Me: Hello everybody, how is everyone doing today…

Dipper: bad

Mabel: amazing!

Bill: pretty hyped for what's going to happen!

Me: well that's good. So even though my user name is Mabelton, you can call me Ene. (Not my real name) Time for the story.

Dissimilar: I don't own Gravity Falls.

Dipper Pines POV

Darkness consumed me and all of my thoughts. Twisting and mixing all I know, everything I've learned… I felt the cold hard ground scraping at my knees and the eyes of 13 demons taking pleasure in my despair. The hands that were grabbing my wrist to keep me up tightened. I squeeze my eyes shut wishing this was all just a dream but I knew it wasn't. I remember waking up this morning and it was too real…

Earlier that day

"Wake up!" yelled a bubbly Burnett jumping atop my age to wooden bed. I cracked my eyes open with annoyance.

"What do you want Mabel!" I asked, shoving a pillow in her face. She plopped on top of me and rested her arm on top of her head.

"Well fine then Mr. Grumpy Pants, I guess you don't want any pancakes." She blurted with persuasion. I pushed her off and stood up. A quick wave of dizziness washed over me, my vision blurred and I staggered a little. My sister popped up and raced me to the kitchen even though I wasn't running. Something's not right; I felt my skin prickle as I stood at the top of the stairs. Vision shifting to a scene… A-a flashback? No! I have never seen this before. Colors faded from my mind, only the flickers of fire had color. Red, yellow, white, standing out in a gray room… The room had designs that looked like an ancient ritual symbol. The image lasted only a second before switching to another. 12 hooded men sat in chairs lining the room, it changed once more. I saw one more symbol… one that I knew very well, the Cipher wheel. A flash of red and a scream followed by a laugh and then it was over. When I opened my eyes I was laying on the couch with an ice pack resting on my head, the static of the T.V. rang in my ears. I sat up, what happened?

"Dipper, lay back down!" said Grunkle Ford, lightly pressing his 6 fingered hands on my chest to push me back down. My head rested in the fluffy pillow. Where did he come from… was he here the whole time?

"You're going to be a little disoriented for a while. You hit your head pretty hard and you are all battered and bruised too." Ford finished. Grunkle Stan walked through the door drinking a pitt cola.

"Oh you're up?" he announced. I had some questions that needed to be answered.

"W-what happened? Where's M-Mabel? Where am I?" I gasped for air. Where could I be? This place looks familiar…

"Ok I'm going to explain this to you quick and simple. You fell down the stairs, Mabel found you unconscious. She was freaked out so after telling us she went up stairs and hasn't been out for almost 2 hours. And you are in the living room! You know the one you pass though every day? You pass it to get to the attic!"Stan explained, oh… I'm so sorry Mabel. I looked down at my arms and legs. There were bandages scratches and bruises running up my body. I put my hand up to my head to run my fingers though my hair only to get them tangled. My hair was matted in dry blood. Instantly those images came flooding back into my memory. I stared blankly at my feet. What was that? What… how did I get those images in my head? I have never seen them before. Whose scream was that? Bill Ciphers wheel? I need to figure this out but just thinking makes my head hurt.

"Well I'm going to go tell Mabel you're up." He said awkwardly. When he was gone I tapped Fords hand, he snapped out of whatever he was doing and looked at me with questioning eyes.

"I-I saw something… a vision." I said quietly. Ford looked at me reassuringly.

"You were probably just hallucinating. It's nothing to be worried about." He said casually. I shook my head, ignoring the pain.

"No! It was before I fell. Mabel woke me up and I felt dizzy. She ran down the stairs and right before I could step down on the first step these images flashed in my head! The first one looked like an ancient room of some sort, and the second one was 12 hooded men. Third one is what I'm more concerned about, it was the Cipher wheel."I explained. Fords eyes were huge. I knew he was realizing something.

"Oh really… then what?" Ford said uneasily.

"After that everything went red, someone screamed and then someone else laughed. Next thing I know, I wake up on the couch looking like I've been tossed off a clock tower." I said quickly then gasped for air. Ford was staring at the ceiling, and then he looked at me.

"I don't know what that means but that's no hallucination. Be on the lookout Dipper… do you feel like standing?" he asked me. I nodded and sat up moving the ice pack off my head. I winced when I bumped my wrist on the side of the chair.

"You go and get a shower… you still have blood in your hair." He finished. I put weight on both of my feet. Instantly feeling lightheaded, I held on to a shelf and made my way to the bathroom. Every step creaked and thumped as I went down the hall. I felt relieved when I made it to that wooden door at the end of the hall. I sat on the side of the tub and lifted the metal part that turns on the shower. I felt the hot water to make sure I wouldn't burn myself.

Me: Yay so this was just an idea I had so I wrote it down.

Dipper: you made me fall down the stairs… how nice!

Me: oh relax you'll be fine… in the first chapter, maybe the second but I have no promises after that.

Dipper: Yay -_-