Natsumi felt a hand on her shoulder vigorously shaking her. She tried to ignore it but it wouldn't stop. "Natsumi wake up!" she groaned "Wake up or else Erza will punish you for being late." That got to her. She bolted up to see her friend Lucy and saw she was ready already. When she glanced at the clock it said 7:45.

"Shit! I only have fifteen minutes!" she yelped. Quick as she could, she darted to the bathroom. Brushing her hair and teeth at the same time, she got toothpaste in her hair. Great she thought. She went into the shower and washed her hair as fast as she could. When she got out she dried her body and put on a graphic tee with some baggy pants. 7:55. She had enough time to go from her dorm to her School, Magnolia High. Zooming, she closed the door and went to her first period class, chemistry. She slumped into her seat and saw that the girls were talking in a hushed tone and noticed that droopy eyes was there. As luck would have it, Natsumi was assigned a seat next to the person she hated the most, Gray Fullbuster. He happened to see Natsumi looking at him and Loke.

"What do you want now flamebrains?" he yelled furiously.

"Did I say something ice head?!" she yelled back. They head butted and began yelling insults at each other.

"They'd be so cute together!" Mirajane squealed. Sooner or later Erza broke up their fighting and the teacher came in.

"Today you all will be getting your test scores back. Anybody that failed will have to stay an hour after school for extra practice. With that said, I'll pass them out right now." He began handing out papers. When Natsumi saw her score her head drooped. She had failed. She had no intention of staying at school for an extra hour but she had failed. Usually when they got home, Natsumi and her friends would all play a game called GuildQuest. They were part of a guild called Fairy Tail. She didn't want to be behind when all her friends were already on jobs. She had zoned out for the rest of the period. On the way to second period, she had found out Lucy, Levy, erza, and Mira had all passed and kept complaining about how she would go home an hour late. This was starting to get on Gray's last nerves.

"Stop complaining and there's nothing you can do about it squinty eyes! What are you going to go crying to your parents about how you failed?!" Gray yelled. He realized his mistake a second too late. Natsumi's face turned from sadness to fury.

"ICE PRICK!" she screamed and punched him in the jaw tears starting to roll down her cheeks. He stayed there shocked and then noticed deadly auras radiating from behind him. Lucy, Erza, Levy and even Wendy was mad.

" IF YOU DON'T GO AND APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW I'LL MAKE SURE THE TREATMENT YOU'LL GET WILL BE WORSE THAN GOING TO HELL AND BACK!" Erza yelled. Gray shuddered and looked down the hallway to find no pinkette there. Natsumi wasn't there for their next class either. By lunchtime, Gray was sure Natsumi wasn't in the school. He decided to go look for her later.

Natsumi went home in attempts of forgetting Igneel. He was almost everything to her and she was always very happy when he was around. She didn't need to worry about rent or money. But Igneel went missing mysteriously and she was left abandoned. Natsu turned on her nerve gear and logged on. She went on a job to capture some bandits on GuildQuest. When she finished the job and claimed the reward it was lunchtime. She grabbed her jacket and headed out to a fast food restaurant. Looking out the window she saw a little boy with green hair ask his mom to pick him up. She smiled sadly. Since she didn't want to go back to school, she roamed around for about an hour until she found a park full of Sakura trees. They were so pretty! Going on her phone, she saw she had a bunch of texts from Gray and Lucy either asking if she was ok or where she was. She didn't bother replying. Sighing she leaned on the bench and took a nap.

Gray couldn't find her anywhere! He searched alleys, shops, and even snuck in her dorm. He had been searching for an hour and the sun was about to set. He checked his watch, 6:00. He was about to give up when he saw a mop of pink hair. Natsumi was sitting on a bench looking at the sunset with her arms behind her head as a cushion. The sun's orange gleam made her wild hair and tanned skin glow, and the cherry blossom trees looked as if they were circling around her. Beautiful he thought. Wait what am I thinking! This is Natsumi we're talking about! He came closer and started speaking,

"Er…Natsumi..can we talk?" She turned around when she heard her name and flinched when she saw it was Gray.

" Nah I'm not really in the mood to talk to you right now" she muttered.

"Well it's not like I want to talk to you either!" Gray retorted.

"Then don't," she replied as she stood up and started to walk away. Only to be stopped by Gray grabbing her wrist. She looked at his hand which was surprisingly warm. "Let go," Natsumi ordered. Gray shook his head.

"Only if you are going to listen to what I have to say." Natsumi thought it over. She knew Gray was stronger than her so she couldn't overpower him. Sighing she nodded. Gray grinned because he knew he had won. "Look I'm sorry that I said that. I was frustrated and had a random outburst. I didn't mean it. I really didn't. You must've felt really sad when you lost Igneel" Gray looked into her eyes but she kept avoiding them. "Look at me," he commanded cupping her face and turning it towards him. It took her by surprise but what shocked her even more was the sincerity in Gray's eyes. He touched his forehead with hers. It wasn't like when they argued and butted heads. It was different. "I know what it's like to lose a parent. So I know it hurts to think of them. That's why I'm sorry. Will you forgive me? Natsumi?"

"s-sure," she stuttered. They walked home together since the boys and girl's dorms were in the same direction. Natsumi checked her mail on the way. She spotted a suspicious paper and read through it. Suddenly it started to glow. She gasped and Gray noticed it too as it got bigger. The golden shimmery light eventually got bigger than the two of them and sucked them up.

Natsumi fell full force on the rock hard floor and Gray ended up falling right beside her. She noticed she wasn't outside the dorms anymore. She looked around. This place seemed oddly familiar. Looking at the building in front of her she saw it had a banner with a logo on it. Her eyes widened. It was the Fairy Tail logo.