A pine forest laid silent, a silvery moon gave a dim and calm lighting to the area. A large black shape loomed through the forest, clutching a small silvery being in it's arms. The larger being's violet optics shone onto the sleeping silver being. A branch snapped somewhere in the distance, making the larger being look up and behind her in worry. The smaller being in it's arms began to cry a shrill metallic cry.

"Shhh, Shhh." The larger one coed with a feminine voice. "Come on my little one, hush now." At that, the smaller one softened its cries as a blue substance leaked from its optics. "Don't cry my little one, don't cry."

"AIRACHNIDDD!" Roared a deep malice and metallic voice roared in the distance. Trees cracked and fell as the sounds of an ion cannon being fired in the distance as flashes of blue light lit up the forest with jagged lights. "Give me the sparkling!"

"SCRAP!" The dark figure hissed quietly to herself as she ran through the forest,up ahead she saw two lights moving across a long dirt stretch, hopefully, her old enimies would protect her sparkling from the deranged warlord who had killed her sparkmate. She ran for the lights, stopping in the middle of the road as she believed it was. A red car swerved aside and a small organic creature with a femme build and black thin strands on her helm peered out of the front view screen, it must of been a native.

"Holy shit!" It screamed as the figure walked closer.

"Please, you have to help me, my sparkling, he is not safe." The figure urged as another blue explosion shattered some trees, this time it was a lot closer. "Please, if he finds him, he will offline him."

"W-who are you?" The woman stuttered. "W-what are you?"

"I am airachnid, I am an insecticon from the planet cybertron, please take him and keep him safe, I beg upon Primus to keep him safe, please." The large figure pleeded as a tree fell utop the ridge. "Please, I beg of you."

"I will, but how can I keep him safe?" The woman asked as she stepped out of the car.

Airachnid knelt down to be at a more equal level to the woman and held out the small silver being. It looked like a small metal todler with soft blue eyes. "He knows what to do, but I ask you protect him from his uncle, Megatron." The woman nodded as Airachnid handed her the small sparkling, the second the woman touched the silver sparkling, there was a bright flash and suddenly, there was no silver metalic sparkling but a small child which looks like it could of been the woman's son. "thankyou, I do not know your name but I thankyou for helping him."

"My name is June." The woman answered as she cradled the small being in her arms.

A tree was flung across the road and over the cliff face. Airachnid looked in worry to where the tree had come from. "Thank you June, keep him safe, no go! I shall hold him off, GO!" June nodded as she hurried into the car with the sparkling cradled in her arms. "Keep my little Jack safe, now go!"