Blue Ethereal eyes stared out from the abyss, glinting like ghostly sapphires, as they watched the world turn, time passing by like sand from an hour glass.

Glazed over lost in a melancholy dream, as they watched, emerald eyes glowing with what humans would call life, accompanied the electronic blues.

As red kaleidoscope eyes, opened slowly like they were suspended in molasses. Clouded with what could only be related to reflection.

They watched the orb turn from obsidian thrones, as humans deemed war more important than friends, while the supernatural forgot that they weren't the top of the food chain.

The beings laughed pink hair fluttered about as whiskered cheek bent into something between a smile, and scowl. While blood leaked from red eyes shaking in a motion between disbelief and resignation.

There was no food chain, there was chances, and given a chance am ant could kill a god.

Each sighed and prepared to sleep for another, century or two only fro something to change, ever so slightly.

Something had fallen from the void something that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

A book of unknown origin fell, into the hands of the a mou.

The mou learned. The mou realized. The mou shared.

The supernatural, rediscovered something that shouldn't have been lost.

They gained a knowledge of something above them-something above the strongest being in existence.

Something they would welcome.

Sirzechs lucifer smiled idly, as he thought the life his sister would lead, only to scowl as he read the marriage contract between, the gremory and Phoenix.

The Beings watched with smiles as they saw a pure soul, born into the supposedly sinful race.

They watched him rip his parents a new one, rage consuming him as he screamed at them for doing something he had no authority to reverse.

They watched as he cried holding his young sister, ears coming down like rain, for the doomed life they had given the young girl. As she to young to understand simply smiled and hugged the pure soul in comfort.

For the first time in meliani the primordials leaned forward out of interest.

Perhaps there was something worth judging after all?

I stared at the book, my sister having long fallen asleep after comforting me, Me! of all people I should be comforting her!

Looking at my sister her long crimson hair, spread about as she slept on the couch unscarred by the day's events, and still full of innocence. I looked back at the book, staring at the line that had been bothering since I found the blasted thing.

"When Primordials interfere…" the booked trailed off and only answered, several pages later just before it mentioned the descriptions of the primordials.

I however had enough! I through the book to the ground, the pages flipping about as it hit the ground. I walked over to the balcony, staring out over the land as clouds covered the sky, and the world turned dark as if responding to my anguish.

I screamed to the world, I had no hope I-I needed something to-understand what could posses them to sign a contract with the pheonix of all people.

I needed to know if I was right to judge them such a thing-to know whether I was right to want to put my darling sister, ahead of my race, my People, those who had followed me throughout, the wars, I had lead.

The book flapped wildly as the wind swept through, through the study, as the young girl kept sleeping, seemingly uneffected.

But most of all I need, someone! Something! To Interfere!

Lightning cracked through the sky giving light to a single page, in the book of mysteries, a single line in an entirely blank page.

"...The world will Quake!"

Throughout the world, throughout the factions, the angels felt it, the fallen felt it, the Devil's Felt it!

As the World, Shook!

Both Ophis and Great Red blinked, as they turned to the world in unison, watching as it vibrated silently.

"Well they woke up…" Ophis said emotionlessly, staring blankly, before looking around. Her eyes trailed the masses of land floating about the dimensional gap, as Great Red did the same.

Eyes widening, in mutual horror, the dragon of dreams silently whimpered as he stared at the destruction they had wrought to their surroundings.

"We should clean up…" Ophs stated her voice similar to a teenager about to be scolded, while Great Red simply whimpered in agreement.