Just a little thing that fell out one night after being invited to a community that was mostly DM/HG. Say what? The leading proponent of Pureblood idealism, the biggest bully in school, the only person that Hermione ever physically struck, with the Muggleborn that proves everything in his life wrong? Draco managing to change enough to make Hermione love him? Only if Hermione had an ulterior motive.

Hermione Granger and the Pureblood

Scenario: The war is over, Voldemort is gone, and life goes on, for most people. Until the Pureblood realize there are not enough of them left to sustain themselves. Some bribery, a few threats and one Wizengamot vote later, the Marriage Law is a done deal. Draco Malfoy has finally found a way to bring Hermione Granger down, and he's going to enjoy every minute of it.

Draco sat in Gringotts, his face impassive while he waited for his soon to be bride. Nine years. Nine years of Granger being better, smarter than he was. Until now. She would sign the marriage contract because she had no choice at all. It was being enforced by the Ministry after all, and after the ceremony, she would be his. As the male in the marriage, he would be able to control everything she did, met with, talked to or even wrote letters to. He'd already set up a one room house on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere. He'd keep her there, with no books, no paper, nothing to do except bear him an heir, and after that... well, insanity was a good reason to get rid of her and collect a more acceptable woman to take to the Balls and parties. He looked up as the door opened.

Hermione walked into the room and kept the twitch of her hand towards her wands concealed. She sat done across from Draco. She had one chance here, and it had to be done just right.

Hermione and Draco spent nearly an hour going over the contract, arguing over terms and wording. When it was done, the goblin took it away to being rewritten according to those changes they had agreed on. Draco was elated that she hadn't changed enough of it to prevent his plans moving forward, but kept his face still. It would not do to make her look at it again.

"There is one more thing, Malfoy," Hermione said as they waited for the goblin to return. Draco waited, wondering what the mudblood was up to. "I will not sign any contract, until we both swear an Unbreakable vow that there will not be any physical abuse or pain caused to either person." She looked at him. "I know that you plan on trying to make my life with you hell after you have your heir, but I think I can make your life a bigger hell. So, both of us swear an oath that we will not cause, or allow physical pain to each other." Hermione smirked, knowing it would anger Draco. "As long as our war is mental or emotional, I can hold my own, and we both know it. What neither of us can guard against, however, is a curse in the night, or a kick in the balls." Hermione smiled slyly. "Or poison in your food, or any one of a thousand other ways I have thought of to kill you over the years."

Draco considered all the ramifications of such a vow. As he thought, the goblin returned with the contract. He looked at Hermione. "And if I choose to say no?"

Hermione shrugged. "Today is the deadline to contracted, Malfoy. If we are not contracted by midnight, our magic will be bound and we'll both be squibs." She smirked at him. "If that happens, I go back to the Muggle world, go to school for a few years and carry on with my life. What will you do?"

Draco opened his mouth but Hermione spoke first. "Before you say you'll sign a contract with some other girl today, you should know that every girl you qualify to marry under this law is already contracted. In short, if we don't come to an agreement today, tomorrow we'll both be squibs."

Draco and Hermione spent the next three hours working out the exact wording of the vow they would take. Susan Bones acted as their Bonder, having been the only person both of them could agree on.

With their vows spoken the two signed the marriage contract, and sent a copy to the Ministry, to show their compliance with the law.

(Insert three months or fights and bitter arguments as Draco wants a purely Wizard wedding, and Hermione insists on having a ceremony her family can attend. Colours, foods, every possible thing they can fight about comes up.)

The day of the wedding was beautiful, not that anyone participating really noticed, as the tension between the Groom's side and the Bride's side was high enough that Amelia Bones had a dozen of her Aurors keeping the peace.

No few sighs of relief were heard when the wedding and the dinner were done without anyone being cursed.

Hermione waited in the Master bedroom of Malfoy manor. Draco had brought her here, and promptly disappeared into his study to have a celebratory drink. He opened the door and looked at her. "Take it off," he commanded. "Lay face down on the bed. I may have to get an heir on you, but that doesn't mean I have to look at you."

Hermione did as said silently. Draco stripped and crawled between her legs, muttering a lubrication spell as he did so. He wasn't going to try to pleasure the mudblood, but he wasn't going to take a chance on hurting her with a dry entry either.

Draco thrust himself into her and suddenly seized up. As he fell off the bed Hermione sat on the edge of the bed and smirked at him. "Something wrong, Malfoy?" She watched him as he convulsed again. "I knew that you were an idiot, Malfoy, in fact, I counted on your stupidity and arrogance to make this work. You're never thought about anyone else in your life, which is why I asked for that vow, the one that's killing you now. I knew you would never even consider the fact that I was a virgin when you came to beget your heir, or that having your virginity taken is painful." She looked around the room as Draco's eyes began dimming. "One year from today, Mrs Malfoy will marry Harry Potter-Black, folding the Malfoy family back into the Black family, ending not only the Malfoy name, but the Lestrange family as well, since Bellatrix's will left everything to you." She watched as he went limp and the light faded from his eyes.

Hermione got up and dressed. As the only living Malfoy, she had a lot of work to do. She notified the DMLE of the death of Draco and called Susan Bones.

As she waited for the people to start arriving, she took out some parchment and began making plans. There were a lot of people that had to pay for this whole Marriage Law stupidity, and it had to be completely legal, at least until Harry, Neville, Susan and herself could take up their Wizengamot seats when they turned twenty-five.


Hermione put the parchment away as the first Aurors began spilling out of the Floo.

(possible continuation: Harry's "marriage" to Pansy per the law, how he got rid of her, and the efforts of the muggleborn and halfbloods to hasten the end of the Purebloods that continue the bigoted ways, and the slow changes to bring the Wizard world into the twentieth century without losing any of the traditions that actually mean something. Hard work to do with no real conflict except politics and verbal conflict.)

Seriously, people. Draco and Hermione are Enemies, period. While some Purebloods might be willing to change, nothing in any canon suggests that Draco would. In the end, he's an arrogant, stupid bitch without any consideration for anyone but himself.

And, if by some miracle, he did change, Hermione hates him, and her two closest friend hate him. I can't see her losing Ron and Harry as friends to marry the toerag that made most of her Hogwarts career hell.