Chapter One: Love In An Elevator

"Seriously, Regina? Overalls?" Robin muttered in frustration as he struggled to remove the clasp of the strap in the darkness of the power outage.

"Excuse me. I expected us to be moving into our apartment, not having sex on the elevator during a storm," she replied, swatting at his hands playfully and removing the straps herself. The garment fell to the ground signaled by the sound of the metal buckles hitting the marble floor.

He didn't hesitate to remove her underwear as she worked the button and zipper of his khaki cargo shorts. He knelt down before her and urged her legs open, pressing his lips against her bundle of nerves. Regina moaned and ran her fingers through his hair. Her heart was pounding in her chest; a mixture of her arousal and the excitement of what they were doing. It was risky. The power could come back on at any moment. They could get caught. It was the most excitement she felt since the night she visited him in his office at Columbia. It felt so good to be pleasured in this way by him. He was terribly good with his mouth and as much as she didn't want him to stop, she wanted another part of him a lot more.

"Robin," she breathed out when he began circling his tongue over his clit, "As good as this feels, I think we should probably hurry up."

He ceased his ministrations and stood up, his nose brushing hers as he responded, "Where's your sense of spontaneity, Ms. Mills?"

She groaned and crashed her lips into his, forcing his mouth open and immediately tasting herself on his welcoming tongue. She wrapped her leg around his waist as her lower back pressed into the cold metal of the handrails; a wonderful sensation against the heat radiating from her body. He positioned himself and slowly pushed deep inside her, releasing a muffled moan as their lips remained locked.

So many of their fantasies were brought to life in that moment; the elevator where they first met and spent so many mornings riding together on their walks to work, that Rolling Stones band tee that Robin found so sexy on her otherwise naked body, the white undershirt he wore that first revealed his sweaty biceps to her. He thrust himself deeper into her, both of them panting and moaning into the other's mouth and hands roaming wherever they could reach.

They were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the generator turning on and the power being restored. They fumbled to put their clothes back on in the now dimly lit elevator as the desk clerk called up to them from below the elevator shaft, "Are you okay up there?"

"Just fine, lad. Thank you," Robin called out, his voice showing a bit of irritation that Regina couldn't help, but chuckle about. The elevator began moving again and they were headed back up to the top floor.

Their breath was heavy and unsteady as he leaned into her and released a frustrated groan into the crook of her neck. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him closer to her as she said, "Perhaps we'll have better luck during the next storm."

He chuckled at her words, the sound of it muffled against the skin he began to kiss. Before long, the doors opened to their designated stop and they exited into the hall. He took her hand and they hurried back to their apartment, obviously anxious to finish what they started.

"Robin, slow down. It's not like we can waltz in there and make love on the sofa. The kids are still awake," she pointed out with a laugh. He huffed in frustration and she sighed, bringing his hand to her lips and placing a gentle kiss to his knuckles. "It's been a long day. They'll be asleep before you know it and you can make love to me all night long."

"You promise?" He stopped her, pushing her back into the wall and leaning his face closer to hers.

She smirked and pecked his lips, "If you promise to help me make the bed."

He laughed and nodded, using the fingers of his free hand to push the stray strands of hair away from her face, "Of course."

Upon returning to the apartment, they continued to organize the kitchen with a little help from their children. Robin began placing his extensive book collection on the shelves he put up on the walls of the living room, with Gold's hesitant permission, of course. He decided on a select few for the living room and left the remaining novels in the cardboard box which he moved into the spare bedroom. He planned to put up the remainder of the shelves in there so the living room wouldn't look as cluttered.

Among those chosen to be on display in the main living space of their new home was, of course, his complete collection of works by Edgar Allan Poe. He smiled as he lifted The Pit and the Pendulum from the box and placed it on the center of the shelf, reminiscing about his first intellectual conversation with Regina about that very piece. Time passed by so quickly and so much had happened between them since that first discussion. He almost couldn't believe they were really at this point; moving in together, becoming a family.

Meanwhile, Regina set Roland up in the bathroom for a shower after Henry was finished. She opened a few boxes in the master bedroom to get a visual of the unpacking they'd need to do the following day. When the young boy was clean and dressed, he helped her make his bed and crawled in. She scooted in beside him and held him close, smiling as she thought back to all the times she'd snuggled with Henry to help him fall asleep at that age.

"Do you want me to read to you?" She asked, knowing that was something her own son enjoyed as a boy.

Roland shook his head and said, "Henry told me you're a really good storyteller. Could you tell me one of yours?"

She was taken aback by the small boy's request, but was happy to oblige, "Did he tell you about any story in particular?"

"He mentioned one about a Queen and a little boy," he said, cuddling closer to her for comfort.

It was Henry's favorite and she'd told it to him recently; it didn't surprise her that her son would mention it to the child. However, that was her story to Henry. It always had been. It was one she made up specifically about her relationship with her son. She shook her head and said, "I have a new one I'd like to share with you. It's also about a Queen and a little boy, but I think you might like this one a little bit better."

He sat up to face her, nodding enthusiastically and begging her to tell it, "Oh please."

"But this will be our story. Okay, Roland? Only you and I will know about this one. How does that sound?"

"Not even Henry will know it?" He asked, excited to share a secret with the only mother he'd ever known.

She nodded, "It'll be our little secret."

The child leaned back, his head resting comfortably on the pillow with her arm supporting his neck. He curled into her, his arm wrapped around her waist as he stared up at her in anticipation for the story. She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair as she began to tell him the tale of the Queen and the Outlaw.

"Once upon a time, there was a Queen who lived in a very large castle with only her son, the Prince. Although she was a kind and fair ruler, the Kingdom feared that only one heir to the throne would weaken their defenses against their enemies. The Queen was content with just her son, but realized her people had good reason to worry. If they were ever attacked and her son harmed, there would be no future for their Kingdom once she could no longer rule."

"That wouldn't be good," Roland muttered through a yawn.

Regina chuckled and kissed his forehead, "That's what the Queen thought as well. So one afternoon during her walk through the village she spotted a rugged man-"

"What does rugged mean?" He interrupted, wanting to learn the vocabulary to better understand their story.

"Rugged, when describing someone's appearance, means they have a scruffy beard or wild hair and smell like forest," she stated, hoping he was on the same page as her.

The little boy giggled and said, "Daddy is rugged."

Regina couldn't help the blush that appeared on her face as she replied, "Daddy is the perfect example of someone who is rugged."

"Okay, I get it now," he nodded and added, "So what happened when the Queen saw the rugged man?"

She was thrilled he was enjoying the story and making an effort to use his new vocabulary; she had a feeling the word 'rugged' was going to be used around the apartment quite often for the next few days. She continued, "When she spotted the man, she noticed he had a rather handsome little boy with him that he was teaching how to hunt. They appeared to be poor and clearly very hungry; she felt bad for them and wanted to help. She approached them and they immediately bowed, recognizing her as their Queen. But she dismissed them, insisting they return with her to the palace for a bountiful feast and warm shelter, at least for the evening."

"Wow! And did they go?" He asked, excited to know what would happen next.

"They did indeed. But what the Queen didn't know was that the man and his son were skilled thieves. That evening when she went to retrieve them for supper, the man and his son were gone, having stolen something very valuable from her."

"Oh no! What was it?"

"I'll get to that part," she chuckled and the boy covered his mouth, realizing how often he was interrupting. "She sought after them and finally found them hiding out in the woods near the palace. She explained that what was stolen was of great importance to her. They had stolen a ring that was given to her on the day of her coronation, an item she planned to pass down to her son to give to the woman he chose as his wife someday. The little boy felt so terrible and returned the item to her with a bow, begging for her to spare his father and punish him. She watched as the boy's father gathered everything they'd stolen and gave it back to her, explaining they'd only done it to help their village survive the harsh winter that was approaching. In that moment, she realized that although they were thieves, they were honorable in their actions."

"So she didn't punish them?" He asked.

Regina shook her head, "She did quite the opposite. She allowed them to give the stolen jewels, aside from the ring, to their village."

"So what ever happened to them? Did the Queen ever find another Prince for her Kingdom?"

"She found something even better," she smiled and looked up as she finally spotted Robin standing in the doorframe listening to her tale.


"Love?" Roland asked in a confused tone.

"She fell in love with the rugged man as she watched him starve in order to feed his neighbors and friends. So she asked him to join her at the palace and to become King; to help her rule her people much the same way he ruled his village. When they were married, the little boy became second in line to the throne, which was exactly what the people needed. And from that day forward, no enemy dared to attack them, for their Kingdom had never been stronger."

"Henry was right," he yawned and rolled over to face the wall, "You do tell great stories."

She chuckled as she stood up and leaned down to kiss his cheek, pulling the blankets up to his chin as she did so. She walked over to the light and glanced over her shoulder when she heard the boy speak again, "Goodnight Queen Regina."

"Goodnight my Little Thief."

And with that, the room fell into darkness and she took her leave into the hallway of their apartment as her youngest son drifted off to sleep. She pulled the door closed quietly behind her as Robin wrapped his arms around her waist. His lips met hers in a passionate embrace before he whispered, "I don't think I smell like forest."

Regina laughed and kissed the tip of his nose, "You do to me."

"I thought you were going to help me," Regina scoffed as she struggled with the corners of the fitted sheet while she made the bed alone that evening. Robin had gone into the master bathroom and she grew impatient waiting for him to help her. When he didn't respond, she walked toward the door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

Locked? She thought to herself. He never locks the door.

"Babe, are you okay?" She knocked and heard him grunt on the other side. "What's wrong?"

Again, there was no response. She grew worried that he was having a heart attack or that he was writhing in agony on the floor from a stroke; she always thought of the worst possible scenario first, which only made her panic even more. She reached into the pocket of her overalls and pulled out a bobby pin she removed from her hair earlier that day. She fussed with the lock until it clicked and the door opened.

She was relieved to find him standing in his Calvins leaning on the jacuzzi tub, but his lack of communication was worrying her. She approached him and placed her hand on his bare back. He shivered from her touch, but refused to look at her.

"What's the matter?" She asked again.

He sighed and responded sheepishly, "I have blue balls."

Regina covered her mouth to keep from laughing. She wasn't making fun of him; she understood how painful that could be for a man. His response just took her by surprise.

"I thought you were in here having a heart attack," she pushed him playfully and kissed his shoulder blade. He groaned in agony from the pain he was feeling in his underwear that only grew each time she touched him. She placed her hand under his chin and forced him to turn his head. When their eyes locked, she smiled and said, "Get in the shower. I'll make you feel better."

"Regina, you don't have to do that," he shook his head, but was interrupted when her lips crashed into his.

"Get in the shower," she repeated and stepped away from him to undress herself.

Robin took a deep breath as he watched her, the pain becoming increasingly unbearable as he removed his underwear and stepped into the shower. He turned on the water and the cold was a relief for a brief moment until it grew warmer and Regina stepped inside to join him. She knelt down before him and he shook his head, "Really, I can get rid of it on my own."

"Now where's the fun in that?" She said with a smirk and he leaned his head back against the glass wall of the shower.

He groaned when he felt her mouth wrap around his member, peering down to watch her. He enjoyed the sensation of her supple lips and warm, wet tongue against him, but he couldn't wait for it to be over so the pain building in his shaft would disappear. He was frustrated, knowing if their time on the elevator wasn't cut short this never would have happened to him. But he was thankful that she was so understanding and even more so that she was willing to help him feel better. His excitement grew as he anticipated returning the favor when she was done.

She added her hand and moved to the same rhythm she created with her mouth. He winced, but she knew she had to continue. She quickened her pace and forced him deeper into her mouth, his tip grazing the back of her throat as she moved her tongue along the bottom of his shaft. He tugged on her hair, grunting at the new sensation. She could tell he was close by the way he pulled on her ravenous locks; during their time together she learned this was something he always did as he neared his climax. She continued her ministrations and awaited his vocal cue; he always told her when he was about to finish and it was something that surprisingly turned her on.

"Regina," he muttered through his teeth and she smirked, knowing what his next words to her would be, "I'm right there."

He bent his knees and leaned all of his weight into the cold glass of the shower wall, gripping her hair tighter as he grew closer to his peak. She sucked on his tip the way she knew he liked and he gasped as he said, "I'm gonna cum."

She moved her hand faster and removed her mouth just in time for him to let go. He exploded onto her chest and she moaned as his liquids ran down her wet torso. He winced through the pain of his ejaculation, but sighed with relief when he was finished. She stood up and rinsed her body under the warm water falling from the shower head before leaning into him, "Better?"

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately, holding her close to him in gratitude for her actions. Their lips parted and he stared deeply into her eyes, "I love you."

"I love you too," she smiled and placed a gentle peck on his lips before adding, "And don't be afraid to ask for my help next time."

"I don't like asking for it. I appreciate it more when you volunteer your services," he admitted with a chuckle, which she shared.

"Well, I never mind pleasing you. Especially when I know how badly you need it," she replied and hugged him tighter, her arms wrapping firmly around his shoulders.

"Thank you," he kissed her once more and she nodded before reaching around him for the washcloth and the soap. They cleaned one another, smiling and enjoying their time alone together as the droplets fell against their naked bodies. When they were finished, he shut the water and they proceeded to their bedroom once they were dry.

Robin finally helped Regina make the bed, both of them still nude as they did so. While she was fluffing the pillows, he walked around to her side of the bed and began kissing down her bare back. She hummed, pleasured by the sensation of his warmth in the chill of the bedroom. He turned her around and pushed her gently down onto the soft comforter, positioning himself above her as he kissed her abdomen.

"What are you doing?" She muttered, running her fingers through his hair as she closed her eyes and reveled in the heat he generated in her core.

"I believe you made me a promise: I help you make the bed in exchange for an evening of endless lovemaking," he replied, venturing further down her body until he reached her pelvis.

Her body shook in anticipation for where she knew he was bound to end up when she exhaled, "Yes, I suppose I did."