Hey here is a story me and my friend wrote and don't kill me, i am updating the others. It doesn't hep me and my friend are always writing.

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter One: Little Snowflake

A thousand years ago:

"Zane! Come on time for dinner!" Called 10 year old Garmadon

"Coming brother!" Called 4 year old Zane

"Zane, LOOK OUT!" called Garmadon only for Zane to fall, and break his neck on the stairs. Garmadon could tell that by the way the neck was angled that his baby brother was dead. Above Zane was their other brother Wu. Wu lived to torment Zane. But this time he went too far. He had his hands out stretched as if he had pushed him, a look of horror on his face. Garmadon, ran forward and picked up Zane. He grabbed his brothers still, and almost cold body and ran for their father. He knew their dad may be able to save him. He had working on something, but didn't have time to test it.

"Dad! Dad!" called Garmadon as he raced through their house.

"What is it son?" asked Their father, his face paled as he took in Zane's pale form. "What happened?"

"Wu pushed Zane down the stairs, and Zane broke his neck." said Garmadon

"Come, I might have a way to save him." said their father.

"Really, Dad? You could save him." said Wu, from the doorway. Wu started toward his brothers and father, only to be pushed down by Garmadon.

"Don't you dare touch him!" Shouted Garmadon. His shouts made their older brothers come in. They were triplets. Christopher, Kaylor, and Jason walked in and seeing Zane's body, they rounded onto Wu, knowing somehow he did this.

"What did you do?" asked Chris in a low voice, that signified if he hurt Zane, the baby of the family, then there would hell to pay. Everyone was protective of Zane, all except Wu. Their mother had died protecting Zane when they went on a hunting trip. Wu was asleep, and only 4 he didn't remember, seeing her at the foot of Zane's crib, with a hand on him. At her feet was a dead serpentine. Zane was looking at it in curiosity. They saw that the serpentine, was frozen solid, but was still warm, they looked to Zane and he was playing with a snowball, in JULY! Where did he get it. They didn't think much of it, till about 1 1/2 years later, when it started to snow in the middle of zane's bath, when wu shouted about how it was Snowing, and next thing they know Zane was playing in the snow but ass naked. And he didn't get a cold. They realized that day that Zane controlled Ice, just like their mother did.

'Why do you guys care so much, he is the reason mommy's dead." said Wu

"Wu! Go to your room this instant!" Screamed Chris

"No! I hate him, I'm glad he's dead!" yelled Wu as he stomped up to his room. that would be the last thing he had said to his baby brother.
"I can save him, but Chris you and Skylar must raise him and Garmadon. We will visit but for now, this is how it must be." said their father.

"Yes, dad." said Chris. Skylar was his wife, and they had just found out they were expecting a son. Another master of either earth or Water. Zane woke up, and noticed right away he was different. Everything was clearer, and his skin was ice cold. Another was the fact that he had hurt his neck on the fall, and now it didn't hurt.

"Gawmy?" asks Zane as he looks around.

"Zane! Dad it worked!" shouted Garmy from right next to him. The next thing Zane knew, he was wrapped in Garmadons arms. Zane loved hugs so he just hugged his big brother back.

"It did? Zane! You're alright baby boy." said their father

"Daddy? Wha happened?" asked Zane

"Wu pushed you down the stairs and you broke your neck, but you're ok, remember the theory I was trying to test. Well Zane you proved it." said their dad

"Weally? I did, coow!" said Zane

"Zane, we're leaving. Me and you, we're going to live with Chris and Skylar. it's not safe for you here with Wu." said Garmadon "Dad suggested it. He killed you Zane, it's to protect you."

"Will we see daddy, and the others still?" asked Zane

"Yeah, They will visit us. Dad promised." said Garmadon

"Wha abou when you become eviw, Gawmy? Will you still pwrotect me? You my big bwotha Gawmy, and I scawed. If you go eviw, Wu will seawch me out. I'm scawed Gawmy! What if something happens to dem, like it happened to Mommy?" asked Zane

"Zane, you remember, mom?" asked Garmadon

"Yeah, a mean snake kiwwed hew. He slit hew thwoat. Why?" asked Zane all cute and innocent like.

"Zane you were a baby when she died, you couldn't even crawl yet. How do you remember mom?" asked garmadon

"She sings to me. When I am scawed, she sings to me. Daddy, mommy says to stop cwying she is happy. She woves you daddy." said Zane

"Zane, is mommy here right now?" asks Daddy

"Yeah, she is wight behind you daddy." said Zane as he pointed over his shoulder at his mom.

"Zane, does Mommy have blond hair, and red eyes." asked Garmadon

"No Mommy had black haiw and bwue eyes." said Zane

"She does have black hair and blue eyes, Zane that's right." said Garmadon

"why?" asked Zane

"What?" Asked their father

"Why awe you asking me? You wewe awive when she was so why awe you asking?" asked Zane

"We wanted to remember her better." said Garmadon, as Zane yawned. Garmadon took Zane in his arms and started to hum. Soon they were both asleep. Zane held onto Garmadon for dear life. He was afraid someday soon he would lose his brother.

Present day:

It had been over a thousand years since that day. Wu was told he had killed Zane with the push. Whenever Wu saw Zane at chris's house, he apologized. He missed his little brother. He remembered when he had read him stories, and when he would follow him around, wanting to play with the big boys. He was sorry that he had killed his one link to his mother, and the last member of his family. Chris, Jason, and Kaylor were all killed in the first serpentine war. Skylar had a little boy, as planned and She died of a broken heart right after Chris died. Her son was raised by Wu and Garmadon, but he died in a serpentine raid, a few years after his son had been born. Wu eventually lost track of all of his sibling children. He couldn't keep watching them die, while he never would. Zane kept track of them, and was happy when Garmadon had a son. He saw how happy he was with his son. Zane aged like most other children, but he could go back to being 4 if he wanted. he spent most nights alone, and at the age of 4.

"Zane! come on, another serpentine raid!" Yelled Kai, Kaylor's descendant.

"Coming!" Zane yelled back He couldn't help but think on how much Kai was like Kaylor. And how much Nya is like Skylar. Seems history is going to repeat itself.

"This isn't right." said Cole

"you got that right." said Jay. Out of nowhere a few hundred serpentine come out. All the ninja are easily over powered, but to make matters worse, Garmadon was there. Zane was thrown against a tree at Garmadon's feet. Zane could feel the blood running down his face and feel the pain in his neck, Identical to the pain in his neck when he broke it and died, all those years ago. garmadon looks down at him and starts to laugh, till he sees the blood and the angle his neck is at. Garmadon, seeing this, cries, as a thousand year old memory rekindled, a four year old Zane lay at the bottom of the stairs with his neck broken. Garmadon remembered that day. That was the day he almost broke his promise to his mother. As he cried, he saw his tears hit the ground pure black. As he reached for his brother, he see's his hands are white again. He touches his face, and feels normal skin, not the rough skin the venom made it. he looks down again, and sees Zane as a 4 year old, again. He touches his shoulder and and feels skin, not the metal he remembers. His brother was human again. Lloyd stares at his father as he realizes his father is human. Misako looks at him and gasps.

"Garmy?" She asks

"Misako! Zane! Wake up!" he said as he shook Zane's shoulder. Zane eyes opened and looked at his older brother in shock.

"gawmy?" He asks noting how his voice is higher than it was before, Zane's eyes widen as they took in the sight of Misako looking like she did at 20.

"Zane? Are you alright baby brother?" asked Garmadon

"yeah." He says before he sees Wu. He backs away from Wu and closer to garmadon. Garmadon picks up Zane, and Miskao grabs her little boy's hand, and they disappear into the sunlight.