So sorry this took so long and will have new one relatively soon as I have so many ideas as to where to take this and have been listening to each and every DM recommending ideas etc. Anyway, without further ado...

A week has passed since Gohan joined LexCorp and his genius was being used as efficiently as Lex had hoped. He'd moved the solar radiation project from stage 2 to stage 6 in a mere week, impressing even Luthor himself. He has been living in a penthouse in Metropolis ever since he joined, meaning he's had to take educational sabbatical to continue his round the clock work and training. This training was a massive step up from what he has been able to muster all those years in Central Park; he's been lifting tons, resistance training, combat training against state of the art robots and even sharpening his instant transmission. All the while though Lex isn't the kind of man to give something without getting something in return, and so when Gohan isn't training he's being worked to the bone on the engineering of the new solar harvester or in the think tank with the other genius' trying to fix the overheating caused by the solar rays' intensity.

We find our hero working hard in the lab, sleep-deprived, cranky and generally wondering what he's doing. He decides he's had enough and launches his screwdriver into the titanium wall and begins walking hastily towards Lex's office. He doesn't listen when Mercy tells him Lex is busy, he just waltzes past her straight into his office. It was a classy office, sleek and simple but brimming with cutting edge technology and an overwhelming feeling of wealth and power. Lex wasn't alone, he seemed to be meeting with several Generals and Commanders about something.

"Ah Gohan," Lex said looking him straight in the eye, "to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"It's been a week, a WEEK. And I'm still no closer to finding him, I've held up my end of the bargain but if you don't start helping me find the clown then I'm out." Gohan demanded with his arms crossed, a stern look in his eye.

Lex sighed, as if he was dealing with a child that needed attention. "Okay gentlemen I think we can call it a day there and reconvene later this week, have your people contact Mercy, she'll organise our next meet. Thank you for your time." And in an instant, they had all left the room, this casual show of power made Gohan think that Lex very well may be the most powerful human after all. "Listen, Gohan. I have been tracking several leads this entire week, and yes while your specific genius is helping me right now I will never be ordered around. So to sum up, you will have the Joker's exact location the second you finish the Solar fusion project but until then you are an employee of LexCorp and shall act accordingly, do I make myself clear?" the authority he spoke with took Gohan aback briefly.

"Fine, if there is actually progress happening then I guess I'll stay, I've clocked enough hours for the day may I leave?" Gohan asked almost sarcastically.

"Yes Gohan, you've completed your work well again today. Keep that tone in check and you'll be a fine man of science one day." Luthor is never for a second going to allow Gohan to win this conversation and with a deep sigh Gohan left the room.

Once Gohan was clearly gone from Lex's vision, Lex pressed a button in his ear to connect him through to Mercy "he's getting suspicious, turn on the tracker we implanted him with."

"Right away, sir." Mercy replied.

Gohan had to admit that one of the best parts about working for Lex, other than the inevitable Joker slaying, was the unbelievable penthouse he was being allowed to stay in. Right in the centre of Metropolis, unfortunately Gohan knew this meant he was in prime location for Superman to monitor him. Considering that he didn't even know where the Joker was, he wasn't breaking any laws so he knew that Superman wouldn't intervene. He lay silently on his bed, near exhausted but he had plans tonight and he definitely needed to blow off some steam. First things first, shower. After Gohan's shower he put on some jeans, a black t-shirt and a baseball jersey over the top and he was ready to go. That is until he heard knocking at his window, on the top floor, in a private hotel. He deeply exhaled, turning to what he only assumed would bring him great displeasure.

"Gohan, we need to talk" said by none other than Gohan's former classmate, cousin of the watchful protector of the city he is temporarily calling home. Gohan rubbed the bridge of his nose, frustrated already.

"Need," Gohan chuckled "when are you and the league gonna stop telling me what to do? I advise it's soon because my patience only lasts so long." Gohan, very intimidatingly said, never once making eye contact. Then with a simple flick of his wrist he appeared next to Kara, the same apathetic look on his face.

"We can talk on the balcony, you weren't invited." Gohan said as he began walking past the huge pool and lay down on a sunbed.

Supergirl walked over and sat on the bed next to Gohan's, "look Gohan we want you to come in and debrief us on this solar fusion device Luthor is having you build. Every file Luthor has about it is beyond military encryption, we need to know if it's a risk to the planet."

"You just don't get it, how many times do I have to tell you. I have nothing to do with the League, you're a hurdle, an annoyance, a pothole in the long road towards my goal" Gohan groaned, barely paying her question attention.

He then stood up, ready to leave without a goodbye before Kara reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him, not aggressively but firm enough to halt his movements.

"Why are you being like this? Those little people you want to fight for, they're the ones we're fighting for when we ask you what the hell is Lex up to. We don't do it to spy on you and I know you don't believe this but we don't do it to annoy you. We do it for those who need us, the people who get caught in the crossfire." This was the most passionate thing Gohan had heard Kara say and it surprised him slightly, it wasn't full of anger or annoyance but with sincerity.

But still… "Don't throw my goal back in my face you control freak, you just want things done your way or no way at all. Now if we're quite done, this is private property if you don't leave the premises I'll make you leave." Gohan started glowing golden and releasing ki, a signal that Kara should back off.

She loosened her grip and he began to walk away, the ki aura around him dissipating.

"By this time next week the clown will hopefully be dead, and Jason and the boys can rest then." Gohan started laughing crazily, before instant transmissioning away.

Supergirl reached for her ear and pushed her communicator, "Did you get that Batman?" She said quietly.

"Yes Supergirl, we got it all. You can move to the next stage tomorrow, get some rest." Batman replied.

Gohan had to wipe that from his mind, he had more important matters to attend to. His first date. He finally had the stomach to call Felicia, the receptionist from Metropolis University and ask her out. Someone to talk to was the main reason that he called but Gohan couldn't deny her beauty or intelligence, but after they'd shared a few phone calls Gohan realised why he really liked her, it was her innocence. She was clean from the stains of this world, happy living in her own bubble separate from this negative domain Gohan is in. He liked that. He liked her.

We find our hero outside the Metropolis Meteor's stadium, nervously checking his watch and phone until suddenly his vision was impaired, for a second he thought about responding with strategic manoeuvre, knock out then interrogate. That was until he heard her laugh, a sweet laugh that made him drop his guard.

"Got you" Felicia chuckled before removing her hands to kiss him on the cheek "you owe me a coke, come on." She cheerfully led the way holding his hand, while this was the first physical meeting they'd had that wasn't professional, they had been relentlessly texting mainly thanks to her persistence and feigning annoyance if he didn't reply. Which only drew him toward her more.

Gohan looked her up and down, noticing she had worn her auburn hair down and had a flower hair clip in, this was a stark contrast from her pinned up hair the first time they met and boy did Gohan like it. He also noted that her deep green eyes were incredible, something her glasses at work hid quite well.

"You look great by the way, I'm glad we're doing this." Gohan said smiling a very bright smile, something that made Felicia's heart pound and her cheeks completely turn red. It stunned her how effortless it was for him to be adorable. He disappeared quickly to grab drinks and snacks and then they walked to their seats. "So, do you watch baseball often?" He asked.

"I watch the college team when I can but rarely get time off so not really, my little brother used to play but well he had an accident a few years ago and can't really anymore." She answered with a bit of a solemn face before grinning again.

"Sorry to hear that, well at least we can enjoy this game and maybe if I meet him one day we could play catch?" He said casually as the players ran out onto the field.

"That would be nice" she smiled weakly.

"Oh, sorry if I said something I shouldn't have. I'm very new to this." He apologised and it brought her right out of her funk.

"It's fine silly, let's just enjoy tonight and hopefully the Meteor's will win." She chuckled before joining in the chants that were going around the stadium.

This was nice, peaceful. Gohan relished the opportunity for peace, lovely girl, great weather, he was just having a fantastic time he hadn't even thought about the Justice League…

"GREEN LANTERN! OH MY GOD!" screamed one of the fans and as Gohan looked up to see what was going on. He saw the Space hero he'd previously met in the Watchtower hurdling out the sky towards the stadium, looking unconscious and going at an incredible speed. He was getting closer and closer and people were beginning to panic, crowds screaming and frantically running around and then Felicia began to freak out, wailing in a deep fear for their lives.

Gohan had to think quick, he didn't want to reveal his situation to Felicia, in fact one of the things he enjoyed most about her was that he could keep her separate from his other life, but something like that was meaningless in comparison to her life so he grabbed her so her entire focus was on him.

"Calm down Felicia, listen to me" his words and stare pierced her distress and she calmed down slightly "okay, I'm going to get you out of here, then I'll come back here and very shortly afterwards I'll return for you. Is that alright?" He said coolly and clearly.

She nodded, slightly confused. He nodded and then took her into his embrace and quickly instant transmissioned her twenty blocks away, on a park bench in a well-lit area. She was beyond shocked and confused, hysterically looking around her to see where she was or what had happened.

"I'll explain it all you later okay? I need to go back there, stay here and breath." He said with a serious face and then he teleported back to the stadium. Looking up he could clearly see a much closer Green Lantern, he was merely thirty metres above the stadium and there was something in hot pursuit, something Gohan couldn't quite make out but he decided that Green lantern was first priority so that no one died from him falling on them. He was under one of the bleachers so he was out of sight and quickly went to his Super Saiyan state, something that was much easier to attain and maintain thanks to his rigorous self-imposed training. He then ran out to the pitch, as central as he could to create minimal damage and bent his knees before putting as much force into taking off as he could without endangering anyone. Within a second he was next to Green Lantern who had built up a lot of speed and still looked unconscious, annoying Gohan.

"WAKE UP" he shouted whilst punching the hero with nowhere near his full strength, just trying to rouse him from his slumber but instead of falling he started flying off to the side, after all even a love tap from a Saiyan would pack a punch.

Green Lantern's eyes flickered and so did the tight green force field around him, he shook his head and steadied himself, floating merely a few hundred feet from Gohan.

He kept shaking his head, trying to regain normal functionality before flying quickly towards Gohan.

"Hey Gothan, what was that for?" He shouted with his arms out, expressing annoyance.

"You were about to hit that stadium full of people and to stop you from killing them all I had to interrupt my date, you idiot." Gohan said with his arms crossed barely bothering to point with his thumb toward the stadium, looking extremely aggrieved. GL looked around and as his senses began to return to him he heard the screams and chaos from within the stadium and its general vicinity.

"Well blame him not me" he pointed towards the second projectile now coming more into focus, it was Cyborg Superman and he looked pissed.

"Back up?" Gohan queried, raising an eyebrow.

"Most heavy hitters are away on a mission, the Guardians didn't deem this high enough priority for any more Lantern's so no. It's just us." He said, gripping his hand around his ring arm.

"Us?" Gohan laughed, "I only woke you up so you wouldn't decimate more innocents and so I could hit you without an inter-galactic issue, this isn't my fight."

"Huh? You're kidding right" Green Lantern sounded shocked "that's the most irres-" was all he could muster before Hank Henshaw wrapped his cybernetic fist into Green Lantern's jaw. The space policeman was sent hurdling again, not losing consciousness but he definitely felt that one, but all that made Gohan do was laugh uncontrollably.

Gohan looked at the shiny version of this worlds messiah, 'he clearly has a chip on his shoulder otherwise why would he wear that cape and symbol? He looks virtually the same as him, wonder if he's just as strong?' Gohan pondered.

"Great shot man, wow thanks for the entertainment but I've got a date to get back to." He said with a sarcastic wave.

"Why?" Hank's sudden speech was the only thing stopping him from flying away.

"What was that?" Gohan replied with mild irritation, at this point it was like he was being held up for some reason.

"Why are you leaving? You're a league member aren't you? Shouldn't you be protecting those people down there?" He said with a maniacal cackle.

Gohan returned his laugh, catching Hank off guard. "I bet most of them could beat the crap out of you Tin Can, now go home before I give you a permanent hardware downgrade."

"I could turn them to ash before you blink" He again laughed like a mad man.

"Try" Gohan said with a huge smile, looking quite mad himself.

"What? You're supposed to say 'noooo' or something." He questioned, extremely befuddled.

"Do it, I bet you that you can't. Let's make a wager."

"What are we betting?" Cyborg Superman smiled.

"Your life or mine, either kill me and everyone below or I kill you right here where you float." Gohan knew 90% of this was bravado to confuse his opponent, but a part of him really wanted him to do it, to see his face.

"Fine, you asked for it Junior!" He yelled as his eyes began to glow red, the same way Gohan had seen Superman's glow on the internet. The second the cyborg needed to power up was enough, Gohan raised his fingers to his nose and in the blink of an eye he was millimetres from Cyborg Superman. With half a back lift Gohan unleashed a devastating kick on the metal man, flinging him back and sending him into shock out of panic and pain.

"Missed your chance, now let's dismantle you so I can box you up and send you back to Amazon." Gohan smirked darkly.

Before Gohan could fly over to Hank, Green Lantern reappeared in between them with his arms spread, trying to stop whatever Gohan had planned in his mind.

"Hey Hot Head, cool off. You've done enough, you don't need to kill him." Green Lantern ordered, as he turned around to check the damage Gohan had done he was shocked. With one kick, he had removed a chunk of an arm and a small part of his torso, even if he was disgusted he was extremely impressed. The cyborg was completely unconscious due to shock and Gohan was ready to leave.

"He's all yours Lantern, I hate taking things to the scrapyard." Gohan laughed, he was just about ready to leave when he heard a voice calling him. Something underneath Cyborg Superman's suit began moving, it appeared to be around his neck.

As it flung off his neck, Gohan could just about make out what it was, it was a ring similar to Green Lantern's on a necklace, except it was yellow, that flew towards him and a voice from within it said:

"Son Gohan of Earth. You have the ability to instil great fear. Welcome to the Sinestro Corps."

Green Lantern gasped and sped towards Gohan trying to intercept it, trying to stop Gohan attaining more evil power. The ring was flying towards Gohan's finger but he himself intercepted it, catching it with ease.

"Lantern, what is this?" Gohan questioned.

Green Lantern slowed down then came to a halt a mere ten feet away from Gohan, surprised that the ring wasn't already on his finger.

"It's a ring like mine except it uses the power of instilling fear rather than overcoming fear. You shouldn't use it, it'll drive you mad." The hero said with serious concern.

"Yeah I can feel it, so much power is emanating from this little thing." Gohan chuckled, "not for me though, I don't need to use this piece of scrap to get the job done. I'll be leaving now, enjoy taking Cyber Uselessman to the mechanic." Gohan laughed and instant transmissioned back to where he left Felicia but to his shock no one was there. He checked his phone to see 5 missed calls from her and so he quickly called her, worry evident on his face.

"Gohan where were you?!" She screamed as she picked up, startling Gohan slightly.

"I'm sorry I scared you I just needed to get you to safety before I could deal with the situation at the stadium, I-" Gohan was cut off by her crying.

"I can't do this Gohan, this is too much for me. I think it's best we don't see each other again." Was all that could be heard before the line went dead, she'd hung up.

Gohan sank onto the bench that he had left Felicia on, it'd happened again. He was alone again. He needed something to work on, to build, something to take his mind off of life. To enter that bubble that wasn't muddied with life's negativity and filth.

Five hours later, somewhere deep below the surface of Metropolis. Gohan was working in a secretly sanctioned laboratory, not working on what he should be but instead working on a private project. His thought process was simple, 'Luthor is barely an ally, Morgan can't help me in the field and with the League breathing down my neck constantly and ruining any chance of personal relationships, I need a constant and reactive source of information and advice. That concept has given birth to one of my greatest creations, Videl. A fully immersed AI, an ally and with the way she was built she has my intelligence with the potential to learn. Will be nice to be tested mentally again' he chuckled to himself whilst looking down at his ear and eye piece, made entirely from nth metal acquired by Lex Corp. Gohan had tears in his eyes, it was beautiful, it was his, it was someone to talk to.

He slowly put the ear piece in and then the eye piece, which Gohan used Saiyan scouters as a design base for.

"Good evening Videl" Gohan said with his eyes closed, hoping.

"Good evening sir, nice to meet you." She said in a cheery voice, pushing Gohan over the point of keeping his tears in. "Is everything okay sir?"

Gohan wiped his eyes and composed himself, "Yes Videl I'm fine thank you, better than fine I'm ecstatic that you're here. Are you running at full efficiency?"

"Yes sir, fully online and awaiting orders. May I ask something?" She asked politely.

"Of course, Videl whatever you like."

"I just wondered why are you calling me Videl? My designation is DBHH421." She replied.

Gohan chuckled, "I don't know that just seems horribly impersonal don't you think? As to why Videl, I don't really know just seems like a pretty name."

"Okay then that will do" she replied slightly giggling.

"Right down to business, you're fully aware of the situation we're currently in, correct?" Gohan said, no sign of the happiness he was exuding mere seconds previous.

"Yes sir, I have all the memories you implanted me with and am completely up-to-date with the situation." She responded.

"Good then with two of us I'm sure we can do it, I'm sure we can find the clown. Analyse scatter plots of all Joker activity and try to locate a base of operations, if not we'll try to find his next move. Understood?" Gohan gave the marching orders with not a shred of emotion, cold and calculated just like he knew he'd have to be to catch this psychopath. Devoid of feelings, feelings lead to mistakes and pain.

"Yes sir, maybe get a cup of coffee. It's going to be a long night" Videl said, already displaying signs of capacity for emotion just like Gohan had hoped.

Gohan didn't sleep at all until he turned up for work at 7am, with black eyes and a cup of coffee that Lex immediately noticed as he walked past his office towards the laboratory. Gohan had taken Videl's eye piece off but the ear piece remained as she was still running searches and analysing the vast amount of data they'd sieved through the previous evening. As Gohan walked into his workshop and sat at his monitor, running infinitely fast diagnoses of the raw data he had amassed at work the previous day. His fatigue not affecting his immense processing speed and efficiency, Videl really hit the nail on the head with coffee it may have just saved his life. A point he reminded himself to thank her for when no one was around.

After a few hours of good progress into the cutting edge solar fusion project he was summoned by Luthor's Personal assistant, Mercy. Something that was never good as he found out in his first week of work.

Gohan walked into Lex's office rubbing his eyes and drinking coffee, tired wasn't even the word any more he wasn't really functioning. He thought he was hallucinating when he walked into his office and saw Superman and Supergirl standing in front of Lex's desk and Lex was wearing an extremely worried expression.

"Ah super friends a bit late, aren't we? Your metal twin was a pain in my ass, so to what do I owe the displeasure, morning Lex." Gohan said disrespectfully to all parties as he slumped into one of the various arm chairs.

"Supergirl recorded you yesterday, threatening to commit murder and bodily harm to herself. We have the right to take you into the authorities and get you some professional help. We'd like you to come with us." Superman said righteously, standing to attention with both arms behind his back and that made Gohan feel sick.

"And you?" Gohan said indicating towards Supergirl, all the while having not even looked at either of them and still drinking his coffee nonchalantly.

"I just want you to get the help you need, something horrible has happened and we understand that. However, a murder spree is never the answer," She declared.

"What do you think Lex?" Gohan asked, looking towards his 'mentor'.

"I think if there's hard evidence then there isn't much either of us can do." Lex smiled to with Gohan returned an equally devious grin.

"Yes, hard evidence. Shall we review what was said?" Gohan questioned, Superman and Supergirl looked at each other quite worryingly. "If I recall correctly I said 'the clown will hopefully be dead', does that indicate any malice or intent Mr. Luthor? Did I explicitly say I was going to kill him? Who wouldn't want the freak who killed their friends dead, but I didn't ever say I'd do it so is that inadmissible in court Lex?" Gohan confidently rubbed it in their faces, only leading to increased uneasiness on Superman's face and annoyance on Supergirl.

"No Gohan that doesn't indicate any intent and I think every judge would find that inadmissible evidence." Lex's smirk was a sight that every Kryptonian hated, so this moment was hitting the heroes hard.

"Next you made the case that I threatened bodily harm on Supergirl. Which if you will remember, didn't quite go down like that. I had a metahuman knock my window, on the top floor of a hotel. Which can easily be span as me needing to be there for fear of my own life after constant harassment from the Justice League since the brutal incident that destroyed my ties to anyone in this world as well as all my belongings in this world. What I recall saying was 'if you don't leave these premises I'll make you leave' which clearly meant calling security. Wouldn't you and all of your lawyers agree Lex?" Gohan had left the confidence behind, he was just annoyed now.

"They would, and I think that every judge in the country would see that as harassment also." Lex was loving this, you could tell.

"Finally let's talk about how you procured such information, did you get a warrant for using a wire? Because if you didn't then everything is inadmissible anyway and this has just been a lesson in the boundaries of the law for you. So, did you?" Gohan intimidatingly asked.

"Well no but we did it for you, to get you help." Superman said, never breaking his respectful stance.

"So, let me get this straight, you preach following laws and won't let me avenge children. CHILDREN. Yet you break them whenever it pleases you?" Gohan was emitting such a dark aura, threatening and heavy air filled the room.

"I think it's high time you get out this office and stop harassing the poor boy. He's done nothing but help me since he arrived and I've taken him under my wing. My lawyers will be in touch as you have mercilessly pursued one of my employees, you should be ashamed and just get out." Luthor said, feigning some kind of fatherly instinct.

Superman nodded and started leaving but Supergirl stayed to look at Gohan, at the person he had become and couldn't help but feel responsible.

Gohan's smirk was shining, he felt like king of the world. He had used the laws that the League had tried to strangle him with to essentially besmirch their name, a flawless victory and one that Gohan gave himself a lot of credit for. Supergirl was almost tearing up, calling her disappointed would be an understatement however she retreated, glancing back just once before joining her cousin on the way out.

As soon as the doors shut a very enthusiastic Lex congratulated Gohan, "Well done my boy, that was priceless. I didn't know if you could handle the aliens until this very second, you deserve a reward." He boasted patting Gohan on the shoulder.

"It was nothing sir, they pack a punch but the pen still wins against a sword." Gohan blushed under the compliment, scratching the back of his head as he waved off the appreciation.

"A sentiment I admire and agree with, but having knowledge without power is of course paradoxical. And you Gohan, you have power, the power to change this boring ball of dirt that we call home. Thus, my gift to you is this, I have his location." Lex smirked and Gohan grinned ear to ear.

"Where?" He impatiently asked, gleaming.

"I've narrowed it down to- Gohan- Gohan what's happening?" Lex sounded shocked, so Gohan looked down and around himself, he was disappearing.

"I- I- I- I don't know. Lex-"Before the young Saiyan could even finish his sentence he was gone. When he awoke he heard a very familiar voice.

"Hello Gohan." She said happily.