

Something happened and this story just took a life of it's own. Part three turned out to be 15k words long and it just keeps growing. Every time I so much as just looked at it, I got a new plot point and like fifty other ways the story could go.

What started as me trying to write a period piece has turned into one of the things I'm most proud to have done as far as writing is concerned and I want to see just how far I can push myself. How many times I can twist the plot and how many characters I can create. I just want to have fun with it. And use it to test my skills as a writer without any boundaries.

So to sum up what happened in part three; Lauren goes to extremes for Bo. Trick takes extreme measures to deal with that and Bo wrecks havoc on all eight kingdoms because of it. Then they end up together, happy and in love. But in fifteen thousand words and hundreds of plot twists in between.

To everyone who read and especially those who reveiwed, Thank You. And for favouriting and following and tweeeting. It means a lot.
