"What!" Rose squeaked when the twelve-week ultrasound revealed we were having twins. "Two? That's unheard of."

In all the research we'd done, we'd learned nothing about twins. It was rare enough for Moroi to have twins, dhampir-Moroi matches were more fertile, in the sense that they fell pregnant more easily than Moroi-Moroi couples, but twins were even less likely to occur. So it was absolutely unprecedented to find out we- a dhampir-dhampir couple- were expecting twins. It's not like we couldn't afford it- we most certainly could- it was just balancing that with my guardian and her Princess duties.

"We're having twins," I grinned at the sour face she made when the ultrasound technician left to organise our discs of images.
"We're barely going to be able to adjust to one. Can you imagine how hard two will be? Though Council will be ecstatic to learn not only am I already pregnant with one heir, but two. Tatiana will work it to her advantage!" she huffed.
I chuckled. "Roza, I'm the second of four. I think my mother could give us a few pointers."
Rose glared. "Your mother stayed at home and knew how to be a mother. Your mother had her mother to help."
"Rose," I chuckled again. "I've told you before, I won't chain you to the kitchen sink. I don't expect you to keep the kids and yourself home all day, everyday. Though you will have more time at home than you currently do. Besides, Lissa's taken a gap year, remember, and I'll be reassigned by then."
Rose groaned at my response while I continued helping her remove the apparently-freezing cold jelly. "I don't need a guardian. I need to be one."
"Get used to it, honey. You need to stay alive and stay on the Council."
"But our kids will never be guardians, even though they'll train."
I flashed back to the conversation we'd had in the park just after she'd graduated. "Do you really want our kids risking their lives when they can be just as powerful as you? They'll train and they'll have a similar understanding of what you're on Council to make the Moroi aware of. They'll be ones to ensure peace is maintained. They'll still live by our 'They come first' philosophy. They'll just be doing it in a different way."
Rose shot me a look that screamed both defiance and resignation. "Fine. But you know I'll still be mad about this even in a million years time."
I laughed and kissed her cheek before helping her up. "I know, Roza, I know you will be. For now, let's go home and plan how to break the news to Lissa."
Rose snuggled into my side while we met the receptionist and collected our discs. We tied up all the loose ends we needed to.

Rose's eyes bugged and she groaned in annoyance. She clearly realised what I purposely hadn't said before leaving Court's hospital. "We've also got to tell Mom and Abe! They still hate the reality of one baby. How on earth are they going to not kill you for giving me two?"
"I didn't bring them up in the hopes you wouldn't start stressing like this, baby girl."

I still thought the English terms of endearments and nicknames were weird, but it was priceless to see Rose's expressions every time I used them. The lovesick, happy smile that relaxed her face was one major reason I continued to embrace them and constantly use them.

"We've got to tell Tatiana first. She's waiting for our report."
"Okay then." I let her lead us through Court to the meeting room of Tatiana's we were quickly making a second home of.
"Guardian Mazur, Guardian Belikov."
"Your Majesty," we returned politely and followed the required formalities.
"I'm guessing you're here after going to the Doctor?" she asked once we were all sitting. Even Tatiana's best friend and confidant sat in our circle.
"Yes, Your Majesty. Twins," Rose cut straight to the point. Just as she could be so good at.
"What do you mean when you say twins, Guardian Mazur?" asked Tatiana's friend, Pricilla Voda, if I remembered rightly.
"Princess Pricilla, when I say twins, I mean I'm three months pregnant with Dimitri's and my twins. And before you comment, being constantly exposed to Lissa's spirit magic and being shadow-kissed has allowed these two miracles to occur." Rose peeked a look at me before she continued. "Believe what you will, but Dimitri is the only possible father because he's the only one I've ever slept with."
Pricilla looked between the three of us before nodding in acceptance while wearing a tiny but completely genuinely joyous smile. "I believe you. Congratulations."

"Now, to face my parents. Then we'll ring Olena and text through at least one of those photos."
I smiled at the loving mother of my twins while I made her sit on the love seat. "Let's. Have I mentioned how much I love you today?"
"Once or twice. But I wouldn't mind hearing it again."
"I love you." I pecked her lips. "All three of you. You can't ever comprehend how much I love you."
"And you can't comprehend how much we love you, too."

An hour later we had Janine sitting across from us once again. She was still mad at me and disappointed in Rose. But what can we say? We wouldn't change this for anything. We'd make it work. We would always find a way to make it work.
"Mom, meet our children," Rose announced while turning the TV on to where we were already displaying our favourite ultrasound photo of our beautiful twins.
"Children? As in plural?"
"Yes, Hathaway," I confirmed, "we're having twins." I wrapped one arm around Rose's waist while the other one found her little baby bump.
Janine's eyes followed my hand and then flicked back and forth between Rose's slightly expanded stomach and the image on the TV screen. "There's two? My eighteen year old is having two babies at once?"
"I'm not your eighteen year old," hissed Rose. "I'm an eighteen year old. And I'll be the new Princess in a few days time. And we're starting our family with twins. You can accept it and embrace your grandchildren, or you can continue throwing your temper tantrum and only Abe will get to see the heirs to the dhampir Council seat. It's been two weeks, Mom, and I don't have it in me to deal with your shitty reaction and refusal to help us any longer. If Olena can embrace our future and support us from half a world away, then I think the least you could do is let us live in as much peace as we'll ever get and let us go about creating our family our way."

One reason I love Rose and one reason I believed Tatiana had been right to create the dhampir royalty with Rose was because she was the farthest thing from afraid of speaking up and standing for what she believes in. Her outspoken and passionate nature created a charisma very similar yet very different to the one Lissa's spirit did.