Nya ha ha! That was a fun battle! I love watching the blood flow! Henry thought on his way back to camp. He skipped around in excitement until he heard a voice.

"Hey, baby" come from another room of the tent.

That sounds like Gaius; he must be putting the moves on a lady! He perked up his ears to listen in.

"Ah! Gaius, isn't it? What can I do for you?"

Wait a second, Henry thought, that's Olivia. Gaius is calling MY Olivia baby?! Well, he gives nicknames to everyone so, it doesn't mean anything…right?

*time skip*

Ah! Henry thought. So two newt eyes instead of one! Now I get it! He sat calmly in his tent that he shared with Olivia, reading from his Nosferatu when a shout shook him from his thoughts.




Wait, I recognize that scream…that's Olivia! He thought in a panic. He ran over to where he thought he heard the scream, Nosferatu in hand. He had to catch the intruder, probably a risen, by surprise. He snuck a peak into the tent and was surprised himself.

"You, uh… You want to read it together?"

"Oh, I'd LOVE to! Here, let me sit down next to you…"

My wife is sitting in the same chair…..WITH RICKEN! They are waaaaay too close for comfort here. I don't like it, not at all! ….Well, I guess they're just reading a book together….

*time skip*

"That was some fight today," Henry said, "right, crazy lady?"

Olivia chuckled, "Yes it was but, I'm afraid my dancing may have been a bit off," a touch of sadness showed in her voice

"Aw, jennies, Olivia! You danced really well! It really encouraged me to kill." Henry said, trying to cheer her up. "Maybe you encouraged too many people…" he mumbled.

"What was that?" Olivia asked.

"Nothing!" Henry answered quickly, "You must be hearing voices, did somebody hex you?"

"No..no, I don't think so," Olivia answered.

"Well, I'm on kitchen duty, so I'll talk to you later." He looked into her eyes, gave her a quick surprise kiss and went on his way. As he left the tent he saw Virion enter the tent. Henry was suspicious but left anyway. Someone had to make the food.

*time skip*

Olivia for dinner. Approaching the entrance he heard people talking.

"And STEP and STEP aaand…BACK!"

"L-like that?"

That's Olivia and Virion! What could they be doing? He peaked around the corner so he could see in. Henry was horrified by what he saw. Olivia in the arms of Virion! Dancing! They were dancing! With my wife! This is the last straw, I'm going to make sure those three get what they deserve.

"A lady should be handled like a baby bird. Gently… and yet ever mindful that any moment she may could fly away!"

"No one would care if I flew away…"

Henry was shocked and heart broken by these words. Does she really feel this way? Have I been treating her badly? Do I talk about blood too much? I can treat her like a bird! I handle Raven's all day! This is something I have to fix as well.