OutWorld Palace

"Girls! Hurry up, we were meant to leave ten minutes ago!"

Mileena hastily crammed her school supplies into her backpack, hurriedly tossing everything in with no regard for organisation.

In truth, only a part of her hastened packing was due to her being late. Currently, Mileena was ecstatic at the idea of her first day at EarthRealm High. OutWorld was never a place for socialising, save for the constant fighting. She had done plenty of fighting, what she wanted now was some friends, acquaintances or even just someone to talk to who wasn't Kitana or her father.

So when Kitana informed Mileena she was going to high school, she practically leapt at the chance to meet people who weren't palace servants who were afraid of her or enemies who hated her.

"Milly, any day now", her sister sighed.

"Two minutes!"

"It was two minutes, ten minutes ago. Honestly, are you packing your entire room in that back?"

Mileena groaned in frustration.

You'd think someone with an Edenian lifespan would have some damned patience!

"Mileena!", barked the girl's father.

"Coming", she chirped, scurrying out of her room and diving into the car and landed next to her sister.

"Finally. Are you ready for your first day sister?"

"Are you kidding? I'm so psyched! This gonna be great!"

Kitana smiled at her younger sibling's enthusiasm.

EarthRealm Highway

The drive was uneventful, save for the odd road rage devastation caused by Shao Khan's driving. To anyone else it would have seemed beyond excessive to smash a car to pieces with a hammer for honking at the driver, but Kitana and Mileena had seen it so many times, it wasn't even worth noticing.

As their father was currently threating the traffic warden with having his soul absorbed, the girls passed the time.

Kitana was currently texting Jade as to why she was going to be late.

"Who ya textin?"

"What does it matter?"

"I bet it's Liu Kang!", Mileena sang.

"It's not Liu! I'm texting Jade", Kitana quickly countered.

"Yeah, sure sis, I believe you".

"Don't be such a child".

"What, I think it's cute. Have you ever seen how you two act when you're together? It's sooooo adorable".

Kitana batted Mileena away, earning a stuck out tongue and a giggle in return.

As Kitana continued texting, she noticed Mileena rustling through her bag to retrieve something. Out of mild curiosity she watched as Mileena pulled out her magenta coloured mask.

Kitana sighed.

Not this again

As she put it on, Kitana put her phone down and turned to her sister, her expression upset and concerned at the same time.


"Mileena, we talked about this", her sister's tone stern but not aggressive.

Never the less Mileena hung her head.

"Just…just for the first few days. Please?", She pleaded with big puppy dog eyes.

Well as puppy dog as Tarkatan eyes could get.

"Milenna, you have to…"

The sisters were interrupted by their father returning to the drivers' seat, albeit covered in blood and parking tickets, which by the look of it, the OutWorld warlord had no intention of paying.

"EarthRealmers", he grumbled. "Kill a few commoners for disrupting royalty and they go insane".

"Pretty sure it wasn't just the EarthRealmers who went nuts", whispered Mileena.


Mileena and Kitana both snapped into silence immediately, not wanting to test their father's already thinning patience.

It gave Kitana some joy that Mileena had returned to normal but she was still tempted to talk to her about her mask, but decided that she would talk to her out of earshot of their father.

He cared about Mileena as much as she did, but he wasn't good with delicate situations.

Or delicate anything for that matter

EarthRealm High Exterior

The car pulled up beside the school.

Shao Khan rolled down the window to speak to his daughters before he left.

"Now remember girls. Now that you have been accepted into this EarthRealm school, I expect you to infiltrate their society, gather intel and pave the way, for OutWolrd's inevitable victory and my vengeance upon this pathectic worlds Kombatants!"

Mileena and Kitana frowned at their father's ranting.

"Dad", they chided in unison.

"Oh, yes. And of course, have a good day. And Mileena, try to make some new friends".

"Thanks dad…."

"Alliances will prove useful for…"


"Huh? Oh yes! Right, focused now, promise. Have a good day girls".

Shao Khan drove off as both his daughters facepalmed.

"This. This is why mother left him".

"I thought Sindel left because dad brainwashed you and her?"

"I don't remember that".

Mileena chose not to explain why someone wouldn't remember being brainwashed and darted up the stone step and through the doors.

She stood there, gawping at how large the building was and how many other people were here. This was it. This was going to be her chance meet new people. For the first time she might have a friend, hell she might even get a boyfriend.

That last thought had sent a nervous shiver down the half Tarkatan princess' spine.

"But…", she thought.

What if no one likes me. And what if they see my face. They'll get scared and then I'll be alone and…and…

With the sudden doubt pouring into her mind, Mileena's short lived optimism was replaced by fear and anxiety.

Until she felt a hand placed on her shoulder.

She looked up to see Kitana offering a comforting smile.

"It's normal to be scared on your first day".

Mileena looked up at her sister, wishing she possessed even a tenth of the confidence she had.

Mileena had always confided with her sister about her problems. Despite the troubles caused by her initial…teething problems, from her cloning, the two got on as well as any other sisters. Mileena had secretly wished she was more like Kitana. She wasn't ashamed of her Tarkatan ancestry but it did make life difficult for her.

It's hard to make friends when you look like a Wes Craven slasher monster

But no matter how bad things seemed, her big sister always managed to help her through them.

"It's just…so big. And I don't know anyone here".

"Oh come now, you know Jade".

"Jade's your friend".

"She likes you too".

"You know what I mean".

Kitana sighed.

"Look Mileena, there are plenty of people here who would make great friends. And you're not alone, you know I'll always have your back".

Mileena gave her sister a hug for her words of support.

"So. Can you do me a favour and please take off your mask?"

Mileena paused for a minute, then looked back up to Kitana once more.

"Are you sure no one will laugh or scream?"

Kitana placed her hands on Mileena's shoulders.

"Mileena, this school is…different, than most other schools. Hell, there's even a lizard man and two cyborgs here".

Mileena's eyes shone bright with interest.

"Really?! Wow. Soooo, maybe a few large teeth won't be so weird".

"That's the crazy, brave sister I know. So?"

Mileena hesitated for one more moment then tossed her pink mask in the air.

"Look out EarthRealm High, cuz Mileena Khanum is ready for you", she cheered.

Just then a student walking past them stopped to retrieve a fallen piece of paper and caught sight of the half Tarkatan teen.

"Aagghhh! Monster!", he yelled as he ran towards a window and plummeted to his death.

Mileena sighed and looked back down at her feet.

"Oh ignore him that happens around here".

The school speaker rang out.


Mileena covered her ears at the immensely loud noise.

"Elder Gods, what was that!?"

"This school can be a bit dangerous. It used to be someone gave a damn about people dying here, but it happens so often we just learned to live with it. That just tells us when someone kicks it".

"Geez, that's rough".

"Kombat is not for the faint of heart".

Kitana held Mileena's hand in hers a looked into her eyes.

"You just have to take it one step at a time. Ready?"

Mileena flashed a toothy smile and nodded, making her way to the headmaster's office.

Headmaster Raiden's Office

"Sir, the new girl's here. Also, another kid died".

Raiden sighed.

Elder Gods why for every Liu Kang and Johnny Cage, does this school get a dozen noobs?

Honestly, he'd seen hedgehogs on the freeway that had more survival sense than the majority of this school's populace.

"Very well. Send her in Sarenna".

"Yes sir".

Raiden watched as a girl in a pink shirt and skirt with neck length black hair and very noticeable large teeth walked into his office. Her eyes were darting up and down, trying to muster up the courage to look at him but still nervous.

Raiden couldn't help but smile.

He'd been teaching these fearsome Kombatants for more years than any human could comprehend, but all he ever saw was nervous children, in need of guidance.

"Please, have a seat Mileena".

The girl looked up, snapped out of whatever thought she had previously been in.

"Huh? Oh! Right! Yes sir! Sorry mister, uh, I mean headmaster. I…uh"

Raiden chuckled.


Mileena ceased her babbling and stood attentively.

"Breathe. Calm down. Then please take a seat".

Mileena nodded, following Raiden's instructions. His calm and friendly tone of voice had helped her to relax.

"Good. Now, this is just going to be a little introduction, to help you settle in. Kitana has told me that you might have difficulty on your first few days".

Mileena grumbled to herself.

"Dammit sis".

"It's not a bad thing for your sister to be concerned for you Mileena".

"Oh no, I didn't mean it like that! It's just she always dotes on me. Sometimes I think she forgets I can handle myself".

"I doubt she believes you can't fight. But she is worried about how you cope being different".

Mileena sighed, her shoulders sinking.

"It's not just the teeth. Well, yeah that's one thing but…I was still fighting for my father before the NetherRealm war. I really want to make friends here but I'm an OutWorlder. My people and EarthRealmers have a bad history".

Raiden folded his arms.

"Oh I know all too well. But your father and I agreed to set aside such squabbles for the good of our worlds. I assure you. Most students here understand that the time has come for change. Those who do not, you just inform me of them. I will correct them swiftly".

Mileena smiled a little, causing Raiden o do the same.

"This school is here to train Kombatants to counter the threat posed by the NetherRealm. Everyone, from all walks of life, are welcomed. Now, is there anything else you wish to speak about?".

Mileena thought for a minute, but decided she was ready.

"No, I'm good. Thank you sir".

"Anytime. Please see Sareena, she will tell you where you are meant to go".

Mileena bowed her head and exited the principal's office.

Once she closed the door, she turned to find a stunningly beautiful woman with black hair with a single white streak.

"Excuse me, are you Sareena?"

Without looking from her paperwork, the woman held out a finger to Mileena.

"One moment".

She finished up and looked at Mileena.

For a split second she was surprised at the girl's fearsome appearance, but easily settled.

"You must be the new kid, Kay's sister".

Mileena's eyes focused on the girls with curiosity.

"You know my sister? And…and you aren't afraid of me?"

Sareena leaned back in her chair.

"Yup. I knew Kay when she first got here. Bit of a rich bitch, ya know? All "lowly peasants" and stuff. Now offense".

"None taken, she gets like that".

Sareena chuckled.

"As for being scared of you? Well let me let you in on something. I'm not human. I'm a demon from the NetherRealm".

Mileena took two steps back.

"No way!"

"Oh yes way. Born of Quna Chi's scary assed lab and all. This is just so people don't freak out. Secretaries that look like they're going to swallow your soul tend to lose out on business".


"Yeah, it's my job around here. I make sure all the dates are correct, the property damage is recorded and all the school related…"

A small beep came from the desk.

"Oh. Hang, got another one".

Sareena clicked on the big red button under her desk.


"There we go. Like I was seeing, all school related "Fatalities" are announced".

"Yeesh, that's grim. What happened to that one?"

"Wet floor. Not my fault. That sign said "Don't Run" for a reason".

"So, uh…"

Sareena looked back to Mileena.

"Hmm? Oh, yes. You're to go to room 5F. That's Shang Tsung's biology class".

Uncle Shang works here too?

"Well, it was nice meeting you Sareena", Mileena stretched out her hand.

"Nice meeting you too", Sareena said, shaking Mileena's hand as fast as possible before returning to her never ending pile of paperwork.

As Mileena trotted off, Sareena called out to her.

"Hey Milly?"

Mileena turned her head.


"Here's some words of wisdom for ya. Smartass in the red armour called Sektor? Stay clear of him. He's an asshole".

Mileena nodded and walked on.

She hadn't met this "Sektor" yet, but Sareena sounded very confident he'd be trouble.

Still, she'd cross that bridge when she reached it.

Okay so, let's see.

The Headmaster was very nice. Even for a guy who's been trying to kill dad for years. But still, very nice.

Sareena seemed pretty cool. She didn't scream or hide from me.

I guess…I guess we could be friends.

And I already know Uncle Shang.

So that makes three people in this school I can get on with that aren't Kitana.

As she jogged on her way to biology, hoping she wouldn't be too late, she thought to herself.

Maybe things won't be so bad

NetherRealm Academy

Quan Chi knelt before the skeletal throne where his master, Shinnok the Fallen Elder God, was sitting.

"My lord, the OutWorld princess Mileena has arrived as planned".

The dark deity tapped his fingers on his throne.

"Marvellous. Now all we need do is wait".

And with that is my first chapter. I'm very eager for any input and hope you enjoyed reading. If you would like to point out anything that would be helpful for the continuation of this story, it would be appreciated as this is my first attempt at a Mortal Kombat fanfiction. Thanks for reading and I hope to return with the next instalment soon :)