AN: This one has been sitting on my phone for a while. SERIES 6 SPOLILERS. My take on what happened after that 'sex appeal' comment. Just a bit of fun, enjoy!

She couldn't quite believe he'd just said that, and as he plods to the bed she can't believe she's still thinking about it. She slips beneath the covers gently, not wanting to jostle him, he still complained sometimes of the pain in his abdomen.

"You're blushing?" His remark pulls her from her thoughts and she looks at the sheet she was twiddling between her fingers. He has laid down beside her, leaving his book redundant on the bedside table.

"I've got two questions." He stares at her blankly and she takes the opportunity to study his face, the darkness around his eyes had faded and his cheeks were less pink, he looked healthier than he had. "Where on earth did you get the phrase 'sex appeal'?" He grins at her and she feels briefly uncomfortable but when a redness covers his own cheeks she can't help but giggle as he chuckles beside her.

"I don't really know. I was trying to find an accurate way of working out what Mary sees in Henry."

"But you said that I would say it was sex appeal that she saw. So, what makes you think I find him that attractive, or I think Mary likes him in that way?"

"Well," he moves closer, gently turning on his side so he can hold her waist. "In your case, I would say you find him attractive in that way because he's so like I used to be." She raises her eyebrows and snorts.

"You must be joking. He's nothing like you." She finds him grinning beside her and she can't help but shake her head, he always had been a tease. Even if not many people knew it.

"It's the daring nature of what he does, the thrill and adrenaline. Isn't that what attracts a woman?" Cora thinks for a second on that, her thoughts returning to ballrooms and gardens from years ago.

"It might be what attracts Mary. But I don't think it would attract me if I was young."


"No. I prefer the traditional type. Who doesn't have two left feet, and can therefore steer me about a dance floor without any mishaps which is tricky, as you know." He chuckles beside her, pulling her closer, and easing his other arm beneath her. "I like feeling safe with a man, knowing he's coming home to see me and that I can enjoy the things he enjoys. Mary can't enjoy motor racing. And as for 'sex appeal' I'm quite content with dark hair, usually tousled about, some strong arms to cuddle me; a cheeky smile; a sense of humour and some beautiful kisses from time to time." She studies his shirt feeling embarrassed, they knew, rather then told each other of their love and the things they each found appealing. It was strange she'd come so very close to losing him and that she thinks has made her reassess what she likes so much, why she'd fallen so helplessly in love all those years ago. It had made her realise it was time to tell him, so he knew, just in case. "In truth it's not so much about the sex, but having a friend, a companion that you know you're coming home to who'll hold you when you cry and laugh with you when you're happy. The fact he's attractive is just a bonus." Her fingers twist over the buttons on his shirt and then trace the soft stripes on the fabric that aren't visible from a distance. She feels his heart hammering beneath his shirt and for the first time in some time, it sounds strong to her. It feels like it's going to stay. He kisses the top of her head gently.

"You're perfectly right of course. But I still think all those years ago my sex appeal must have had something to do with it. I don't have much else going for me after all." She rolls her eyes, hearing the grin that was stretched wide across his face.

"When I was an innocent virgin who quite frankly was terrified of the very idea of sex, or finding men attractive. I wasn't allowed to, or so mother said. I hardly think sex appeal ever occurred to me."

"But nature has a way of making it obvious when you're attracted to someone."

"You're not making sense anymore. Perhaps, perhaps the fact I found you excessively attractive was part of why I eventually married you. But I don't think any thoughts of you naked crossed my mind until after the first time. Then, I admit there was perhaps an element of sex appeal." She knows she's blushed bright red when he cuddles her still closer and massages her stomach, his lips tickling at her ear.

"I didn't know you used to dream of me naked." She rolls her eyes but she can't deny it, the first few months had always felt lacking. She had always been left wanting more, she'd thought her dreams were wrong but in hindsight she realised it had just been natural. "From my point of view though, sex appeal was mingled throughout along with how funny you were, and of course my need for your cash." She huddles beneath his chin, gently shaking her head at how honest he was being. "You were, and still are, awfully attractive. But you're right, I value lots of other things about you far more. How strong you are, that you're the mother of my girls. The fact you're my best friend. And quite frankly the only person I think I've ever cried in front of is you, I trust you Cora, very, very much." She knew he was thinking about how close they'd come to the end. How close he'd come and it was endearing to think that they could still discuss these things, still laugh together despite the pain, mental and in his case physical, that they had both endured. "What I want to know is whether whatever you saw in me soon after we married is still present, in some form, now?"

She almost refuses to answer and pretend she's asleep, but he seems to realise she might try that and tickles his fingers over her waist. She squeals and rolls onto her back, his face towering over her. He leans down and kisses her lips soundly when she still makes no reply. It had been weeks, months in fact since they'd been anywhere close to intimate and the shiver of pleasure that runs down her spine is quite impossible to resist. She registers her own murmur of satisfaction as he parts her lips still further.

Somewhere in the back of her mind she senses the dilemma she's in, and the pain that will register with Robert just before it does. She parts her mouth from his and cups his cheek.

"Robert, we can't. Not until you're much better."

"You haven't answered the question yet." She glances down to his hand that rests on her stomach, smoothing the fabric. She links her own fingers with his and likes it when he runs his thumb gently over the rings that bind her to him.

"I still do find you very appealing, yes." He grins like a child, and she shakes her head. She doesn't let go of his hand as she rearranges her position beside him, his face contorting as he lies flat again. She rests her head against his shoulder as he smooths his fingers repeatedly over her hand. He flicks the switch and plunges them into darkness.