
By: Aviantei

35 mph

Seeing the sky covered over in gray is never an appealing prospect, and I frown as I look out Alexander's kitchen window. Of course, it's not that I can't see the color, just that a rare batch of rain clouds has chosen to turn the view into a slate haze. I sigh as I hear Alexander's footsteps approach. "You don't think it'll rain and ruin the party, do you?"

"I wouldn't count on it. We still race our mechs in the rain, and the gala's inside." The heat of Alexander's body presses against my back as his arms curl around my waist. "So you're not getting out of being my date so easily. Though I do appreciate you coming along." Considering everything Alexander did to help me when there was trouble with Dad, the least I can do is come along to the IG-1 season opening gala with him. "I'll admit, I didn't expect you to dress up, though. I feel spoiled."

Though I normally don't bother with getting all dolled up, I still bought some designer dress. It has a sharp dip down my neckline, but I liked the color and the fabric costs way too much to be uncomfortable, so I don't mind. It's not like I didn't have the money for it anyways. "Well, if we're gonna cause a stir because you suddenly show up with a girlfriend after the off season, I at least need to look good for the paparazzi pics." Alexander snorts, and a I grin as I turn around. "You don't look half bad yourself. I didn't know you owned clothes that actually fit you."

For once, there's not a sign of baggy clothes anywhere. Alexander's got on a dark suit jacket with matching pants, while his button up is a muted red underneath. Not as tight as his mech suit, by any means, but still an improvement.

"I knew it," Alexander says with a dead serious tone, "you only like me because you want my body."

I double over in a snort, and Alexander and I laugh until we're out of breath. Somehow, I recover first, though I have to steady myself on his shoulders to stay upright. "Well, I'll admit your body's nice, but it's not the top thing on my list of what I like about you."

An amused glint slips into Alexander's eyes as his lips form a small smirk. "And what is on the top of that list?"

"If I told you now, it'd ruin the suspense, and then you'd get bored of me in no time." I pat Alexander's cheek. "Not to mention it would take too long to explain, and then we'd be late, and I'm pretty sure Hamgra would kill me, so I'd rather not risk taking on that responsibility." Alexander sighs, but he hooks his arm in mine, turning us towards the door. "Could I convince you to take a rain check, Alexander?"

The way he smiles still sends a pool of warmth through my stomach. "If it means I get to spend time with you, Kirsten, I'll take a rain check anytime."

I have never been so grateful that it's not raining in my entire life. While the gala has some damn good food and an even better selection of alcohol, there's just a whole lot of people there who aren't interested in much else than getting a glimpse of the IG-1 teams and talking about all sorts of boring things. Alexander gave me his blessing when I told him I was gonna get some air, but I feel kind of bad for leaving him to fend for himself, especially since there was a group of men and women eyeing him like predators from the side.

He's used to dealing with that sort of thing. He'll figure it out.

The hall we're using for the gala has a nice balcony that has coverage in case the sky decides to rain down its retribution. At least the clouds have cut back on the temperature along with it inching deeper into the evening, so it's not hot as balls outside. I suck in a breath of fresh air and stretch my arms, feeling beyond grateful I decided not to add heels to my ensemble. The less inconveniences I have tonight, the better.

Like everything else in the gala hall, the balcony itself is fucking huge, giving me more than enough space to take a short walk. Not even twenty paces in, I see another partygoer has had the same idea I did—and even more, I recognize who that partygoer happens to be.

"If it isn't Takeshi!" I say, waving. Takeshi spins around from his position leaning against the banister, cleaned up a bit in his own suit of choice, and he blinks once he sees me. There are way worse conversation partners than this kid hanging around, that's for sure. "Hah, you weren't expecting to see me, huh? Alexander brought me along as his plus one, but I'm not too big of a fan of shindigs like this." Even in my wildest days, gatherings like this were way too fancy to be my style. Some things never change, no matter how much money you have…

Takeshi's nervous smile melts into something a little more genuine at what I'm assuming is common ground. "Yeah, I never liked parties much, either, but there's just some things you gotta do when you're the champion two years running." He shrugs, and I give him a sympathetic nod. "You came with Cunningham, but he's not with you?" Takeshi peers around my shoulder, as if Alexander is going to materialize out of thin air, and I can't help but laugh.

"I left him to put up with the line of fire from sponsors and fans with too much money." Takeshi grimaces. "But, hey, I'm not the only one wandering around on my own. I notice your plus one is missing, too. Or does it still work that way whenever they're on your team?" Watching Takeshi flush beet red is almost as satisfying as flustering Nate.

He coughs, as if that will cover up his blushing. "Liz knows I don't like this stuff, so she cut me a break. She doesn't seem like it, but she enjoys this sort of thing more than you'd expect." He smiles a bit just thinking about her; do I look that obvious when I talk about Alexander? Does he look that obvious whenever he talks about me? I'm half tempted to get Mariya to set up surveillance, but I left my phone behind so I wouldn't get too distracted. "Hey, it looks like someone came to pick you up, though."

I follow Takeshi's gaze to see that Alexander is headed our way, not looking near as haggard as I expected him to be. Instead, his smile is playful, and I find myself mirroring my expression. Whenever he reaches us, he gives me a quick node before facing off with Takeshi. Despite being in their formal clothes, they both shift into different positions, and I recognize that each of them is holding onto an imaginary sword. They continue their showdown for several moments before their fists move in blurs of movement, tracing the arcs of invisible swords through the air.

What a couple of nerds.

They hold their possession for a few moments, their eyes assessing the results, before Takeshi breaks form with a slump and groan. "Dammit, I still can't beat you."

Alexander chuckles, opening his palm to give Takeshi a consoling pat on the shoulder. "Hey, you've already beat me on the track a few times. I gotta keep the upper hand on you somehow, man."

Takeshi's grin turns competitive. "We'll see how that goes when we get on the track."

"I guess we will." Free from his obligatory showdown, Alexander steps to my side and takes my hand. "But for now, I'm more interested in your company, Kirsten. Jan and Dew wanted me to tell you not to bail so you can come to the team after party. They're interested in whether you have enough tolerance to try and out drink Sir Hamgra."

Interest piqued, I raise an eyebrow. "I didn't even know Hamgra touched alcohol," I say, not having expected it in the slightest. "Alright, I'll bite. I'll drink loads if it means I can see Hamgra make a fool of himself." If he's a mellow drunk like Alexander, I'll riot. "Oh, but then you get to be in charge of taking me home, Alexander. I'd rather avoid any incidents of my own."

"I always do, don't I?" Both of us squeeze our fingers closer together at the same time. "Sorry, Takeshi, I'd invite you and the rest of Team Satomi along, but you kids are a bit too young for this sort of thing. Maybe one of these years."

"Maybe," Takeshi says, looking half amused and half concerned over the thought of the collected members of Team Velshtein with some drink in them. One of these days he'll figure out that I'm the one he should be bothered about. "For now, I think I'm okay with hanging out with a couple of sodas."

Alexander lets out a thoughtful hum. "Maybe you should tell Liz that."

Without proper lighting it's difficult to tell, but I'm pretty sure that whatever color exists in Takeshi's face drains out of it. "Seriously? What's she thinking?" He groans before sprinting off back towards the gala hall. "Sorry, gotta check on Liz, catch you guys later!"

"Cute kid," I say, waving even though Takeshi's too busy barreling straight ahead to even think about looking back. "Liz isn't actually doing anything that he should be worried about, though, is she?"

Alexander doesn't even bother to put on a sheepish front. "Caught me. I may have just wanted a little breathing room with you before we get dragged into everything else tonight." His smirk does drop to a more sincere expression. "Things are going to get busy during the season, and I've never actually dated anyone while racing, so I don't have any idea how this is going to go."

"What? You're worried I'm going to get bored while you're out?" I mean to just tease him, but there's the faint spark of concern in his eyes that all the practice smiling in front of a crowd can't erase. "Alexander, I've been entertaining myself for what's getting close to three decades here. I'll manage while you're doing your job, so long as you drop me in the simulator every now and then. It's not like your racing season lasts that long. And whenever you start to get bored of your fucking amazing job, I'll drag you off on a plane somewhere, and we'll have the time of our lives."

Because even if it's not because of a deal anymore, I did decide: that as long as I can help it, I'm not going to let Alexander wallow in boredom every again.

"I think I like the sound of that." He leans his head against mine as a breeze washes over us. "I'll make up for all your hard work when the next off season rolls around. I'm sure I can find something new for you to do." We both chuckle at the notion at the same time. "Or if nothing else, we can say it's our first time doing something together. Is that exciting enough for you?"

"I'll allow it," I say with an exaggerated sense of self importance. "So long as you're helping me keep in check, I should be fine. I mean…you already helped me see the world in color."

So much has happened since I last mentioned it that I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot. But stupid genius that he is, Alexander smiles without needing to ask any questions. "I'm glad. You happen to have a favorite?"

I think about the flash of red of his mech suit when we first crossed paths, the way the sunlight brings out all the shades of brown in his hair, the stretch of a pristine and pastel blue reaching across the sky above a reddish brown desert. But while that's all wonderful, none of it holds a place in my mind the way his eyes do.

"Emerald green," I say with confidence.

And whatever other colors I see in the future, I know that Alexander will be there with me, both of us walking our paths in tandem, remembering what it's like to feel alive.

[Author's Notes]

Aaaaand that's a wrap! I'm glad I was able to go ahead and finish up this fic in time for the end of the year! I'm also just glad that I was able to see the journey through to the end! It's always enjoyable to finish up a project you've been working on for a while!

Allow me to take this opportunity to thank anyone who's read this fic, especially if you made it all the way to the end!

Lots is going to be going on soon. I do plan to eventually do a few more IGPX fics, but I'm gonna hold off on that 'til I get some other stories out of the way. Coming up is going to be the second season of my TWEWY fic Muse for [Shibuya Operation - Story Storm], plus I'm going to be updating all my active stories for my fanfic anniversary celebration, so maybe you'll find something to interest you there!

Either way, thanks for deciding to join Kirsten and Cunningham on this journey! May we cross paths again!

