Here it is! The RoWen Youtuber AU :) My finals are coming soon so the updates might be a little slow until November ends but I'll try my best to update quickly! Enjoy~ ^^

Edit 23/9/15: I'd like to thank Guest for the constructive criticism! I've changed my summary but I'm not really good at bright summaries so I hope that was okay! :)

Disclaimer: Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail

vlog #1

"...Remember to give me a thumbs up or subscribe if you liked this video! See you in my next one!" Romeo put two fingers to his head in a mock salute, offering a boyish grin before reaching out to stop the recording. He sighed and stretched languidly, slouching back on his chair. He had just finished filming another video for his YouTube channel, feeling a pounding headache at the thought of having to edit the new material. A knock on the door snapped him out of his reverie, and he waits expectantly as the door cracks open.

"Hey boy, ya done with that Tube-crap?" his father asked, prompting Romeo to roll his eyes.

"It's called YouTube, pops. And yes, I've just finished filming my latest video." Macao laughed at his teenage son before throwing the door open fully.

"Come help your old man with the barbecue, will ya? The Heartfilias are almost here." Sighing, Romeo stood up from his seat, grabbing a red snapback and making a move to follow his father out the door. "Don't pull that long face, Romeo! You wanna see your beloved cousin Lucy, don't ya?"

"You make me sound like I have ulterior motives for meeting Lucy-nee."

"Hey, she's a model for a reason."

"I'm not you, pops." Macao had always been known for his slightly lecherous streak, but Romeo was thankful that he did not inherit that particular attribute.

"Just come out and help with the barbeque, Natsu will be coming too." Natsu was Lucy's boyfriend, and was what Romeo considered a role model in life despite his playful and slightly… reckless antics.

The 19-year-old ambled out of the room as slowly as possible, dragging his feet to the backyard where his father was struggling with the barbeque. Shaking his head, a smile made its way across his face as he reached for the tongs in his father's hand. "I'll handle it."

Macao gave his son a pat on the head, earning an annoyed swat in return. The doorbell rang at that precise moment, and Macao's eyes gleamed as he turned to open the door.

"Uncle! It's so nice to see you again," Lucy's cheerful tone was faintly heard from the doorway, and Romeo didn't bother looking up from his cooking as he heard the ruckus Lucy's boyfriend made as he greeted Macao.


"Jude! Layla! Oh, and who's this?"

"It's nice to meet you, s-sir…" a shy, unfamiliar voice caught his attention, however, and he turned his head to peek through the open backyard to the doorway. The new guest was hidden by his father's tall frame, as Macao chuckled and shook the hand of the girl.

"Just call me Uncle or Macao like the rest of them, sir is way too formal…"

"Y… yes, Uncle Macao…"

Macao laughed heartily once, more before he turned to usher the guests towards the backyard. Romeo immediately snapped his head back as his father brought them towards his work station, trying to seem nonchalant as he rotated a skewer.

"Romeo!" Romeo looked up from the barbeque, a wide smile gracing his features. His vision was momentarily covered by salmon-coloured hair, as Natsu gave him a rough hug. Natsu was dressed in a plain black t-shirt that had a small dragon logo on his right chest, paired with bermudas that had a design consisting of orange and red flames.

"Hey there, Natsu-nii."

"Hello, Romeo. How's university coming along?"

"Uncle Jude, Auntie Layla. It's alright, I guess."

"Hi Romeo!"

"What's up, Lucy-nee." The blonde model was dressed in a green sundress that accentuated her curvaceous body.

Lucy grinned at him, and Romeo finally let his eyes rest on the girl that accompanied the family. Her long, sapphire blue hair shocked him the most, but he really shouldn't consider it unusual considering Natsu's pink and Lucy's blonde. She seemed to be about his age, wearing a shy smile on her face and a short white dress that hugged her slim figure graciously. He couldn't shake the feeling that he'd seen her somewhere before, but his mind was really drawing a blank.

"This is Wendy, Natsu's cousin." Lucy introduced.

"We brought her along because we were on babysitting duty," Natsu grumbled.

"That's rude, Natsu! Wendy's almost 18, that's hardly babysitting." She glared at him, before turning to Romeo with a blinding smile. Mavis, she's scary. "As I was saying, Romeo, this is Wendy. Wendy, Romeo."

Offering a light grin, one that his female fans seemed to adore, said male reached out a hand. "Hey, I'm Romeo Conbolt."

Wendy smiled in return, her big brown eyes finally meeting his own dark blue. "Wendy Marvell."

"You look really familiar, have I seen you somewhere before?"

Macao snickered as he nudged Natsu. "Is that how you kids flirt nowadays?"

Romeo only rolled his eyes. "I can hear you, pops. I'm just asking an honest question."

"Oh, Wendy's really famous," Natsu replied, seemingly unfazed by Macao's statement. "She's a YouTuber."

Romeo's eyebrows shot up towards his hairline, but the bluenette immediately raised her hands and waved them frantically, shaking her head. "I'm… I'm not that famous at all!"

"YouTube!" Macao exclaimed. "Romeo uploads videos on that all the time!"

"You're a YouTuber?" Romeo asked, surprised.

"Ah... yes..."

"So am I!" he grinned, happy to have found something in common. "What's your channel?" He immediately produced his smartphone from the back of his jeans, clicking the YouTube application and thrusting it in her face.

Biting her lip, Wendy took the phone with a small smile, keying her name in the search bar and clicking on her profile. Returning the phone, the bluenette watched as the boy tapped on the screen.

"There! I subscribed."

"But you haven't even seen my videos yet!"

"Eh, the thumbnails look good enough."

Wendy shook her head lightly, laughter threatening the burst from her lips.

"You know what, Wendy? We should collaborate sometime. What do you say?" he suggested, a boyish smile etched on his handsome face.

"That'd be nice-"

"Romeo, stop flirting before ya burn the barbecue!" Macao guffawed, sharing a high five with Jude as Wendy's cheeks flushed in embarrassment and Romeo threw his hands up in exasperation.

"Stop complaining about the quality of your child labour, pops."

"Yer 19! That ain't no child labour."

"Whatever, pops."

Wendy couldn't stop the wide smile that stretched across her face as she watched the father and son interact. Although the shy bluenette had had no choice but to tag along to Lucy's family gathering, she was beginning to think that maybe meeting new people wasn't so bad, after all.

levymcgarden . livejournal . com