A/N: This will be AU to the extent that, whatever you read in the history shall be canon for the humans. Gods and Titans is mine, as is the AU Lore of the humans. However, everything else is not mine. But I am still going to use it.

History of the Humans:

Pre-1800 A.D.: Human history is untouched. It occurs naturally, with the exception of the fact that Earth itself is extremely Eezo-rich, making humans naturally biotic in a way similar to the Asari.

1800 A.D. to 1900 A.D.: The humans discover something known as "The Kellar", which is actually an ancient Prothean Data Center, detailing blueprints for Prothean ships, weapons and biotics, as well as showing even how to build and program Mass Relays. Human technological evolution occurs at an extreme pace to the extent that it becomes the centerpoint of human research. With the Kellar, humans evolve physically as well, because it allows them to more easily utilize their biotics. An unfortunate side effect of it's activation was a release of more Eezo, causing an extreme viral mutation that made humans "natural" synthetics. They become biomechanical organisms - a perfect manifestation of both flesh and synthetic combined. This becomes vastly superior to biotics by the end of the century.

1900 A.D. to 1950 A.D.: The Kellar once again surges, allowing Eezo to more easily fuse with technology and humans alike. Humanity's extreme evolution and 'natural uplifting' causes the current powers to become united, known as the Human Alliance. The Human Alliance makes technological advancement it's sole focus, using the Kellar for the basis of space exploration efforts.

1950 A.D. to 2010 A.D.: The Kellar allows humans to construct spacecraft and such with it's supplies as well as technology integrated into the supplies and technology humanity has that can travel between planets in mere seconds. Colonization and terraformation of Mars and Venus occur with ease. The Human Alliance reforms into the Alliance of Worlds. The A.W. continues to expand with ease.

2010 to 2200 A.D.: The A.W. invents AI and Synthetics, which integrate to become biomechanical as well; there is no difference between A.I. or these humans. The A.W. reforms itself into the Integrated Synthorganic Union. The ISU takes control of several systems, as well as mastering Eezo and Prothean technology. The ISU continues expansion, terraforming and colonizing every rock that isn't an asteroid. The ISU begins interstellar colonization.

2200 A.D. to 3000 A.D.: The ISU solidifies control over 50 systems, and counting. AI and Human civilians number in the hundreds of billions easily. Humans have solved the Prothean Issue. They now have Mass Effct Cores that feed directly into Relay-Transporters. Essentially eliminating the need for human-built Mass Relays, the Relay-Transporter acts as a built-in Relay to allow ships to travel FTL to any destination they please. The ISU economy booms because of this.

3000 A.D. to 3200 A.D. (Present): The ISU population in total nears trillions as they finish colonizing around 60 systems, taking up all nearby territory that is of interest. The ISU discovers a Prothean Mass Relay at the fringes of their territory. The ISU's United Council vote 7-3 to send an investigative fleet. This fleet will be led by Thor, an AI who has served with the Union for centuries. The ISU sends the fleet under Thor's command to the Relay, and they activate it.


Relay 460 - Noston Space

Dreadnought-class Thor's Hammer

Thor analyzed the data of the Relay. It was in working order and prepared to launch into alien territory. Already, however, he had been informed by the ship's systems that he was connected to via a BrainLink, that there were alien signals and such coming from the other side. It was too hard to decipher in home-space, but he decided that the only way to figure this out was to enter the Relay's destination. He had his orders.

"Attention, all Union ships. This is Thor. Commence Relay Transportation.", he stated simply. With a loud whirring from the RT, and an activation of the Relay, realspace vanished. Thor waited a few moments for the ship to come back into realspace, contemplating what interacting with these aliens could mean. The Union had not met with alien forces as of yet, at least according to history. He was about to find out if he was prepared.


Relay 461 - Unknown Space

Dreadnought-class Thor's Hammer

Thor watched as the Thor's Hammer appeared in realspace once again. Once it arrived, soon after so did the fleet; which consisted of two Dreadnoughts, and twenty Destroyers, as a defense team. There was also one Union-class ship, the Savior. It was a diplomatic ship, which held ambassadors in case of a need to meet in peace. Just then, Thor detected an anomaly. Other ships were in the system - Non-Union ships. They appeared to be military-grade. Although, if the data was streaming properly, the technology was similar to that of the mid-19th century. They were either primitive, or did not have something of equal to the Kellar, left behind by the Protheans. Interesting.

Thor knew exactly what to do, but silently sent orders to the other ships to prepare themselves in case. Afterwards, Thor silently tapped into the alien ships - he assumed he was undiscovered or undetected by the fact they didn't immediately open fire. He downloaded all relevant information, as well as some irrelevant information, running the data through translation. He easily translated all languages he discovered via this data, as well as learned all that he needed to know of the aliens he was dealing with.

Thor sighed, slightly. This 'Citadel Council' was troubling; some laws strictly enforced, other laws flimsily so. The Council only consisted of half of what it governed. The Turians acted as military for everyone, meaning they could invade anyone they pleased if such an event forced them to. The STG and Spectres were the most troubling thing, as were the Batarians' use of slavery, which ended over a thousand years prior. Patriot finished collecting data. Scratch that earlier statement - the ban and genocide of AIs were the most troubling data about these new aliens and their Council.

Thor forwarded this information via the Relay back to the Union as well as to all other ships, including the Ambassadors, for review. Then, he issued the First-Contact protocol message - in Turian - to the Turian Fleet. As he awaited their response, Patriot began preparing himself for direct communication incase the need arose. Nonetheless, he hoped everything ended well...

Relay 461 - Edge of Council Space

Dreadnought-class The Protector

Desolas had no idea what he was looking at. At the edge of this system, his engineers and such reported detecting something similar to several Mass Relays going off at once, and yet only a fleet appeared and only one Relay is here. But that didn't concern him. What did concern him was the fact there were now three dreadnoughts - at least, he assumed they were dreadnoughts based on their monumental size of a reported 2 km, with the smaller two being 1.7 km. Their regular warships were almost 1km as well. This was concerning, as if this all spoke for the species responsible, they were highly advanced.

"Sir! We received a first contact message in... Turian. I just detected copies of all codex and extranet data - luckily, none of it was classified Hierarchy data. But they know everything there is to know about us, the Council... everything!", his communications officer shouted out of nowhere. Desolas' eyes widened. Just how advanced was this species? No matter. There was something bigger to think about - should he attack this species for illegally activating a Relay, or hear what this message has to say? Well, considering his fleet was far out-sized as of the moment, he went with the latter.

"Play it.", Desolas stated. He waited a moment while a holographic image appeared in the center of the bridge - the broadcast was also seen by all Turian ships and such, so no one was misinformed. On screen, what appeared to be a pale-skinned Asari with some fur over it's eyes, as well as some fur on it's head. It had eyes as black as the void around them, as if it were a natural biotic. The thing appeared to be connected to the ship somehow, and no other crewmembers were visible. It spoke in Turian.

"Greetings, Desolas of the Turian Hierarchy. I am Thor of the ISU. I am here to state that I have no hostile intentions. An Ambassadorial vehicle was sent with us. I am here to ask you to escort it to the Council. I know your people wouldn't react well if ships of our size escorted the vehicle. But, in return, I ask that you send someone of interest from your crew over to us - this is to ensure that if we lose communication with the Ambassadors that we have someone of importance to keep as an easy exchange. Again, I have no hostile intentions.", the alien, 'Thor', stated. The message ended. Desolas thought for a moment. On one hand, this species could pose a dangerous threat to the Hierarchy. On the other, it appeared to want peace - and if the Council, and thus in turn the Hierarchy, could get their hands on the cyber-hacking tech this species held, it could make the Hierarchy's military far more effective in assessing who is hostile and who is not.

Desolas decided to forward the message to his superiors in the Hierarchy. It was up to them what happened next. Although, he honestly hoped they'd forward it again to the Council - for he feared of what else, somewhat, this species could do. Nonetheless, he waited for a response... and he got one, pretty quickly in fact. In a few mere moments. Desolas read the response.

The Hierarchy had ordered him to accept this offer, and have their Ambassadors escorted to the Council immediately. He didn't question the orders nor needed to read them twice. He sent the message of acceptance immediately. Luckily, this first contact did not yet appear to be ending in conflict. He then reviewed his orders and discovered that he was to wait upon their vessel... great. Desolas sighed, and left the bridge, leaving it in command of his second. The Turian general wondered if he'd be speaking to someone directly, or just left to sit in a room and wait. No matter; it was time to focus.

Before he left The Protector, he was informed of confirmation that the Ambassadorial vehicle of the alien species had left with it's escorts to the Citadel. Desolas got onto his transport, which took him towards the ominous Thor's Hammer. Desolas was curious to learn of this new species. Perhaps they were like the Turians. Perhaps not. Desolas, either way, didn't like it much. He had wished he'd chosen to just decimate these aliens instead. Nonetheless, it was too late to turn back. Desolas' transport neared and entered the alien ship...

A/N: So what did you think? Was it good? I am going to have the second chapter up by the end of this weekend. It will have the actual meeting between the ISU and the Council. I wonder how they'll react to Synthorganics / Biosynthetics / Biomechanical species... Nonetheless, it's going to be fun.