Blood Runs Red
ONSWeek Day 5

Mikaela hopped his way over abandoned cars and knocked over structures, out of breath, red eyes wandering in search, wide and panicked. "Yuu-chan?!" he called, wincing when he saw the mangled body of another Moon Demon Company soldier, pale and lifeless on the ground.

The vampires had launched a surprise attack on the humans the night before, and while many died, more humans died than the blood suckers. Mikaela hadn't been a part of the raid; Ferid had decided to keep him out of the loop because he knew the blond would try to keep that one human safe.

In reality, he wasn't far off with that prediction. After he'd told Mikaela that most of the poisonous humans (well, not most. Almost all, he'd said) had been killed the night before, the young vampire had run off into the open air, cursing Ferid on his way. The older vampire had done nothing but chuckle at Mikaela's hastiness, not even bothering to say anything snarky to counter the blond's words.

This lead Mikaela to where he was now. Frantically trying to make sure that Yuuichirou wasn't part of the massacre. He'd personally kill the vampires in charge of the raid if there was so much as a scrape on Yuuichirou's skin. "Yuu-chan!" he tried again, feeling the tears moisten the skin around his eyes.

It was just body after body, none of them his best friend, thank god, but it was still a bloody mess than made his stomach churn. He'd just gotten Yuuichirou back, goddammit! He couldn't lose him this soon!

His feel caught on something below, sending him tumbling to the ground. He grit his teeth and looked back, widening his eyes when he saw deep green staring back at him. A fresh bite mark adorned the side of his neck, the skin around the holes still fresh and raw. Mikaela felt his blood run cold. They'd bit him. "Yuu-chan…?" he whispered, crawling closer to the boy.

"Mika," Yuuichirou whispered back, wincing. His skin was pale and sickly, and Mikaela ran a hand through his messy black hair. He could feel the coarse texture of the dried blood that had matted strands together, his fingers tugging them to try and untangle the best he could. Yuuichirou managed a small smile. "Aren't you glad I've got that Seraph gene?"

Mikaela chuckled. "Don't talk like that. You need to get help." He then frowned. "All your friends...they're probably dead."

"I know," Yuuichirou replied, raising a hand to grasp at nothing. "They attacked so late at night. We put up a fight, but there were too many and we were all so tired."

"It's okay now," Mikaela assured, linking his fingers with Yuuichirou's. "I'm here."

September 24 || Day 5: Vampire Attack

Happy ONSWeek!

I'm so sorry.
(In other news I'm hype for lazer team any roosterteeth fans wanna hype with me)

-Eternal White Rose