An alarm rang loudly causing blue eyes to stur awake. The brunette sat up slowly, stretching out arms and massaging sore muscles from yesterdays argument with a certain convict. "EDI is anyone else awake?". A blue orb appeared on the desk next to the bed. "No Ms Lawson, however something has come up in the lower decks that may concern you or the commander."

Miranda was wide awake now. "What happened? Did something break or did Jack do anything to break the ship?"

"No Ms Lawson, though it does have to do with Jack, it seems the trip to Pragia may have caused Jack's nightmares to increase into night terrors. I recommend you go down and help her."

"Fine, but EDI please do not inform anyone I went down there alright?"

"Yes Ms. Lawson."

Lifting herself off the bed, she looked around the room for her robe, there wasn't time to get out of her pajamas into her suit, knowing how emotions fueled the convicts Biotics. Leaving her quarters she quickly and quietly went to the elevator down to Jacks level and proceeded with caution. Turning the corner she could hear screams and swears but they were not filled with anger but with fear and extreme terror. Turning to the bed she saw the other Biotic curled up in the fetal position screaming and digging her nails into her scalp causing blood to trail down her hand. Miranda's eyes grew wide with worry as she saw the amount of blood staining Jacks pillow. She moved slowly towards Jack and began calling out to her. "Jack, Jack wake up! It's just a dream!". As she got closer, she could see the light blue glow forming on the tattooed body. Her heart sank as she watched this. 'Has Jack always had these dreams?' - she thought as she got closer. "Jack, BLOODY WAKE UP!" she yelled, but Jack still didn't wake up. Miranda bit her lower lip, then grabs Jacks arms - pinning her arms to the bed. As Jack shook she got on top of her pinning her legs as well. "Jack for the love of god wake up!" - still nothing. 'These night terrors are worse then EDI made them sound. What do I have to do to wake her up. Punching her will get me killed. Unless..'. She shook her head in disgust - "No way that would work". She stared at the other and blushed darkly as she noticed Jack was just in boxers, she was used to seeing Jack almost topless, but she has never seen Jacks full chest and legs. Sighing she leaned forward and kissed Jack softly, hoping it would calm her down.

Jacks eyes flew open for a moment and saw black hair above her then her eyes flew shut, her body went limp from exhaustion. After a few moments Miranda sat up and stared at the convict hoping she didn't see what just happened. 'I swear if she knew what I did she would kill me.' getting off of Jack she noticed how cold the room was. Now that Jacks Biotics calmed down the room turned freezing cold. Her eyes turned again to Jack and sighed in disbelief 'How can she sleep like that in the first place.' A small jolt went through Miranda's spine as she watched Jack move her hands over her arms shivering. 'Oh for the love of god' she took off her robe and wrapped it around Jack as she picked up the shivering convict. "Does this woman even eat? she cant weight more then 90 pounds' as she reached the elevator she heard foot steps and froze in place "Miranda?" her back stiffened as she recognized the voice "Commander what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing?" Shepard walked around Miranda and looked at her with confusion as she saw Jack in a robe in Miranda's arms. "Would you care to explain what you're doing? Yesterday you two were screaming at each other and she was ready to rip your throat out if I hadn't stopped you two."

"Commander EDI informed me that Jack was suffering from night terrors and asked me to handle it in your place." Her eyes couldn't meet the Commander's 'its not a full lie EDI did ask me to help her..'

Shepard's eyebrow raised slightly "Alright but that doesn't explain why you are carrying her in your arms in your robe" the Commander had a point, why did Miranda find it necessary to pick up Jack.

"After calming her down I thought it was best to take her to my room for observation, for the time being." She shifted on her feet trying to adjust to the weight in her arms.

Shepard sighed softly and ran a hand through short curly red hair "Personally I would put her in the med bay but you are the only one who can match her Biotics. But if she wakes up and you have a big bruise on your face, dont say I didnt warn you to be careful. Now go before anyone else sees you and makes rumors."

"Yes Commander" the thought of other people didnt accor in Mirandas head when she picked up Jack. Rushing to her office she peaked around every corner hoping no one saw them. Looking down she noticed Jack was smiling and slightly nuzzling ageist her. 'When was the last time she let anyone touch her.. I can recall her kicking Garrus in the leg just for taping her shoulder.' When she reached her office she placed Jack onto her bed, threw the covers on her and placed a towel under her head to catch anymore blood. 'Now that your taken care of I can get to work.' a small yawn escaped her mouth 'or a small nap..'

A few hours later Jack woke up to an alarm clock, moving her arm around trying to shut the thing off. she didn't feel a metal wall but soft sheets. Her eyes shot open and she sat up and looked around 'Where the fuck am I!' she began to panic, She rubbed her eyes then squinted trying to see but all she saw was white and black blurs, she turned in front of her and saw a familiar blur sat at a desk fast asleep. 'What the fuck is she doing here?' her head began to pound as the wounds from last night reopened from her blood pressure raising. She grabbed the closest thing to her and threw it at Miranda. "Hey wake the fuck up Cerberus bitch!"

With a startle Miranda sat up, running her hands through her hair. "Good morning, Jack," she muttered. She turned toward the convict quickly "Jack you're awake!?"

"Yeah bitch I'm awake now tell me where the fuck am I and why the fuck are you just siting there asleep?!"

"You're in my room, can't you tell?" Miranda looked at her with confusion and noticed she was squinting but it wasn't from anger. "Can you not see?" Jack growled at her and held her head in pain.

"No I fucking cant, my fucking contacts are downstairs or did your Cerberus files didn't tell you i can't see more then three feet away from me?"

Trying not to smile at the blush forming on Jacks face "No they did not, I'm guessing your contacts are out of date anyway. Hold still and let me look at your eyes."

"Not until you tell me why the fuck I'm in your room, in your bed, in your fucking robe!" Jack growled loudly in confusion.

"When I woke up this morning to begin work EDI informed me your nightmares turned into Night terrors. When I found you downstairs you were curled up screaming for dear life and clawing at your skull. I am sure you can feel the pain from that right now. Instead of letting you stay down there in the freezing cold and risk you having another attack I took you to my room for observation and to make sure you were ok. Self inflicted injures are harder to explain to Shepard and Dr. Chakwas" she began blushing slightly at the thoughts of last night an trying not to hint at the kiss.

"Great just fucking great, You of all people saw me like that. Perfect, that doesn't explain why I'm in your robe" Jack rubbed the back of her head and winced at the wounds she caused

"Simple, for some reason you decided to sleep in your boxers and I didn't want to be seen carrying you half naked into my quarters."Jacks face went from pale to bright red. She was use to people seeing her naked but the Miranda was the last person she wanted to see her like that. "Now will you let me check your eyes? I might be able to loan you a pair of glasses if they are a similar script"

Groaning loudly the convict sat back trying not to get startled as she sees Miranda get closer and closer to her. Her eyes wandered toward the operative's chest that was just poking out of the skin tight white pajama tank. Her breath stopped as she saw a flash of an Omni-tool go over her face. "Alright there we go, your eyes are pretty bad but I have an old pair that are similar, your left eye might have a bit of strain wearing them but its only for a few minutes." Miranda giggled softly at the look on Jacks face as she stood away.

"You fucking laughing at me Princess?"

"No I would never laugh at you." she teased softly as she went through some old drawers and tossed a pair of thick rimmed black glasses at Jack "Here, they are not the most stylish but they get the job done, thankfully I only need reading glasses now. So you can keep them as a back up pair."

"No fucking way these are Nerd glasses! I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them."

"Its ether that or you hold my hand while we get you to your room." The brunette leaned ageist her desk as she watched Jack swearing at herself and slowly put on the glasses. Her pale skin flushed slightly at the sight of Jack wearing them 'They kinda suit her in a cute way..' Shaking her head slightly and looked back at Jack this time there was anger in the convicts eyes.

"Why the fuck is my lipstick! ON YOUR FUCKING LIPS!" The enraged Biotic jumped up and pounced on top of Miranda pining her to the desk "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME!"

"I didn't do anything I swear!" Her eyes couldn't look at the Biotic above her with out a bigger blush forming on her face

"Lier! Im the only one on this whole fucking ship who wears that shade! Ether you stole my lipstick or you.." she cut herself off and got closer to the taller woman's face "Or you kissed me while I couldn't fight back." Her eyes grew narrow as Miranda couldn't look her in the eyes.

"I can explain.." there was a sound of fear in her voice, she hoped the angry tattooed woman above her would listen.

Jacks face tightened as she got closer and closer to her face staring into her eyes "Look me in the fucking eyes and try to fucking explain or I'm gonna kill you right now and wear your heart as a trophy around my neck."

She looked up, blue eyes met brown and her heart sank. Jacks eyes were not filled with anger anymore but with enraged confusion. "I.. tried to wake you up several ways including pining you down and yelling at you to wake up. As a last resort I kissed you hoping it would wake you up by surprise or relax you.. it worked." a few tears escaped from her eyes "Jack I'm sorry it was wrong of me, but I swear I couldn't figure out another way. I was scared you were going to kill me or break something. Believe me that is not how I wanted my first-" she stopped herself and she could feel her blush grow darker as she almost reviled a dark secret of hers.

The convict got off of her and stared at her in disbelief "Your first what? Your first chick, your first kiss? What the perfect princess never kissed anyone other then someones ass or something? You think I'm gonna believe that?"

"Its true.. I've never kissed before, nor have I dated, or anything like that. My body is designed for it but I was to scared to let people get close enough to because I knew they were after what my father created and not me.." She rubbed her eyes ruining her eye shadow in the process and wiped the lipstick off her lips. "I'm sorry Jack."

"Don't be fucking sorry, just never fucking do that again when I'm asleep! Got that?! I don't give a shit if you thought it was a good idea. You should never do anything like that while Im fucking passed out. Now any other fucking things I should know about? Like did Shepard see me in your fucking robe or did I say anything in my sleep!"

Sighing softly Miranda placed her head in her hand "Shepard saw us and told me to be careful when you woke up and you.. nuzzled ageist me when you were in my arms."

"You carried me like a fucking PRINCESS? AND SHEPARD SAW US!?" She threw her hands up in anger and flopped down on the bed "I fucking hate you right now" She stared up at the ceiling and noticed plastic stars on it then tried to change the subject to save herself from more embarrassment."You know you got stars outside your window right Cheerleader?"

Startled at the comment the taller woman sighed then pinched the bridge of her nose. "Alright enough, get off my bed and go get your contacts. I got a shirt you can borrow and some pants." Miranda began searching through her closet and noticed how many catsuits she wore "Unless you want to wear one of my suits"

"Fuck that shit, I don't want to look like a nerd and a hooker"

"Excuse me, my suits are not Hooker suits, they are designed for precision maneuvering and flexibility with out risk of getting caught on something. Unlike your cargo pants which have like 40 straps on them"

"They only have 25 straps and they are meant to hold and hide many guns, knifes and the occasional taser."

Rolling her eyes she pulled out a long sleeve shit Shepard got her for her birthday and a pair of short shorts. "Here now don't complain or I'm kicking your arse out of here without any clothes." tossing them to Jack, she avoided eye contact and stared at the wall while she got dressed.

The convicts eyebrow rose and a smirk formed on her lips "Are you saying you want to take my boxers off" she smiled more as Miranda's ears grew red "Keep talking like that and you might get to one day Bitch."

The brunettes eyes grew wide and she looked over with out turning her head. silently watching Jack put on the outfit. Her eyes wandered tracing the tattooed skin. Wondering how someone with a pretty face could destroy her body in such a manner. "My eyes are up here Yea know." With a start she looked up and saw Jack staring back at her with a dark smirk. "Like what you see?"

"Hardly, I was just thinking what a waste it is to ruin your body with tattoos." The operative bit her lower lip trying not to say anything else or to stare at the half naked Biotic in her room.

"Its not like you don't have one or two right? Pretty much everyone has at least one even Tali and Garrus do"

"Tali does? how does that work wouldn't she be dead from infection?"

Jack shrugged "Well technically its an omi-tat but a tattoo is a tattoo. Come on you have to have at least one"

Miranda began staring at her nails "Of course not, why would I ruin this perfect body of mine with something ridiculous as a tattoo? The nerve of you to think I would stoop so low."

Rolling her eyes Jack threw on the rest of the clothes and headed toward the door "Whatever you say bubble butt, but I'm gonna have some fun if I see you have one." as the door shut Miranda turned to glare at the door " I DO NOT HAVE A BUBBLE BUTT" A loud laugh was heard behind the door then silence. 'god why did I say anything to her.' She stared into the mirror and looked at her ass "My butt is not that big.."