November started off mild and breezy in Quantico, VA. The leaves on the trees had already turned colors, and the sound of crunching leaves could be heard every where you walked. For some odd reason, the crime rate was slowing down, and although the team was still quite busy, there was a small lull of a day or two in between plane trips.

The team had just gotten back from a particularly gruesome case in California. As the days flew past, the weather turned from mild and breezy to down right cold.

"Good grief", Morgan said, walking in and shivering. "It's gotta be at least 15 degrees out there."

"Actually, it's only 27 degrees", Reid said, his eyes never leaving his newspaper. "What you're feeling is the wind chill factor."

"Well thanks a lot, Mr. Weatherman Genius", Morgan said sticking his tongue out. His heart skipped a beat when he looked up and saw Garcia come in; her hair wind-blown from the weather. She shed her tan suede coat and his breath got caught. Donning a hunter green top and a pale orange short skirt, she reminded him of a pumpkin, but in the best possible way. She had a pale pumpkin colored cardigan on and when she took of her coat, she shivered a bit.

"Hey Hotstuff", Garcia said, smiling at him.

"Hey Baby Girl", Morgan answered.

She walked over to him and waited. He smiled and kissed her on her cheek. Garcia blushed and went back to her lair to get the day started. It was a regular thing with them now. Something happened over Halloween. He kissed her on her cheek once and now it was a regular staple of their relationship. And it still made her heart skip a beat.

The rest of the team filtered in and when Hotch walked up to the door, Emily was right behind him, using him as a shield for the wind.

"Hey!" Emily said, grabbing his coat as he tried to step sideways. "Don't do that!"

Hotch spun around and was at an instant loss for words. Emily's hair was sort of curly today, and it was blowing all around her. Her face was flushed and she had the sweetest, rosiest tinge to her cheeks. Her white wool coat was pulled around her and far as it could go and she was practically shaking from being so cold.

"Turn back around Hotch! You block the wind!" Emily said with a chuckle in her voice.

"What?" Hotch said, finding his voice. "You don't like the wind, Emily?" He stepped to the side and a gust of wind hit her directly in the face. What ever she was yelling at him was completely drowned out by the loud roar.

"Sorry", Hotch said biting back a smile, while he held the door open for her. She slipped past him, and for just a moment, he could have sworn she deliberately pressed herself against him. He was imagining things. Emily Prentiss could have any man she desired. And he was sure he wasn't on the list. But it never stopped him from wishing.

After everyone arrived and warmed up, Hotch called the team to the round table.

"As you're all well aware, we're coming up on the season of crime sprees. Garcia." Hotch said, passing the torch.

"Alright crime fighters, here we go. This is the fair city of Camden, New Jersey. But nothing about it is very fair right now. Camden has called us in because they recently had a spree of robberies. Usually this is not cause for us to come in, but things have gotten very bad very fast. The robberies all had the same signature; they leave the shower running and stop up the tub. The house floods and their items are gone." Garcia paused and Reid interrupted.

"What changed, Garcia?" Reid asked.

"The last house had a murder." She turned to the board. "Meet 19 year old David Fowler."

"Wow", Rossi said. "They didn't want him to talk."

"Coroner said it was a blitz attack. Blunt force trauma to the head." Hotch looked down at his file. "All of the facial bruising and cuts were done post mortem."

"He was an-gry", JJ said.

"It looks like it", Garcia said. She flipped the page on the screen. "And now, it seems he has a taste for it. Meet Sylvia Brewer, Andrew Bonner, and Sarah Whittle." Each one of them was floating upright in their own living rooms with their faces bashed in and cut.

"Looks like he developed a taste for murder", Rossi said.

"Yeah, a burglar turned psychopath", Morgan said.

"And we have no time to lose. They all died within hours of each other", Hotch said.

"Hours?"Emily said.

"There were only a matter of six to seven hours between each victim", Hotch said. "Wheels up in 20. And Garcia?"

"Yeah Bossman?" Garcia answered.

"You're coming too. Grab your go bag."

*New story guys! Thanks for all the love. I appreciate it. I was kinda low, but I'm really looking forward to this story. R&R please!*