Disclaimer: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all related characters belong to Nickelodeon.

Summary: The Madness of the Symbol has struck again, affecting one turtle in such a way that he is trapped and cut off from everyone and everything he loves. How do you cope when no one even knows you are lost? NOT a death fic! Thoughts, comments and concrit welcomed.

A/N: This is inspired by both the Madness challenge for TMNTMadness and the September Writer-Nexus challenge, 'The World Through Your Eyes' on Deviant Art.

This is NOT a deathfic, despite how things may seem at first glance.

About the Madness (excerpt taken from the TMNTMadness journal):

It's happening, a madness like no other... consuming, twisting our lovable turtles! Dragging them into the pits of darkness, changing their roles, giving them new meanings, not in a good way! The cause is truly unknown, other than this... this symbol!
What is it?
Where did it come from?
Why is it corrupting the turtles in every universe?



He lay there slowly fading in an ever expanding pool of his own blood, surrounded by the already cold bodies of his brothers and father. It was all his fault... Even if Shredder hadn't reminded him of that, he'd known it to be true. Yet despite being filled with hatred and self recrimination, he didn't want to die.

He would do anything to stay alive if it meant he could take his revenge.

"You wish to continue living," a spectral voice whispered and no matter how hard he tried, he could see nothing through his rapidly diminishing vision.

"Y...es," he choked out, sure that he was hallucinating in his final moments. "I ne... need to make Shred... der pay for what he's d... done."

"I can make it so you continue on, even when all others die around you, give you the chance to exact your revenge. Such things come with a steep price though, young turtle. Are you prepared for such a price?"

His face and demeanour hardened, making him unrecognisable to anyone that knew him. "Anything... Would do any... thing..."

"Then so be it," the voice murmured almost soothingly.

The last thing he saw was the blinding brightness of something dark and gleaming rapidly descending toward him.
