Mizuki's creation raced forward towards their opponent.

"What?!" The enemy backed away a little. "Daemon magic?!"

"Surprise!" Mizuki smirked.

Mizuki's creation swung his axe, taking one of the daemon's arms off.

Mizuki clutched Hiro in her hand. "Are you up for one more strike, Hiro?" She muttered.

"Take his head clean off, Mizuki-hime." He replied, determination filled his voice.

She looked to Yuta and they shared a nod.

"At your word." He growled, blue flames emitting from his tail and around his paws.

Mizuki swallowed, watching her creation duel with the enemy daemon. Let's do this. She took the chance when her creation landed a brutal blow to the daemon's chest.

She ran up her creation's back. "Maybe you've heard of me… I'm the daughter of Artemis… I am the heir of Olympus…" She took a giant swing. "Mizuki… Goddess of War…"

The daemon's eyes widened. "Hades…?"

Everything seemed to move in slow motion.

Mizuki's friends watched as Hiro sliced the daemon's neck, causing the him to scream out.

Yuta leaped up, grabbing the creature by his hair, and pulling his head away from his body, completely decapitating him.

The decapitated daemon fell with a mighty thud.

Mizuki landed next to it, panting heavily, using her sword to hold her up. "Yeah… I see you've heard of my dad." She breathed.

Yuta transformed into his human-self, looking down at the daemon's remains with disgust. "You will never outmatch my princess." He held out his hands. "I degrade you to mere ashes."

The daemon's remains ignited in blue fox flames.

The daemon's phantoms evaporated into nothing.

Team Natsu ran to her.

"Mizu-chan!" Natsu called. "You did it!" He grinned. "I knew you would win."

Mizuki looked to him. "Yeah… but I don't think I should recall Hiro yet."

"I sensed it too." He nodded. "There's another one."

"Just stand strong guys." She straightened up, just as she did, there was another rumble.

Lucy and Erza shared an anxious look.

Mizuki suddenly felt shivers down the back of her neck. She spun around and jabbed her sword in that direction. "Show yourself!" She snarled, feeling her blade hitting something solid in what appeared to be thin air.

A low chuckle echoed in the air. "As expected…" A handsome, middle aged looking, man appeared, Mizuki's blade flush with his.

Mizuki swallowed. "Are you that vermin's ally?" She asked.

He chuckled. "Not at all, I just came to do the exact same thing as you did. He's been causing a ruckus, hasn't he?" He smiled, kicking the dust left behind. "Nice cremation, fox." He nodded to Yuta.

Yuta stepped slightly in front of Mizuki, to shield her if necessary. "And you are?"

"Oh!" The stranger laughed. "I'm sorry, allow me to introduce myself." He smirked. "I'm Hades of the Netherworld."

Mizuki almost dropped to the floor. "Hades?!" She squeaked.

"It's nice to finally meet you, my dear." He stepped forward.

Yuta put his arm out and pulled Mizuki, so she was directly behind him. "Don't come near her!" He snapped.

Gray stepped up and put his arm around Mizuki protectively. "So, this is your pops?" He asked.

Mizuki was shaking slightly.

Hades smiled. "It's nice to see that she has acquired a loyal and unwavering familiar." His eyes landed on the human that seemed to be also very protective of the young princess. "But, would you really think I'd hurt my own flesh and blood?" He asked with a raised brow.

Mizuki regained her composure. "Yuta, it's fine, you can stand down." She assured him.

Yuta gritted his teeth and stood aside.

Mizuki stared at the daemon king before her. "Dad?"

Hades' smile was warm and welcoming. "You look so much like your mother."

Her mother was right… he wasn't frightening at all.

"That was some impressive skill, taking down that oaf." He remarked.

"I didn't do it alone." She stated.

He nodded, scanning the group of wizards that were only a few feet away from them, all poised and ready to counter any attack he may deliver. "You have some loyal companions, dear. I am happy that you are not alone. I was so frightened when I had heard that you were tossed from the skies."

"So, why didn't you search for her if you cared so much?" Gray spat. Any normal father would go to any lengths to make sure their daughter was safe.

Hades sighed. "Since she fell, Zeus has made it, so I can't come up into the near shore unless it's necessary, like that brute. But I see my presence wasn't required." He turned his attention back to his daughter. "Although, as soon as I sensed daemon blood magic, I knew that only I or my descendants can control that power… it had to be you, and I wasn't going to return to the Netherworld until I got to see your face… even if it's just once." He reached out and stroked her cheek.

She raised her hand and placed it on his, feeling her eyes sting and her heart going a mile a minute. This is my dad… this… daemon… this honest and sweet hearted daemon, is my dad! She suddenly felt shooting pains in her abdomen. She jumped and doubled over.

Hades stared at her. "Mizuki?" He crouched down to her level.

Yuta stepped forward again. "Is it your mark?" He asked her, also crouching.

She gave a small nod.

Gray looked to Hades. "I think Zeus is giving her a warning… because you are here." He stated. "He branded her with a mark to keep her god and daemon magic dampened, so other daemons and minor gods can't sense who she is." He explained when Hades gave him a confused look.

"He what?!" Hades bellowed. "He…He branded my daughter?! How dare he?!" He stood up. "And Arte allowed this?!" He looked to Yuta for answers.

The fox spirit sighed. "It was the only way Mizuki could keep her powers at all… Zeus was going to strip them from her completely, but the queen negotiated this deal, so she can keep her god powers, so she can be the war goddess she is. Whether Zeus likes it or not, Mizuki is the natural heir of Olympus. She needs her magic for when she eventually takes the throne."

Gray helped Mizuki somewhat straighten up. "You alright, Mizu?"

She hissed. "Gray… it's burning…"

Gray bit his lip. "Want me to cool it down?"

She nodded. "Please?"

He placed his hand over the tattoo on her stomach and allowed just enough of his magic to come out to cool her but not turn her into a Greek goddess ice statue. He felt her relax a little. Good, it's working.

Hades watched in wonder as the wizard helped the goddess. I see you have more than one knight serving you, dear… He exhaled loudly. "Well, I guess since my being here is causing that, I best return to the Netherworld."

Mizuki looked up and took a shaky step forward and held her arms open. "Can I get a hug goodbye first…?" She flashed one of her flawless smiles.

Hades looked on the verge of tears. "Of course, as long as he doesn't hurt you if I do so." He shot a dirty look to the heavens. He wrapped his arms around her. "You really are like your mother. Send her my love if you see her again." He whispered.

"When I become queen… I think I'll be changing some rules… just hang on until then." She replied.

He pulled away. "No matter where you are… if you're in danger, use your blood magic to call me. I'll be there. Nobody messes with my little girl and gets away with it." He looked to Team Natsu and Yuta. "Thank you, for taking care of Mizuki and making her happy." With that he was gone in a puff of smoke.