A/N: okay, soooooooo yeah, I randomly came up with this idea and it needs to be written (or in this case typed) for me to feel better.

And as always: thank you for reading, please review, and you are all awesome.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Hermione walked into the library, breathing in the smell of the antique books as she walked towards the back of the room. She went to her normal table, hidden in a small, office like structure that almost no other students used. It was a small room, only large enough to fit 2 normal sized tables, with a small window, but Hermione thought it was perfect.

She sat her things down at the last table, pulling out her potions book and some parchment, before going into the many aisles of books. She started at the back, slowly working her way up before she heard the voice she really did not want to hear today.

"Hermione?" Ron yelled, walking down the row, and looking down every aisle.

"Yes Ronald?" Hermione answered, not looking at him, but rather focusing on her books.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" Ron marched over to Hermione, towering over her small frame.

"Its called 'avoiding you' Ron, why is it so hard to comprehend?"

"Why are you avoiding me? Is this about the whole calling you ugly thing? Look I'm sorry Mione, but its true! You are ugly, and no one is ever going to want to date you, and-"

Hermione spun around, poking her finger into his chest.

"Listen here Ron, I know I'm ugly, and I really don't care! But that gives you no right to rub it in my face! So if you would be so kind as the shut up, I would much appreciate it." Hermione said, marching off to her little room.

She slammed the door shut and locked it, sitting heavily on the chair. She put her head in her hands and closed her eyes, her emotions reeling.

How could Ron do this? Hermione knew he wasn't always as sensitive as he should be, and she accepted that, but for him to be so heart less….

And worse was what brought it on. She had been sitting in the great hall, talking to Harry, when Ginny asked if Hermione wanted to join her and some other girls at a makeover party, just for fun. Hermione, being Hermione, was about to politely decline, when Ron said: 'what's makeup gonna do to her face, makeup can only fix so much, not work miracles.' at which everyone had laughed, except Harry and Ginny, who glared at Ron, while Hermione ran out of the great hall.

And this wasn't the first time Ron had been so hurtful, but Hermione was always willing to forgive him, turn the other cheek, but she was fed up with Ron, and she was just….tired….

And for the first time in a year, Hermione Granger started to cry.

And she wasn't just crying about what Ron had done, or said. It was everything. Her parents death a little over a year ago, her stress, and most of all…. Just for everything in general.

A gust of cold air caused Hermione to turn around to look for the source. Expecting to see just an open window, you can imagine Hermione's surprise to see the ghost of Rowena Ravenclaw.

"What troubles you so, child?" Rowena said, looking sympathetically towards the weeping girl.

"Oh, Lady Ravenclaw," Hermione said, wiping her eyes with her hand. "it is a honor." she said as she gave the woman a bow.

"As it is to meet you, Miss Granger. Now please, answer my question: What is troubling you?"

"Just trivial things really, nothing so important that it requires you to give your attention to it. But thank you, Lady Ravenclaw."

"Did you know, I knew a girl just like you, almost 20 years ago. In fact, if I didn't know better, I would say you were her." Rowena said, knowingly. "but that's a ridiculous idea….correct?"


" Hermione, would be so kind as to hold my hand." Rowena placed her see through hand in front of Hermione, waiting Patiently.

Hermione took the woman's hand, surprised to feel that her hand was solid. Suddenly a large force was pulling her back, almost ripping her in half. Hermione only had time to let out a small scream, before she was no longer there.

"And all will come to a happy end." Rowna said, as she slowly glided away.


Hermione head hurt. Her head really hurt. She slowly tried to open her eyes, being almost blinded by the sun. She slowly moved her hands, noting that all her muscles were sore, and felt soft grass under her hand.

"Who the fuck is that?" she heard a voice say, but the voice sounded eerily familiar…

"Well, don't just stand there, go see who it is." she heard another voice say, who also sounded familiar…

She heard grass and twigs crunching under someone's stealthy footfalls, before feeling a presence close to her.

"Oh God…..she's covered in blood, we need to tell someone, go get help!" The voice yelled.

Once again, she slowly tried to open her eyes, this time the light wasn't quite as bright, and she could make out the outline of a boy, with long dark black hair, and a slim figure.

"come-on, don't die! I do not want your death on my hands." The boy said, casting some minor healing spells.

Hermione let out a whimper of pain as on of the spells popped some of her bones back into place.

"Look, I'm sorry! But his is for your own good…."

This continued for a few more minutes before the other voice returned.

"I've brought help. Severus? Where are you?"

Wo wo wo wo wo wo wo… Severus?

"We're here Lucius!" Severus called.

Wo wo wo wo wo wo wo …Lucius?

And that was the last thought Hermione had before she blacked out again.


Hermione woke up for the second time that day to a blinding light. Only this time it was the light bouncing off of the hospital wing walls. She groaned as she tried to sit up, alerting everyone to the girls awakening.

"Hello Miss, I'm Madam Pomfrey, and I am the nurse here at Hogwarts, I don't know you're name but I need you to drink these three potions and lay back down, I will alert Headmaster Dumbledore to your status." Said a young, plump witch, as she walked away.

Hermione was beyond confused. A young Pomfrey? An alive Dumbledore? A young Severus? There was only one explanation….but it was a crazy idea, but just to be sure….

Hermione looked around for anything that would have a date until she spotted a nwspaper a couple of beds down, in the arms of a shaggy, brown hared boy.

"Umm, Excuse me? Might I borrow that newspaper?" Hermione asked the boy, hoping to be proven wrong.

"Of course." The boy answered, handing her the paper.

"Thank you." Hermione said, not even looking the boy in the face, and sure enough, she was proven right.

September 5, 1977

"I'm sorry I didn't even get your name. What was it?" She asked. But after seeing him, she already knew.

"I'm Remus. Remus Lupin."

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading, I have a pretty good idea where this story is going, but you guys always give me better ideas. And please review. :D