
Three days consecutively he watched the manor. A man, dressed in long black robes, intently watched the going ons of Malfoy Manor knowing what we was to do. Today would be the day Lucius Malfoy would feel a fraction of the pain and suffering of what he'd done unto others. He didn't know if a man such as Malfoy could even feel something as human as grief, if anything at the very least it would hurt his pride. Lucius Malfoy would lose his son. The man wouldn't harm the child, unlike what Malfoy had done to his daughters, but he would feel the lose of his only son, his only heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy.

If Lucius Malfoy had been sent to Azkaban, it wouldn't have been necessary, but the incompetent Ministry had fallen once again to Malfoy's money and words. Retribution had to be gotten. He wouldn't rest until he had it. The damned Wizengamot; how many of followers He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had gotten off scot free just by claiming to be under the Imperius curse he'd never know, or understand. He wasn't able to cast the curse himself, but he wasn't as much a fool to believe even the most dark and powerful of wizards could control up to fifteen minds at a time. There'd been at least that many present during the attack on his village.

Malfoy had been amongst the cruelest of all the death eaters. It had been sheer luck that Malfoy had been identifiable; just a lock of his pale blond hair coming loose underneath his Death Eater mask. Malfoy hadn't seem troubled by it, convinced in his arrogance that all who might notice were either allies or would be dead by morning, but the man had survived. It certainly hadn't been Xenophilius Lovegood under that mask.

Plots to kill and maim Malfoy had been his daydreams ever since, but the threat of Azkaban kept him from indulging in that wish. He needed to find a way to stick it to Malfoy, even if the man's death was out of the cards. After some research, he found out Narcissa Malfoy né Black was incapable of conceiving another child after the birth of little Draco Malfoy. Lucius was bound to Narcissa never to marry again. It would cause an uproar if a noble pureblood even attempted something such as taking another wife since the two had been betrothed since Hogwarts. He could never wed a different woman simply to produce heirs, so a new plan for vengeance arose.

It seemed so simple, almost frightfully so, to execute his plan. Narcissa had a habit of leaving the young child under the supervision of a house elf for an hour or two in the afternoon. The child would wander the grounds, guided by his curiosity only as a toddler could be, with the haggard elf trailing after the boy. The boy seemed to already show signs of his family's raising. He rarely uttered a word to the house elf other than an occasional order, but it could be corrected.

Old Family wards were usually difficult to get through, but he had always had a knack for getting portkeys to do as he wished. He placed the shiny stone on the lawn, and like any curious little boy he instantly made his way to it once Draco's eyes saw the shiny object. When the elf realized what the stone was, he cried out and tried to stop Draco, but it didn't deter the boy in the slightest and he grabbed the stone. He landed with a thump beside the man in black.

The man smiled at Draco as he looked down at him. Draco looked at the stone with a confused frown then looked up at the man. He didn't utter a sound or change his expression as the man picked up the toddler.

"Let's go home, little one."

They disapparated with no one, but the house elf any wiser of the boy's disappearance. By the time the elf notified anyone, no one would have any way to find the former Draco Malfoy.