Hi guys! Well, I've been reading Fanfiction for quite some time now, but until today I've never actually written any. Yay for me! I know this is kind of short, but I wrote this in under an hour and got excited to post it! I hope you like it!

In case you didn't know, I don't own Vampire Academy. Sorry folks!

Christian had no idea why he was doing this. Dimitri was going to kill him for it, too. Hell, he might not have the chance if Lissa found out about it, or Rose for that matter… Well, either way if he was going to die it might as well be like this.

His hands began to clam up and he lifted his arm to knock on the door, just as Dimitri himself opened the door to his apartment.

Any shock that might've been on Dimitri's face was covered up by his guardian mask. Neither of them spoke for a moment. Dimitri invited him inside.

"Sorry, I just needed to talk to a dude about this," said Christian.

Dimitri blinked, "Alright. Do you want me to break out the ice cream or are you fine with just a manly talk?"

Christian's face turned an ugly shade of red. He should not be doing this. No, he should leave now. He began mumbling something incoherent that sounded slightly like an apology and turned around to grasp the doorknob in his hand.

Just as he was about to turn the handle, Dimitri's hand landed on his shoulder, "Christian, I'm just kidding. Are you alright?" Christian still couldn't form sentences. He shook his head. Dimitri's eyebrows scrunched together and his head tilted to one side, wondering what on Earth could have shaken the royal moroi so badly. He motioned for Christian to sit on the couch and went to get some hot chocolate for the two of them.

When he walked back into the living room with their hot chocolate, Christian seemed much less out of sorts than he had when Dimitri had opened the door. Dimitri was supposed to be on guard duty, with Rose, but he called Hans and told him about his charge suddenly appearing at his and Rose's apartment that afternoon. Hans hadn't been happy to be understaffed since so many royals were visiting this time of year, but reluctantly let him off.

Dimitri handed Christian his hot chocolate and watched as the moroi drank a large gulp of the burning liquid before asking him why he was here.

Dimitri noticed Christian's hands clenching the mug tightly and set down his own mug onto the coffee table, waiting.

Christian blew out a breath, "This is kind of awkward to talk about." He also placed his cup beside Dimitri's and ran his hands down his face. How was he supposed to explain this? This was Dimitri and he knew that his guardian was very particular on what he told about his private life.

Dimitri slowly nodded several times, "What kind of awkward are we talking about?"

"Very awkward." Christian said.

Dimitri mumbled, "Wonderful," before looking back at Christian, "Well, since you walked all the way over here you might as well tell me."

Christian deflated hearing this. In the back of his mind, he was hoping that Dimitri might just let him go without having to explain his issue. It wasn't that far of a hope. Dimitri was famous for shutting down awkward situations, most of the time he would just walk away, especially when the conversation had to deal with him.

Christian hung his head before muttering, "I'm having problems in the er… sex department."

If Christian had been looking at the dhampir, he would have seen his jaw drop to the floor, his eyes widening in the realization of exactly what kind of awkward Christian was talking about, "Christian, I- I'm not- What do you need me for?" Dimitri stood up and began to pace. Running a hand through his hair, he turned back to the moroi, whose head was staring towards the floor, "Well?"

Christian tilted his head up to Dimitri, "I just wanted to know how you and Rose keep it interesting."

Dimitri's mind was blown. Christian came to talk to him about sex. Was the world ending? Was he hallucinating? Or was Christian really that desperate that he was asking Dimitri for sex advice?

Christian continued, "It's just that Liss and I haven't been, you know, as into it as we used to be and you and Rose always seem to have this tension. How do you keep it from getting boring?"

He had to be hallucinating.

"Not that sex with Liss is boring! I just want it to be more fun for the both of us."

He had to. Christian would never…

"Maybe you could just give me some pointers or tips."

But, he was. He was talking to his own guardian about his sex life.


He was doomed.

Yeah... This was short...

BUT if you guys like my wonderful little chapter :) I'll post more!

And you should go comment, like right now.

Tell me what you think, what you like, what you don't like, how your day was, if you're secretly a dragon, if you know a certain Dimitri Belikov, anything at all really!


OH! FYI! I'm Holly!
