Ahkmenrah Sleeps

Chapter Summary: it's only been 2 days since Ahkmenrah was finally let out of his Sarcophagus, but he still feels like he's walking on eggshells around the others. So he thought it best to stay confined to his room for the night. The others Disagree.

Character(s):Ahkmenrah, Larry, Teddy, Jedediah, Octavius, Sacagawea, I think Nicky? The two stone jackals (the site says they're called Anubis: God of Death).

Warning(s): Mentions of a possible fear/phobia. Spoilers? Angst? Hurt/comfort? A bit of violence?



"Talking not in English"



Two days. Only two days had passed since Larry had first let him out of his own prison cell. But Ahkmenrah couldn't help but feel as though he was still trapped inside, never to get out, never to experience freedom again.

Larry had been kind enough to leave the pins out of the locks, so he was able to leave his Sarcophagus with no problems, Only he felt as though every time he stepped out of his exhibit all the other exhibits just stare at him. It was almost as though they were scared of him.

Almost as if they were waiting for just the smallest little slip-up from his to throw him back into his tomb to be locked away once more.

Perhaps it would be best if he hadn't make a appearance tonight.

"Let no one inside." Ahkmenrah whispered to his guards, the two stone Jackals as he stripped of his bandages and donned his royal garb, a yawn unwillingly escaping his lips.

Ahkmenrah frowned, even when he was out of his Sarcophagus he always ends up feeling drained and tired he managed not to fall asleep in the past two days.

Ahkmenrah tensed and all but ran to the other side of the room away from the doorway and away from his Sarcophagus.
For what felt like hours, Ahkmenrah stayed where he was sitting on the floor, not even realizing it, he had drifted off to sleep.

"Hey Teddy?" Larry asked, coming to stand next to him and Sacajawea.

"Ah! Lawrence!" Teddy smiled, "How are you my dear lad?"

"I'm...er...I'm good thanks, but uh have you seen The Pharaoh?" Larry's eyebrows knitted together, "I know I unlocked his Sarcophagus... I still have the pins in my pocket..."

Teddy frowned thoughtfully, "Perhaps he is exploring?"

"No Siree Mr. President!"

They all looked over as Jed and Octavius climbed out of their RC car.

"My leige, we have driven throughout the entire museum, besides the offices, and we have yet to see him." Octavius sated staring up at them.

"...Have you not checked his exhibit...?" Sacajawea spoke up suddenly and was met with blank stares.

"...Come on!" Larry picked up Jed and Octavius than turned and gestured for the others to follow him.

The trek to the exhibit didn't take them to long, they did however hesitate to go in.

The only one to ever go in The Egyptian Exhibit before was Teddy (On few very rare Occasions only 3 times actually) and Larry.

"...Well...we gonna get king Tut or what?" Jed demanded already bored with standing there doing nothing.

Octavius however could tell how nervous his friend was with how he kept clenching his fists.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah." Larry had not even stepped a inch into the room before Teddy was pulling him back out of the way of two spears held by two 24ft stone Jackals.

"Uh...Pharaoh mind calling off your buddies?...Pharaoh!...Ahkmenrah?!" Larry yelled, receiving no answer.

"...Your highness? Are you in there lad?" Teddy called out.

"Oi! Gigantor! Look ov'er there!" Jed yelled, pointing to the far off corner.

Sacajawea and the others took an audible breath in.

Ahkmenrah was laying back against the wall with his head hanging forward and and his legs stretched awkwardly in front of him and his arms draped over his stomach.

"Jed, Octavius." Larry pulled the both of them out of his front pocket, "Think you two can get past the guards and over to the Pha-Ahkmenrah?"

"You can count on us my Liege." Octavius nodded defiantly.

"Com'on! Ockie!" Jed threw a arm around the Roman Generals shoulders, "Let's leave these guys to do some distractin'!"

Octavius almost cracked a grin at his friends antics but remained stoic none the less.

"Alright than...Go!" Larry yelled as Teddy, Sacajawea and himself rushed forward.

"Let's go Ockie!" Jed and Octavius raced into the Pharaoh's room, on more than one occasion dodging pairs of feet.

"King Tut! Wakey-Achey!" Jed screamed, tugging on Ahkmenrah's cloak.

"My Liege! I believe it to be in everyone's best interest that you awaken!"


Octavius and Jed jumped back startled as Ahkmenrah's head suddenly snapped up.

"Stop!" Ahkmenrah yelled in his native tongue.

The two stone Jackals froze, one holding Larry upside down and the other holding Teddy and Sacajawea.

"Put them down." Ahkmenrah's eyes narrowed, "NOW!"

Immediately the two Jackals dropped the three of them down onto the ground. Luckily they weren't holding them that high up to begin with.
Ahkmenrah quickly stood, ignoring how the room spun for a moment, and raced over to the three of them not noticing Jed and Octavius climbing up his cloak.

"Are all of you alright?" Ahkmenrah grabbed hold of Larry's elbow and helped him up as Teddy helped Sacajawea up.

"Yeah, we're fine." Larry stood and glared at the two stone Jackals.


Larry looked over and just barley caught Ahkmenrah as he stumbled forwards.

"M'tired..." Was all Ahkmenrah muttered as he passed out once more.

"Wha-?" Teddy's eyes widened, "What happened? Is he alright?"

"He...uh he's sleeping..." Larry blinked owlishly down at Ahkmenrah who looked so young it startled him.


They all just stared down at Ahkmenrah incredulously.

And so Ahkmenrah slept on for the rest of the night, even as Larry moved him to the couch in the staff room and later back to his Sarcophagus.
The issue of why Ahkmenrah never left his Exhibit was not brought up or why his Guards attacked them or his abrupt passing out.
Though...perhaps some issues...some insecurities are best to be addressed ahead of time rather than waiting until later, after all you never know what could possibly happen come the future.

Anyway I hope you guys liked it! And feel free to leave a prompt!