I'm so sorry guys, I've been out of town so I haven't had a chance to come around to finishing this chapter. Hope you guys like it! Please Review and give me feedback :)

"Erin. Baby look at me, you're going to be okay."

"What's going on?" Voight yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Hank." Jay cried. "We need to get her to the hospital now."

"Let's go." Hank screamed. He dogged Bunny as he ran to his Escalade and opened the door for Jay to jump into the back seat, as he carried his wife.

Voight jumped in the car and drove off. He turned the sirens on and tried to get there as fast as he can.

He looked the rear-view mirror to see his son in law crying at the sight of his unconscious wife. Tears formed in Voights eyes, an emotion he only felt when it came to his wife and his family.

"Erin, please. Baby, you're going to be okay. You're both going to be okay."

The hospital doors opened and Dr. Will Halstead saw the sight of his sister-in-law in the arms of his brother, alongside a very worried Hank Voight.

"Dr. Manning, I need to get an OR ready, stat." Will screamed as he rolled a bed so his brother can put Erin Halstead down.

"Jay, we're going to do what we can. Dr. Rhodes is going to start until her OB gets here. We've notified her."

Jay nodded and went to the other side of the room and collapsed against the wall.

After the surgery began, Will guided his brother to the viewing room of the operating room where the surgery was taking place, but breaking down seeing his wife in that predicament, Will took him back into the waiting room where he once again broke down on the floor.

"Jay." Nadia called out when she entered the hospital waiting room.

Jay got up and collapsed into Nadia's arms. She wrapped her arms around her as he cried in her shirt.

Jay didn't know how much time passed, his memory was a blur, but when the emergency room doors opened, Hank was standing by Halstead with a strong grip on Jay's shoulder.

"Jay," Dr. Rhodes said, as he entered the waiting room. Both Voight and Halstead, got up and approached the Doctor.

"How's my wife and my baby?"

"She's just got out of surgery. She lost a lot of blood, but it went as well as expected. She's being moved to a room. We had to medically induce her into a coma, but she's stable." Tears streamed down his face.

"Erin's in a coma?" Jay barely got the words out as the tears streamed down his face.

"Damn it." Voight said angrily as he desired to hit something.

"This is the best thing for her right now, there are no other options. She's critical but she's stable. On a brighter note, you're a father to a beautiful baby girl."

"She's okay?" Jay asked emotionally as he smiled.

"She's perfect. She was born 6 pounds, 7 inches. Do you have a name for her?"

"My...my wife and I wanted her to be named.. after my late mother. Her name is Lily. Lily Sophie Halstead" Jay barely got the words out he was crying heavily.

"It's beautiful, Jay." Hank said turning to face his son-in-law and tapping his back.

"Thanks, Hank." Jay said smiling.

"Do you want to come meet your daughter? April will lead you to the nursery." Dr. Rhodes said.

Jay smiled and nodded and looked back at Voight.

"Go meet your daughter." Hank said pulling him into a hug. Hank sensed how afraid his son-in-law was. He too was scared. His daughter was in a coma and there was nothing he could do. He didn't know how to feel or how to help Jay. He wanted to take the pain away from all of them.

After they pulled away, Hank put both hand on his shoulders and said, "Erin's a fighter, she'll pull through this."

Jay nodded at Hank, wanting in all of his heart to believe him. Then he turned around, and followed April Sexton.

The nurse brought him into the nursery filled with several cribs.

April picked up his baby girl from one of the cribs labeled "Erin Halstead" under the mother's name.

When he saw his wife's name his heart broke. He needed to see her. He wanted her to be there when he held their baby girl for the first time. He wanted to see her hold her. He wanted her to be okay. Tears streamed down his face.

"Jay, meet your daughter, Lily Sophie Halstead."

His heart dropped when he saw his daughter for the first time. He fell in love with her instantly.

"She's so beautiful." Jay said smiled at his newborn, as April handed Lily to him.

"Hi Lil, I'm your dad." He paused and repeated as tears streamed down his face as he gently played with her tiny fingers. "I'm your dad. You're so beautiful." Jay said emotionally as he smiled at his newborn baby girl in awe.

He gently kissed the top of her forehead.

"So she's okay?" Halstead asked.

"She's perfectly healthy, Jay. Congratulations." Halstead nodded and the smiled. "We'll probably keep her here for a day or two, but then you should take her home."

"How about my wife?"

"She's stable, but we can't predict when she's going to wake up. These things are unpredictable."

Jay nodded with disappointment, although he wasn't going to lose hope. His wife was going to get through it.

As he looked into his daughter's gorgeous eyes he said, "Your mom is going to make it through this, Lil. I promise. She is the strongest person I know, she's a fighter. Like you, baby girl. We are going to spoil you like no tomorrow. I love you Lily, so much." Tears streamed down his face.

After five minutes of holding her she began to fuss and cry.

"She's hungry. Do you want to feed her?" April Sexton asked.

"I'd love to." Jay said smiling at his daughter.

"Okay let's move you to the room Erin is in." As he heard those words he was heartbroken. He was scared he was going to have a breakdown when he saw her in that predicament. He vowed to have their daughter keep him calm.

The nurse walked them to the room Erin was in and left to go get the baby formula.

"Erin." Jay cried as he saw her with tubes all over her body. She had a huge tube on her mouth. Jay went and held her hand and squeezed it. "You're going to make it through this. You're a fighter. I love you so much. Lily's here, she's perfect baby. You're going to love her." Jay said staring at his daughter as tears streamed down his face. He was so in awe and entirely in love at the life he and Erin had created. He wanted nothing more to see those hazel eyes of his beautiful wife brighten up as she held their daughter for the first time. He needed her to wake up, there was no way he would be able to do this alone.

"Here's her bottle and a pillow, detective." The nurse said coming back into the room.

"Thank you." Jay smiled at the nurse and went to sit on the rocking chair by the bed to feed his daughter. The nurse adjusted pillow for him and showed him the correct way to hold the bottle.

Jay picked it up immediately. His baby was swallowing intensively.

"She was hungry." Jay said admiring his first moment of feeding his daughter.

"She was. You're a natural at this." The nurse said smiling at him.

"He is." Will Halstead said as he entered the room. "I got this."

"Let me know if you guys need anything" The nurse said heading out the door.

"Thank you April." Will called out to her. Then he turned his attention to his brother feeding his daughter, "Hi daddy."

"Hi bro." Jay said smiling at his brother.

"She's beautiful, Jay." Will said as he kneeled down next to the rocking chair to look at his niece.

Jay smiled at his brother. "Thank you, Will. I'm so in love with her." Will saw tears stream down Jay's face.

"Erin's going to be fine, Jay." Will said getting up to his feet and squeezing Jay's shoulder.

"Thank you, Will, for everything." Jay said.

"What are brothers for? I know I wasn't there when mom was dying, but I'm not that person anymore. I'm here for you and your family."

"Glad to hear that." Jay said smiling at Will.

Jay went back to admiring his daughter in his arms. Will realized this was the perfect picture moment, so he took out his phone and took a picture of Jay smiling at his daughter while feeding her.

After Lily had finished the bottle, Will helped Jay adjust her to his shoulder so he can gently burp her.

"Do you want to hold your niece?" Jay asked his brother.

"Of course." Will smiled as Jay handed Lily to him.

"She's so precious, Jay." Will said as he admired his tiny niece in his arms.

Jay smiled at his daughter and looked back at his wife. He needed her to wake up, he needed Erin. There was no way he can handle the loss of his wife.

After Will handed Lily back to Jay, he said. "I'm going to send Hank in. You ready for that?"

Jay nodded.

"Lil, meet your grandpa Hank. Although so many people are scared of him, he does have a soft side especially for you." Jay Halstead said as he handed his daughter to Voight.

"If boys aren't afraid enough of your father, he's the one that will scare them away" WIll said smirking. Voight glared at him. "You are kind of scary, Hank. Just putting it out there".

"Damn straight.

"Hey, watch your language around my daughter." Jay said. After saying it he couldn't believe it, he was a father. He was a father to a beautiful baby girl.

"Do the Halstead brothers think they're funny, Lil. Don't worry they're are about to get their butts kicked." Hank said joyfully talking to his granddaughter.

Jay and Will laughed at Voights comment.

"She's beautiful. Jay, she has your eyes." Hank said patting Halstead on the back.

"Thanks, Hank." Jay said smiling at his father in law.

"Erin's going to make it through this, Jay. You have to have faith."

"I know she will." Jay replied as he stared at his strong wife on that hospital bed.

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