Sometimes, secrets cannot afford to be kept. The camp must know... A quest must be proposed... Thanks for all the support everyone! By the way, this is the last chapter... Okay, you can cry now... Haha... Fooled u! De last chapter in dis book! :D The next will be coming out, chapters at a time, at the same pace! The reason why I split the books is because this one is getting quite long, and because I need another prophecy. I didn't want to have two prophecies in one book, lol. Also, check out my new story, if you have read the wings of fire books. (it may start after The Brightest Night, but I would advise having read all of the books so I don't spoil them.) Also, thanks for favoriting, imjustanotherPJOandHoOfangirl. Also, Thanks soooo much for the awesome review Kelphead2! I love the support, it really keeps me going. Last but not least, in this extremely long header, you should pity me, I'm writing this entire chapter with a toothbrush bristle stuck in my throat, and it hurts! :(


Annabeth, I noticed, broke the rules yet again this morning by sitting with Percy and Tyson at the Poseidon table. But I couldn't blame her, she'd just got him back. I doubt Jason would ever let me sit at the Zeus table though. He was too much of a rule-follower...

Chiron stamped his hoof to get our attention, and we looked up at him.

He looked extremely uncomfortable this morning, although I had no idea why. We'd just got Percy back, for gods sakes.

"Ahem," he said, clearing his throat loudly.

"As of late, I have been informed of something rather alarming.

I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, that Percy winced, and Annabeth squeezed his hand. The mortal girl named Max was scowling along with Fang now, and the other mortals looked uncomfortable and angry as well.

"As you might recall, the place we rescued the mortals and Percy from was called a recombinant DNA testing facility. Human Recombinant DNA Testing Facility 8, or HRDTF8 to be precise.

"And?" asked Leo. "What's your point?"

"My point is, that these mortals are not ordinary. For example, did you ever wonder how they could ALL see perfectly through the Mist?"

Campers gasped, along with me. I never had thought of that. Now that Chiron asked, it seemed extremely peculiar and suspicious. Were these demigods after all, or monsters in disguise?

"Now, I think that the mortals would like to explain themselves, rather than me tell you for them, so, will you please take a stand?"

The mortal obliged, but they didn't look happy about it at all.

"Well, umm," said Max.

"We're special because the whitecoats at the school made us special..."

"How?" asked Hazel.

"Well, do you know what Human Recombinant DNA means?" asked Max, frowning.

I certainly didn't know. Was this some crazy DNA thing that had made these mortals special? Able to see through the Mist?

"Recombinant DNA means that a certain species is given another species DNA..."

"So animals were being given human DNA?" asked Frank, looking very confused.

I had a feeling that wasn't it.

"More like the other way around..." said Max, looking extremely uncomfortable still.

"Humans were being given animal DNA," said Annabeth, looking slightly ill.

How was she part of this? Did she know how these mortals were special? Was she the one that told Chiron?

"Okay, fine, I might as well get this over with..." said Max. "We're 2% bird."

Campers looked around at each other in amazement and disbelief. It didn't sound like she was lying. Was it really possible to give bird DNA to humans? I mean, compared to a winged horse and a golden giant springing out of a monster lady's headless body, it wasn't too weird, but still.

"No way!" said one of the Iris campers. It was the guy named Butch.

"You can't have wings, that's for sure, or they wouldn't work..."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because, obviously, they would have to be, like 25 feet in wingspan to lift a human. The only reason the Pegasi can fly is because they have hollow bones, and a fifteen foot wingspan!

"Well, that's pretty close to what we have. We have hollow bones, and my wings are 14 feet in wingspan," said Max.

And with that, she shrugged off the windbreaker I had given her, and massive, tawny brown wings with white speckles sprang up from behind her, and a small gust of wind brushed against our faces. She... She... Had wings!

Everyone stared, to awestruck to speak, and one by one, the other mortals, shrugged off their jackets, and wings sprang up from their backs as well. Still speechless, I studied their wings. Maxes and Fangs were both about fourteen feet, and Fang's were coal black, looming menacingly over him, like dark clouds. Gazzy's wings looked like a barn owl's wings, and were about 10 feet. Iggy's were light gray, almost white, and were longer than any of the others. he had a staggering fifteen feet wingspan! Nudge's wings were very light tawny, and approximately 13 feet, and the little girl, Angel, had an 8 foot wingspan.

"How, how?!" cried Butch, stepping back.

"There's no way they could fit in a shirt!" exclaimed Leo.

"They fold up behind our shoulder blades," Percy said. Wait. Did he just say, "our shoulder blades?" "Our?!"

"Our?" asked Piper, frowning.

"Yes... Our..." said Percy, standing up and going to the front with the mortals.

"Our wings..." he said, and pulled off his jacket. Campers gasped, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Wings sprouted from his back. They were huge, with shiny sleek feathers, and were pure black, but unlike Fang's they had a slight shine to them. They matched his hair almost perfectly. I estimated that he had a 14 feet wingspan.

Wings. Percy had wings... Percy had WINGS! Campers screamed, and it took one of Jason's lightning bolts to get everyone to quiet down.

"Wings, oh gods, Percy, you have, you have WINGS!" cried Hazel.

Leo was grinning like a madman, and shouted, "That's awesome! Have you tried flying yet?!"

"Shut up Leo. He can't fly, Zeus would kill him!" said Jason.

"Actually..." Percy said, "I have tried flying. Well, not tried, but did fly,"

People ogled at the mortals and Percy. Percy could fly now... It was so stunning it was still sinking in...

Annabeth looked like she had already been told. She didn't look upset though. She was watching him, smiling encouragingly, and she seemed proud of him.

Leo poked his shoulder blades, and Percy stifled a scream.

"Ow!" he shouted, and Leo jumped back a mile.

"Dude! I'm so sorry!" yelped Leo, who looked very alarmed.

"It's alright man, it just hurts still where they came out..." said Percy, still wincing.

"Came out?" asked Annabeth.

" They injected him with avian DNA. It caused him to sprout wings, extremely rapidly. He was on the floor screaming and bleeding everywhere for hours!" said Angel scornfully.

Geez that little girl was morbid. I couldn't believe that they had done this to Percy. He was such a good guy. I couldn't imagine any mortal cruel enough to do that to laughable, kind, and clumsy Percy. Man, if I was this mad at the whitecoats that did this to Percy, Annabeth probably wanted to dismember them and feed them to the sharks by now.

"Well, now that we have learned this lovely piece of information, I believe that the prophecy is complete," I said, cringing when I saw Rachel shaking her head.

"No Piper, it's not," she said. "What about the new threat rising, stronger than before, and listening to the Voice?"

"Well..." ventured Max, "I believe the new threat is the School, obviously, and we had been free from it for a while. Also, the Erasers are a newer edition, a stronger edition."

"Plus," added Annabeth, "They obviously have a god or goddess on their side now, to be able to shroud the entire building in such powerful Mist."

"I don't know about the Voice though..." said Max, her voice breaking off. Two seconds later, she collapsed to the ground, clutching her head, and screaming bloody murder.


Pain flared in my brain, and I fell to the ground, as a monotone voice that was neither male nor female, young nor old, said plainly,

The Voice would be me.