Yay, I finally posted a new story! Really hope you will like this. It is kind of different from my other one, it will be more action in it and less fluff. At some point it will contain slash but I don't really know where yet. But you should expect some light Steve/Tony and later on Percy/Loki too. This is happening a year after the defeat of Gaea and during the first Avengers movie, it might contain some spoilers from the books.

Constructive critic is welcome since I'm far from perfect and I make mistakes. Also, since this is only proofread by myself you will probably find some grammar or spelling mistakes, you are welcome to point them out!

Disclaimer: The only thing I own is the plot and possible OCs. Loki's speech in the beginning is taken directly from the movie.

Loki walked out of the gala in Stuttgart with a smirk on his face. Everything was going according to plan and he enjoyed the mortals fear for him. The idiots thought that they could outrun him. Him, Loki of Asgard! They should kneel before him as was their rightful place, but if they had forgotten, well then he just had to remind them again.

He conjured up illusions of himself, surrounding the fleeing humans. Their panic was amusing to watch but alas, he had better things to do.

"Kneel before me." He commanded, but the petty mortals was frozen in their fear. This was intolerable! Nobody was allowed to get away with refusing his orders, he would get them to obey him.

"I said KNEEL!" He stomped his scepter in the ground to reinforce his words and this time they slowly dropped to their knees. A few of the women in their beautiful dresses was silently crying, the tears leaving black trails after them. He smiled and gazed over them.

"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel." He could practically smell the fear that was radiating of the humans.

"No!" The defiant word was spoken with a force that actually surprised him. He glanced over the kneeling people and saw one of them standing up with a challenging look in his eyes. Loki cocked his head and eyed the boy, because really, this 'man' couldn't be counted as an adult even by these short-lived creatures.

Loki hadn't found much interest in any of the mortals he had met on Midgard up to now (except his hawk and his little traitor, of course), but this one, well he was different. Even though he couldn't be more than eighteen midgardian years, his eyes spoke of wisdom that shouldn't exist there. A wisdom that could only be gained when you had been through so much pain that it was impossible to forget.

"I know what kind of man you are and I wont kneel for you." The fire in those green eyes burned with a dangerous glow and Loki felt himself smirk at the challenge. He didn't doubt that this one had yet to be tamed and he wanted to be the one who got him to kneel. He wanted.

"We'll have to see about that." Loki said while he strode forward. He gave the green-eyed mortal a second once-over and this time he saw the lean and well sculptured body. His eyes ended up meeting those sea green eyes again and he smirked again.

"I would love to be the first one to break you", he said and then proceeded to touch the human's chest with the scepter. Something fast knocked the scepter aside but it was too late for the boy. His eyes glazed over and then turned blue.

"It looks like we have company, little one." They both turned and faced the man that had thrown the shield. His attire was ridiculous, covered in blue with red and white stripes. The man moved forward in an explosion of movement and tried to cover the boy. Loki sneered and locked eyes with his newly gained soldier and an understanding thought was traded.

When the blue man had his back against the boy, the young mortal attacked. He punched the older man in the head and then he followed up with a series of blows that quickly got him to his knees. With one last kick the man gave out and Loki laughed in delight. He had chosen well.

One look up at the sky confirmed his suspicion that the man hadn't come here alone. He crouched beside the man on the ground and whispered "We will meet again. Send my regards to your friends, I will take great pleasure to break you all." And with those words he grabbed his boy's arm and they disappeared.

Steve groaned and rolled over on his back. He hadn't expected the kid to work with the maniac, not from what he had seen before he had landed. But he couldn't help but wonder, because they hadn't really seemed friendly when he first saw them. What had changed?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of engines nearby and a man-shaped machine landed beside him. He frowned slightly at the sight. He had still trouble to get used to all this new technology in the 21st century but this didn't seem to fit in at all. It looked like it was too advanced, even though it fit right in with the rest of all mass destruction weapons that existed nowadays.

"Don't tell me this was a false alarm, Spangles. I have other more important stuff to do than fly over half the world just for training" Steve startled at the metallic voice and frowned some more at the nickname. He eyed the man warily before he shook his head in negative.

"No, they are already gone. You missed him." He said.

"Shame. Well, if there is nothing else to do, then I'm going to fly home again. I have important stuff to work on." Right before he was able to take off when a worried yell was heard. They both turned against the sound and a moment later a girl with blonde curly hair came running out from the building.

"Percy! PERCY!" She yelled while looking frantically around her. He she didn't found who she was looking for she stopped and grabbed her hair with her hands. Steve glanced at the ironclad man beside him before he jogged forward against the girl.

"Are you alright ma'm?" He asked and her head whipped up so fast he worried she might get whiplash. Her eyes were gray and stormy, filled with worry and an intelligence that he hadn't seen since Howard. She studied him with a calculating gaze and then she seemed to come to a decision because her eyes filled with determination.

"It's my friend, Percy. He was supposed to go out and wait for me here, but we got away from each other and now I can't find him. You haven't seen him have you?"

"Well I came here just a few minutes ago so I'm not sure. I could help you find him if you want though." Relief flashed over her features when he offered his help and she nodded with a small smile.

"He is around my height with black hair and sea-green eyes. He was wearing a blue shirt if that is any help." Steve thought for a moment before he froze. Had she just described… no of course not. But what if?

"Um, your friend, he isn't someone who would stand up against a crazy criminal trying to take over the world, is he?" He got a groan in reply.

"Really Seaweed Brain, really?" She said to the sky before she faced him again with a grim expression. "If I have to be honest that's exactly what he would've done. He has a trouble with authorities who acts like they are better than everybody else."

Steve nodded and filed away the information. It could be good to know something about the people the was abducted by this lunatic. You never knew what was important to know before a rescue mission. He hesitated before he told the blonde the last part.

"Um, there is another thing. Your friend, he… I think he attacked me." His words was met with silence. The girl's eyes was surprised at first and then they turned thoughtful.

"Percy wouldn't do that. At least not if he knew you were one of the good guys. Did something happen before that?" Steve almost squirmed under the intensity of her gaze.

"Well, the man I got here for had a scepter and right before I knocked it away he touched your friend with it. I didn't think so much about it before he knocked me down. How did he proceed with that anyway? I'm kind of hard to just take down without some skill."

She was quiet while she considered her answer, her eyes never leaving Steve's. When she finally began to speak he was relived because she broke their gaze at the same time. "Percy he… isn't like everybody else." She settled with. Steve raised an eyebrow to show that he wasn't impressed with her explanation.

"I'm not really allowed to speak about this, you know, and there are some people that will be furious because I did." She sighed when she saw the Captain's bemused expression. "I'm just saying this so you will know how important it is that you don't tell anybody else."

Steve stared at her a little while longer before he told her that he couldn't keep that secret from his team. Or, his would be team that is. He knew that keeping something like this from them when it could be an important part of capturing this crazy guy wouldn't be a good start. Not if he wanted them to trust him, which he did.

"I'm sorry ma'm."

"There's nothing I can do about that now is it?" At Steve's negative shake on his head she sighed. " Please find Percy. He is a good guy and my best friend. I don't want anything to happen to him."

"I will do my best ma'm." Amusement was suddenly visible in her eyes and the corner of her lip lifted in a half smile.

"Please call me Annabeth. Ma'm makes me feel like an old lady." And then she left. She waved a little in his direction before she disappeared out of sight completely. He stood there, a little confused by their conversation but he now had some more information about the situation. At least about Annabeth's friend, Percy. He hoped that it would help.