I fought my way through the dark forest. It was night time. I've been traveling for a few months now. Passing through towns and villages looking for a good home. None of the places I passed has felt like a good place for me to stay. So I continued for the perfect place. Right now I am running from a pack of wolves. Since i've been on my own for a few months, I learned how to free run. I am very good at it. I love it. I practice everyday. And now I am an expert. As I ran through the forrest, I started jumping onto trees and bouncing off them as the wolves engaged at me and started to attack. I ran faster. The sound of the forrest started becoming hollow like there was an opening nearby. And I was right. I came upon an opening. A city. A sign on the hill going down to a city read,

"WELCOME to Magnolia"

I don't know why but I felt like I was being drawn here. Like it was no accident coming upon this place.

"Amazing.." I said in awe.

"Huh?" Someone questioned behind me.

I turned around. And there was a boy. He had pink spiky hair, a blue vest with a golden outline. Also baggy blue pants with the same golden outline at the bottom.

He smiled a toothy grin.

"Hi there! Are you new to town?" The boy asked.

I nodded.

"Awesome! Well welcome to Magnolia. My name is Natsu Dragneel. You can just call me Natsu." He said.

I just nodded again.

"You don't talk much do you?" Natsu asked.

Again, I nodded.

He chuckled.

"Ok then. Want me to show you around town?"

I shook my head.

"Oh ok."

I heard a little disappointment in his tone. I felt bad now. I don't want to be mean or anything. I just can't trust anyone right now. Not after what happened...

"Can I at least know your name since I told you mine? He asked while laughing a little.

I hesitated. Well he did tell me his name.. so maybe I can trust him. I just hope I won't regret it later..

"Its Lucy." I said

"L-luigi? That's a strange name for a girl. Or are you a boy? I can't tell since your wearing that cloak over yourself." He said as he reached for my hood.

I panicked.

"No! I yelled but it was too late. My hood came off..

He was a bit taken aback by my outburst.

"So you are a girl. And your name is luigi..?" He asked a little weirded out.

He doesn't know who I am? I asked myself. And wait... did he just say my name was luigi?!

"I sighed. Its Lucy not Luigi." I spoked again.

"Ahh, sorry" He said a little awkward while rubbing the back of his head.

I just shook it off.

"Anyways whats a girl doing all the way out here by herself? Its not safe you know."

I was quite offended by that remark.

"I'm not a little girl you know. I can take care of myself." I said finally walking away.

"No wait!-" He said grabbing my arm.

I was shock by his sudden action.

"Your new here right? So that means you don't have a place to stay the night. Why don't you come with me and i'll find you a place to stay?" He offered.

I looked at him a little worried of whats going to happen..

"He chuckled. Don't worry i'm not a rapist or whatever. I'm just trying to help. I promise."

I was hesitant at first, but then I took his hand he held out to me.

"Great! lets go!" He said all childish.

I nodded. Then he dragged me all the way down to the city. We ran all the way to the other end of the city. It was really a big town. As we ran through town I stared in awe in how the city was so full of life and the lights just complimented the spirit perfectly. I never seen such a gorgeous city throughout all my travels.

Then I heard natsu chuckle.

"Whats funny" I asked.

"Nothing, its just the way your looking at everything, its like its your first time seeing a city." He said.

I looked down.

"It is.." I said a little quietly hoping he wouldn't hear it. Sadly it didn't work.

"Are you serious?!" He asked in disbelief.

I nooded.

"Well then i'm definitely taking you on a tour tomorrow" He laughed.

I just pouted.

"Fine whatever." I sighed.

"Yes!" He cheered happily.

We started walking again. About a few minutes later, we arrived at a place. It was huge and look like a castle. It had a sign that said "Fairy Tail"

"What is this place?" I asked.

He smlled.

"This is Fairy Tail. A guild for skilled people with any type of special talent. Speaking of which, do you have one? Usually when I drag people around with me, they can't keep up because I'm going so fast. So I was kind of surprised." He said.

"I have no talent. I'm used to running so fast. I do free run so its not a problem." I said keeping my straight face.

"No way! You do free run too!? I thought I was the only one. You see in this guild, i'm the only one who knows and does free run. Its nice to know someone who can do it like me!" He said cheerfully.

"Your seriously the only one?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded.

"Anyways come on. I can't wait till you meet everyone!" He excitedly said.

Natsu bursted through the doors. I was taken aback by his actions.

"Hey everyone I'm back!" Natsu yelled.

The guild erupted with cheers for the pink headed's return.

"Hey everyone!" Natsu said getting everyones attention. "This is Lucy. She's new here in town so make her feel at home!"

Once again, the place erupted in cheers. I was a little shy. People started getting up from their seats to come and greet me. The one that caught my eye was a raven haired boy. He wasn't wearing any shirt..

"Hi there. I'm gray, nice to meet you Lucy." Gray greeted politely.

I stared for a moment. "Are you a pervert?" I ask pointing at his exposed upper body.

He looked at where I was pointing.

"Holy crap when did this happen!?" He yelled.

"Oi stripper! Where are your clothes!? You some kind of pervert you perv!?" Natsu shouted.

"What was that you flame head!?"

"You popsicle!"

"Ash for brains!"

"Ice queen!"

"Is that fighting I hear?!" Someone said in a scary voice.

"No mam!" Natsu and Gray said at the same time.

I looked at the person who said that. It was a scarlet haired girl who was wearing an upper body armor and a blue short navy skirt.

She's gorgeous! I said in my head.

"Good. Now, Natsu, who is our guess here?" She asked.

"O-oh! My name is Lucy!" I quickly introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you Lucy. My name is Erza Scarlet." She politely greeted.

"Nice to meet you too Erza." I smiled.

"Yes. But anyways, tell me Lucy, how did you get honored to be brought here by our Salamander?" She asked.

I looked at her puzzled.

Erza chuckled. "Its rare that Natsu, also known as Salamander, brings someone here personally. He doesn't do this unless its someone important or special. And I'm guessing that your special. Do you and Natsu have a past?" Erza asked.

"No-" I was cut off by Natsu.

"You know, now that you mention it, it feels like I have met you somewhere before." Natsu said.

"Really? I don't remember seeing you at all." I mentioned.

"Hey Natsu could it be her?" Gray asked.

"What?" I asked.


"Hold up!" I suddenly yelled cutting Natsu off.

"What?" the trio asked.

"I don't know if this applies to anything but I remember there was this boy from my childhood. For some reason his image is all clouded up and I can't remember how he looked like. But I do remember he was my best friend and he would come over a lot and we would play. He moved though. And I never saw or heard from him since. I explained.

They all looked at me wide eye.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"That's almost the same story I was about to tell." Natsu mentioned.

"R-really?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. I remember this girl from my childhood who I used to be with a lot. She was always so cheerful and full of life no matter what or how the day is. Theres not one day that passes that I don't think of her. I always wonder what she's doing or how she looks like now and I'm always wishing and hoping she's happy and we would reunite one day. She always made me happy. I had to move away though. I was sad. I said goodbye to her. But I never contacted her since. I wanted to really bad but my father wouldn't let me. He said there was problems. He never told me what. But i couldn't argue. So I just had to accept that I couldn't talk to her."

"Wow, thats really similar to my story." I said wide eyed.

"Hold on guys. Neither of you can remember the person from your childhood so you can't go jumping into conclusions just yet. Do you guys remember getting or giving something to that person?" Gray asked.

"Well I-"

"Natsu!" A girl called out.

I looked back to where the voice was coming from. It was a girl. She had white short hair, and wore a red dress with pink sleeves. I also notice that all the members here has a crest symbol on their body with what looks like a color of their choice.

"Oh hey Lisanna. I thought you were out on a job with your brother and sister?" Natsu said with a little irritation hinted in his voice.

She jumped and hugged him. "I was, we finished our job early so we came back and here I am now!" Lisanna said all giggly.

For some reason I had anger in me. "Whats this feeling?" I asked myself. Is this jealousy? No it can't be. For mavis sakes I only just met the guy a few hours ago! But my feelings won't listen. Its jealous. But why?

"Hmm? Whats wrong Lucy? You don't look well." Erza said with worry.

The four looked at me.

"Oh! How rude of me. My name is Lisanna Strauss. Sorry I wasn't here earlier, I was out on a job. So are you new to the guild?" The white headed girl asked.

"Hi, my name is Lucy. And no I am not here to join. I was on my way to find housing here until I ran into Natsu. He dragged me down here with my permission to do so. He told me he's going to find housing for me for the night so I accepted." I greeted and answered.

"Huh!? Really!? The SALAMANDER, dragged someone down here!?" She asked in shocked.

"Yes and apparently its a big deal. So what if he drags someone here its not a big deal nor does it mean he has something special with them." I said a little annoyed.

"Your right. Sorry we judged like that." Erza apologized.

"Its fine."

"Hey guys! Guess what Lucy can do!" Natsu said excitedly.

"What?" the trio asked.

"She can free run just like me!" He said with a toothy grin.

"For reals!?" The three said in shocked.

"Yeah. Its not a big deal." I said.

"Lucy it is a big deal. Only really skilled people can be able to free run." Gray mentioned.

"Oh ok." I said keeping my poker face.

"OK?! How can you still stay calm after finding out that your really skilled!?" Lisanna asked.

"I don't really care if I'm skilled or not. I free run to keep myself alive. Its not like I'm going to join this place anyways."

"Erza chuckled. Do you even know who we are?" She asked looking all mighty.

"No and I don't care."

"Your a cold one" Gray muttered.

"Anyways we are Fairy Tail. Fiores top skilled and talented guild." Natsu said pointing at his crest on his right arm.

"Never heard of you." I quickly said.

They all just stood there shocked.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" they said in unison.

"Yeah. The place I lived in was so isolated. I was barely allowed to go out."

"Where did you live?" Lisanna asked.

"... So Natsu you said you'd have a place for me to stay?" I said changing the subject.

"Oh uh-"

"You can stay with me." Erza offered.

"Really? Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on you or anything."

"Nonsense. I like you. So feel free to come." She said.

"Ok. Thank you."