Sanji mouth watered at the sight he's seeing right now. There is a very manly man in front of him wearing a skirt. He likes it very much.

Sanji was just enjoying the sun in the park, it is his day off from the busy kitchen after all. Going to the park has been an impromptu decision of his.

The man have a stupid green hair, but to Sanji amazement, the color suit the man dark bronze skin and face and white teeth. He still look hot with the red skirt though.

The other guy caught him staring. He was walking with his dog towards Sanji. Sanji surprised himself when he did not look away from the other man gaze, after getting caught staring.

Sanji can see that the green haired guy in skirt raise an eyebrow. He gulp hard, he should say something. Just something, anything! And preferably now!

The guy is about to pass where Sanji is sitting, so he blurt out the one thing that plastered itself in his mind.

"Nice skirt" He choked out. Smooth, very smooth Sanji. He thought to himself.

The guy stop in his track and turn his side to where Sanji is currently sitting. He blink once. Sanji can't make out if the guy is piss or what. He's scowling now too.

"It's a kilt." At last the guy says to Sanji. Sanji nod in agreement.

"Skirt." Shit! Shit! Don't be an asshole stupid! Stupid!

The man snort, unimpressed.

"You got problem with that?" The guy said, almost growling.

Sanji can feel the knot in his belly, he must have like the guy looks so much. Not that he's a superficial person though, no one can resist good looks for now and then.

"No." he paused. "I like it." He grinned.

The man let out a startled huff, and chuckled.

"You like the 'skirt' huh." He smirked.

Oh!You look even good smirking like that. Thought Sanji. He just grinned wider in reply.

Plot Bunny End. If anyone wants to write a bigger story out of this, be my guess~ ^^