his hands up in defense. "Fine. Fine. You win. Name's Zen…"

The summoners pulled their hoods off in disbelief, revealing the surprised features of two young summoners.

"Zen!" they cried happily in union, rushing the mysterious young man. Now it was Zen's turn to be surprised, the two strong summoners embracing him tightly. "We missed you so much!"

Reluctantly the two guards released Zen and stepped back to admire their longtime friend.

Zen chuckled, his eyes closed, grinning a wide smile, his right arm scratching his neck. "It's nice to you see you guys two, but why do you have to be so serious!" he said chuckling.

Zen, finished laughing, opened his eyes, a bright gleam apparent. He walked up to one of the summoners, embracing him tightly, a serious expression plastered on his visage. "I missed you Dex." Zen released him and embraced the other man: "I missed you too Dax," he said softly. The hugs were tight, expressing the longing of the three friends.

"How have my favorite twins been," he said after backing away from the two summoners, a smirk replacing seriousness. "I hope you two haven't gotten into too much trouble without me."

The twins laughed, but Dex was the first to respond. "Yeah man it's been good. Without your lazy ass holding us back we managed to get to diamond 1." The trio chuckled.

"I saw by the borders on your robes," commented Zen. "By the way, how has the team been?" Zen asked.

Dex's smirk transformed into a look of embarrassment. "Eh….Dax?"

Dax wore the same expression as his brother. "Eh, it kinda fell apart after you left…I think we are currently like bronze 1 or something? Without your leadership we just argued all the time and all went our separate ways…well except for my brother and I."

The twins appeared heartbroken, but Zen smiled. "Hey guys cheer up," he said placing a hand on their shoulders. "Why do you think I'm back?" The brothers looked up to see a confident smirk plastered on Zen's face.

Removing his hands, Zen passed through the brothers and ascended the steps. Dax and Dex looked at each other, grinned, and shouted after Zen, "Hey! Wait up!"

Zen just placed his hands in his pockets and continued walking through the entrance to the Institute.

"Wow," he said while astounded by the high arches and magnificent architecture of the building. "Man this place got an upgrade since I was last here."

"Hell yeah it did!" commented Dax as the duo caught up to him. "To you it's going to be like a whole new place."

"Ah. Speaking of new, I need to meet with…" Zen pulled out a piece of paper and scanned it, "the High Council member in charge of summoner relations. Who would that be?"

Dex responded, "Um, that's Miss Vessaria Kolminye."

Zen dropped his piece of paper, stunned. "You have got to be kidding me? Man she sure climbed the ranks since I was last here…" Shaking his head, Zen cleared his thoughts. "Anyways, could you tell me how I can get to her office?"

Dex thought a minute before he responded. "Go down the hall in front of you, until you hit the giant staircase. Climb up to the top floor and follow the path to the last office on the right. Her name is on the door."

"Thanks bro," replied Zen, casually walking away.

"Meet us when you're done!" called out Dex as Zen walked away. A wave of the hand was his confirmation.

Zen followed Dex's instructions and arrived at an opaque glass door, the name "Vessaria Kolminye" engraved into the glass.

Pushing open the door, Zen entered her office. Her room was colored a light gold with plaques on the wall around her desk. Meanwhile, a beautiful young woman sat in a white chair at a glass desk. Her brunette locks fell in waves past her neck and around her flawless feminine features, framing her face as she read a letter. Zen noticed her brown eyes scan the paper quickly before rising to admire her guest. She smirked, dropped the letter she was reading and stood, her chair sliding back as she walked around to the front of her desk. Zen's eyebrows perked up as she sat on her desk. He had met her before when they were both younger, but he left before her promotion to the high council. He had since heard about her and seen the pictures, but never really realized beautiful she had become. Her breasts were large, clearly protruding from her chest, her waist slim, her hips wide, and her legs long. From what he could see, she had a perfect hourglass figure.

"Eyes up here handsome," she said, breaking Zen from his trance.

He regained his composure and responded, "I was just thinking that the pictures don't do you justice, Miss Kolminye."

"You flattery is appreciated, but you must have come up here for a reason other than to admire my body….Zen," said Kolminye while smirking, letting his name roll off her tongue seductively. "Or, am I wrong?"

Zen paused and appeared to be in deep thought. "Well, what if I came here to admire your beauty?" he questioned.

Kolminye stood up and undid the button that held the outer layer of her robes on, releasing the garment from her shoulders. She folded the garment and hung it on a rack in the corner of her office. Zen, in all honesty, was shocked by Kolminye's actions. With her fancy white over-cloak off, she was only clothed in the regular summoner's robes, except hers were more…feminine. They clung to her figure and accentuated her curves, especially her breasts, something he couldn't keep his off of.

Kolminye finally responded. "Well, I guess that wouldn't be a problem," she paused, sauntering up to Zen, "Would it…Zen," she said whispering his name quietly into his ear. She placed a hand on his chest lovingly, before withdrawing it just as quickly, returning to her chair. "Unfortunately, I know that isn't the reason you are here."

Zen was surprised that Kolminye was being so forward, and wanted her to continue, but he knew that things would only spiral out of control if something happened between them. Clearing his throat, Zen responded, "Uh, yeah, I'm actually here to become a summoner again."

"Oh? So the legend returns?" said Kolminye jokingly. Reaching into her desk, she pulled out a thick file. "I heard about your reputation while I was just a lower summoner. The captain who lead his 5v5 team to victory in the first World Championship; Number 1 overall ranked throughout his time as a summoner; Highest KDA; most Pentakills; and apparently…a ladies man." Kolminye winked at the last statement.

Zen's face remained stoic, causing Kolminye to frown. "I'm only joking Zen, lighten up a little," she said, rolling her eyes.

Zen sighed and moved to sit in a chair across from her desk. "No it wasn't your joke, it was what you said about me."

"What? All the accomplishments?" asked a confused Kolminye.

"Yes! See, you knew of me from my achievements, not my actual personality. Well, that was before…you know…" stumbled Zen.

"Oh I know," winked Kolminye. "But back to what you said, why does it annoy you?"

"Because I want people to get to know me for me, not because I'm famous!" explained an animated Zen.

"Well, the way I see it, you have two options. One, I can give you your old summoners identity back and you could have your ranks and status back and learn to deal with the fame."

"What's the other option?" interrupted Zen quickly, obvious anxious about the other possibility.

"Or…I could reset your sphere and you could start from scratch and work your way back up," finished Vessaria.

"I'll take that option," responded Zen immediately.

"You really want me to reset your summoning sphere?" asked Vessaria confused.

"Yes. Plus…it will give me a challenge. I've got nothing else to do so...might as well," responded Zen.

"Yeah, a 'challenge'" air quoted Kolminye.

Zen chuckled. "You know me too well. So when should I come pick up my summoning sphere?"

"Tonight would be fine, but I have one condition."

Zen sighed mentally. "What is it?"

Kolminye left her seat and sauntered over to Zen. "I want you to have dinner with me," she said, walking around him like a lioness stalking her prey.


"Wait really? That easy?" Kolminye appeared surprise, drawing a chortle from Zen.

"Of course! It will be just like old times," winked Zen. "I'll come get you at 7. Till, then!" Zen shoved his hands in his pockets and slid his shades down over his eyes and exited the room, waving to a blushing Kolminye.

Zen looked at his watch and saw that he still had some time before he had to meet up with his friends. "I guess I could go get a quick drink…"

Meandering through the halls, Zen managed to find the small pub that Gragas ran. "Hmm. I'm surprised I actually managed to find it again," thought Zen.

Entering the dimly lit room, Zen spotted only one other man at the bar. "Man he must be having a bad day if he's drinking this early."

Walking over, Zen took a seat, alerting Gragas. "Well, long time no see Zen!" exclaimed a jubilant Gragas, a wide smile adorning his jolly features. They clasped hands hard, a quasi-handshake/high five (you know what I mean) and said their respective hellos.

"It's been a long time lad!"

"It sure has Gragas. You still remember the usual?" asked a smirking Zen.

"Of course, how could I forget?! One scotch on the rocks coming up!" Elegantly mixing the beverage, Gragas slid the liquor swiftly down the countertop, landing perfectly in Zen's outstretched hand. A few bills were placed on the table by Zen who saluted his thanks.

A quick sip brought a tingle to his mouth and sent a shock of electricity down his spine. It was quite refreshing. Glancing out of the corner of his mouth, he noticed the man seemed really down.

"What's the matter?" asked Zen, taking a sip of his drink.

The man was silent, still deep in thought. Zen cleared his throat and continued, "What's up man?"

The man finally seemed to notice someone had finally joined him, "Wha? Eh, oh sorry…hey…" responded the man sluggishly.

"Name's Zen…what seems to be on your mind?" he asked respectfully, extending his right arm for a handshake.

The man eyed the hand, hesitantly reaching out and shaking it. "Leo" was all the man responded with, retracting his hand slowly. Sighing, the man rubbed his face, "…Just dealing with some personal problems…"

"Care to talk? I might be able to lend a hand."

"Well, it's just that I keep getting bullied by my teammates because I am a bronze 5 summoner."

"Hey that's not bad! I'm bronze 5 myself actually!"

"What do you mean 'that's not bad'! It's horrible! Everyone I play with makes fun of me for it!" exclaimed Leo.

"Well, let me help break it down for you. Maybe there is something I can help you improve in. What position do you play?"


"Ah, well can't help you there…I play mid myself. Umm, do you ever yell in game?" questioned Zen.


"Ok well that's good. That saves a lot of time." Zen pondered for a few moments before continuing.

"You ever negative?"

"Yeah, well not all the time," admitted Leo.

"There's your issue!" brightened Zen. "First, try being optimistic! Try this in your next game. If someone dies to first blood, immediately comment, 'It's ok man! You'll get'em next time' or 'Unlucky! If you hold on a bit, I'll be down there to help you gank!'". Zen took a sip of his scotch. "Your use of positive reinforcement will raise the morale of your team and make you appear more willing to win. On the other hand, if one of your teammates gets first blood, complement the fuck outta him! Say things like, 'Yo good shit!' and 'Keep it up bro! You're a fucking god!'. These comments will really strengthen your game play."

Glancing at his watch, Zen downed the rest of his drink. "Well, I gotta go man. Nice talking to you. Remember, the name's Zen. If you ever need me, ask around and I'll be happy to talk. Good to see ya again Gragas!" yelled out Zen.

The bartender waved and watched a Zen strode off into the institute, leaving a confused Leo sitting alone again. "What an interesting man," thought Leo, continuing to sip from his beer.

It's only the beginning friends! Join me next time for Chapter 2: The Man Behind the Mask!


- Ninja -