A/N I have no excuse.

It was next Friday, the day Legolas and her were to meet for lunch. She had changed dresses about three times before settling on the first one she had tried on. The new closet full of clothes only made her indecisive and she hoped to overcome that new obstacle soon.

Legolas had woken early that day and after a brief work out had gone straight to the kitchens to prepare lunch for Elenya himself. His feelings had not lessened in this week apart at all and he was very excited to see her. Thranduil and Feryn had kept him busy al week and he simply had no time to stop by her rooms for a visit. Instead he had sent a note reminding her of their promise to meet today.

Elenya was pacing in front of the door when Legolas knocked. Slightly startled, she made a quick gesture to straighten her clothes and hair before opening the door.

"My Lady, how is does this fair day find you?"

She smiled at his formality. "Very Well, My Lord. "

"Then allow me to escort you to a fine meal this midday," he said and extended his elbow out for her to take.

"Why thank you My Lord," she took his arm and closed the door behind her. "Tell me, will we be speaking like this the entire day?"

He laughed. "I should hope not Elenya, I would like to save the formalities for any outsiders, but alone, I hope you will feel comfortable addressing me as you would a friend."

"But then you must still call me Elenya. I still can't get used to everyone else calling me Lady'."

The two walked together outside of the palace and into the woods nearby. There was a small clearing where Legolas laid out a blanket and set out the food and drinks for them. The conversation flowed easily between the two as always and they discussed the past week and the dinner party.

Their time together in Legolas' room was absent in their conversation though neither of the two could keep images from popping into their heads every once in awhile. When Legolas saw Elenya start on the strawberries, he had to look away from where his thoughts took him. Forgetting would be no easy task and he wondered how his father had managed to stop lusting after the elf maiden he had been with.

"These are wonderful, Legolas, thank you so much for lunch."

Legolas did not respond.

"Legolas? Are you alright?"

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked back at her. The sunlight was making her shine that reddish hue it only made in the daytime. He had noticed it the first time he saw her not so long ago. He looked into that face, those eyes he knew so well, and his heart constricted at the desire to touch her again.

"I think," said Legolas, "that I will find our platonic relationship a bit difficult."

Elenya was unsure as to what he meant. "You want to stop spending time with me?"

"No!" he quickly corrected. "What I mean to say is My father warned me that no "

"Legolas," she said and reached out for his hand, laying hers over it," just be honest with me."

"I believe we should keep the possibility open of... becoming more than friends."

If Legolas was worried he needn't have been, because Elenya erupted into a smile and crushed his hand in hers.

"I would like that, too."

The walk back to the palace was a slow trip as the couple walked slowly, holding hands, and giving each other shy looks. They decided to take things slow for the time being, but there was no question as to their deepening feelings towards each other. If Thranduil was right, and no elves had ever remained together after partaking of each other in the ritual then their feelings would taper off. But if they didn't and love grew between them, then surely it had to be real.

When they reached the door to the palace, they found Feryn standing outside.

"I was waiting for you, Legolas."

"Elenya and I were just having lunch, walk with us, I am escorting her to her father's workshop."

"Oh don't worry," she said." I'm sure you're brother wouldn't be waiting outside for you if it wasn't important."

Feryn froze on the spot. Legolas only looked confused, but then smiled.

"Even she can see that you are as my brother," Legolas said.

" As' your brother?" Elenya said. "Is Feryn not Alatariel's eldest son?"

"Yes I am, " Feryn quickly cut in, "perhaps you should go speak with her some more," he finished with force.

"Feryn, what is wrong with you?" Legolas countered. "Ever since my birthday you have not been yourself. Are you trying to be rude to Elenya purposely or is the problem with your mother?"

"It's all right Feryn," Elenya tried to soothe. "I know the truth. I don't think any less of you. If anyone would understand it's me."

"The truth about what?" Legolas asked.

"About Feryn," Elenya answered him. "I know he's your half brother."

"What are you talking about? How can he be my half-brother?"

Elenya opened her mouth to explain when it suddenly dawned on her that Legolas needed an explanation. He didn't know. Did Feryn know? Had she misinterpreted what Alatariel said? She said her oldest son was Thranduil's. Feryn was her oldest son.

"I must have been misinformed." She managed to get out.

Legolas relaxed slightly, although a sadness Elenya had never seen on Feryn passed over his features.

"Who told you Feryn was my brother?"

"By the Valar, Legolas, she is telling you the truth," Feryn broke in.

"Feryn? I don't understand," Legolas said slightly confused, with a hint of anger.

"My mother, Alatariel, she and Elenya have something things in common. "

Legolas took this new information and quickly deduced the facts. "Your Mother and my Father?"

"Our Father."

"You never told me in all these years!" Legolas was growing angrier. "How could you keep this from me? All of you?"

Elenya wanted to give the brothers some privacy but was rooted to the spot, any words she might have to excuse herself never made it past her lips. She could make herself interrupt the scene before her.

"Don't blame them. It was my decision not to tell you," Feryn's voice was subdued. "They respected my decision."

"You didn't want to be my brother? Is that it? Why else would you keep this from me?"

"Legolas, I have always loved you as my brother," Feryn plead with his eyes, trying to make Legolas believe his words.

"Then why?"

"I was afraid you'd be ashamed of me. Or perhaps you'd pity me. Or lord it over me that though I was the firstborn son, you will inherit the throne. I am apparently unworthy of it. I was tired of being Thranduil's son and being loved second best."

"You want the throne?"

"No. I don't care about that. Don't you understand? We are both his sons. But you are a prince, and I am but a soldier. I am seen as less than you."

Legolas' frown deepened. "We will speak later Feryn. I can't think over all this right now."

"Very well," and Feryn walked off in the direction of the forest.

"I am so sorry Legolas," Elenya burst out when Feryn was out of sight.

Legolas turned to her then. "No Elenya, thank you. Because of you I have a brother." He took her hand and kissed it. "Come, I will walk you to your room."

The rest of the trip was made in silence.