Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or any songs by The Cab

Castiel and Gabriel were growing restless cooped up in the back seat of the Impala. Their wings, though invisible (unless they willed them otherwise) were not able to intersect solid objects such as the car around them so keeping them tight against their backs grew wearisome quickly. Sure the four switched seats every once in a while but being in the car for long hours got so boring. "Can we take a break?" Gabriel moaned.

"Just sit on the roof for a while." Dean said.

"Last time he did that you got angry." Castiel said.

"I got angry because he lifted the car off the ground." Dean grumbled.

"Let's pull over and let the, stretch their wings a little." Sam said from the back seat next to Gabe.

"Fine." Dean said noting the small smile that spread across Castiel's features. He found a clear spot and pulled to the side of the road. Sam and Dean got out and walked over to the edge of the road where the sand encroached on the asphalt. The angels stepped out of the car and stretched their legs before with a few power full strokes they shot into the air. They did tricks earning laughs from the boys below, making large loops in the sky. Gabriel swooped low over them, catching Sam and lifting him easily into the air. Sam laughed and clung tightly to his small lover to keep warm in the cool air. The breeze blowing off the water chilled the young hunter not to mention the chill from the altitude. Cas landed softly in front of his own hunter, his raven wings stretched comfortably out behind him.

"Come here Batman." Cas said grabbing Dean around the waist and shooting skyward once more. Dean blushed but was secretly thrilled.

"I thought you were scared of flying." Sam called over the rippling wing and murmuring tide.

"No, just of airplanes clown boy." Dean called back before breaking into the batman song. The four danced together in the sky, scaring away the sea gulls and laughing until their cheeks hurt and their ribs ached. When at last they alighted on the ground, each still grinning from ear to ear Dean got in the driver's seat with Sammy beside him. His little brother. This one was definitely going to be part of his heave, right next to setting off fireworks with his little brother in the dead of night and his first kiss with Cas. It was such a small thing, pretending to be batman with his little family, as the four claimed the sky. Dean smiled as Sam put on Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab.

"It's not Asia but it'll do." Dean shrugged with a beaming grin. Sam laughed as he sat back in his seat, hands on his belly.

