A/N Hey everyone, so sorry for the long wait. My laptop died a few weeks ago and I lost practically everything in the process. Always back up your work! I ended up having to write this chapter over again, which was a bummer, but completely unavoidable. So oh well that is just how life works sometimes. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy the next chapter and I'm looking forward to you reviews!

Chapter 3: The Book

One of the biggest reasons I hate going to a new school was lunch period. Seriously there are at least 100 things that can go wrong on your first day of school and about 95% of those things happen in the school cafeteria.

As cliché as it sounds, here is where you define yourself, where you practically brand your existence. Choose the wrong table and you can kiss your social status goodbye. Not that it much mattered in my case. I guarantee you the little episode I had this morning during history didn't go unnoticed and all I needed was another slip up, then BANG! Kyoko Mogami outsider once again.

A few of the girls I recognized from my class walked by and snickered while glancing in my direction, which only proved my theory. I mumbled incoherently before standing in line with my empty food trey. Taking a purposeful glance around the large room, I began to search for a table with a group of people that didn't look like they wanted to murder the new kid, but from the looks of it I'd say it wasn't going to be easy.

"Hey move it down the line." someone said irritably behind me. Quickly I stepped forward to take my turn picking through the supposedly edible food at the counter.

It was right while I was deciding whether I wanted to gamble my life over a few questionable looking meat dishes or a pathetically wilted salad, that I see a masculine hand come up from behind me and place multiple things on my trey.

I swung myself around to find the same arrogant blonde guy who had ran me aimlessly through the hallway not 2 hours ago. Sho Fuwa was busy packing my trey stock full of food and didn't even have the decency to say a word to me while he was doing it.

I couldn't stop staring at him with this dumbfounded look on my face. I wasn't sure what to make of this and clearly neither did anyone else. I glanced around to see a few equally shocked people staring at us in the line, whispering amongst one another.

I glared up at Sho, not liking the attention, hoping he'd get the message and leave me alone, only he seemed like he had no intensions of doing so.

"You mind getting some napkins, think we are going to need a few." He said this while slapping some weird brown stuff onto another plate.

"Excuse me?"

"Nap-kins." He said slowly as if I were inept. "You know the things you wipe your face with?"

"I know what napkins are…what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"What does it look like?" his impatient tone was apparent. (though what he had to feel impatient about I will never know) "I'm getting us food."

"Us?" I said trying to rap my head around that word "you are getting Us food?"

"Yes aren't you hungry? I know I am."

I didn't know if I should feel honored or disturbed that someone as evidently popular as Sho Fuwa was giving me attention. I looked over at a few girls give me the evil eye sitting at their table. I quickly decided I was more disturbed.

"thank you but no thank you. I can get my own food." I reached over trying to take the now heavy trey away from him. He moved it out of my reach.

"Don't you think I know that?" he asked then pointed behind us, down the long line of students waiting their turn for food. "Do you honestly think I was going to wait through all that, just to get this crap?" He motioned to the food.

So he was just using me? Figures. I should have known better.

"You don't seem to mind this crap from the looks of it." I pointed out, eyeing to the pile of food he managed to balance on the small trey.

"Yeah well I'm a growing boy, I need substance." He flashed me another one of those star winning smiles for the second time that day and like before I felt very annoyed at myself for encouraging his bad behavior, by blushing.

"Now come on." He motioned me to follow after he paid. "I'm starving."

When I stood there indifferent with my arms crossed, determined to somehow gain some control over the situation, he laughed seeming amused by my efforts. "fine stay there. Have fun finding a friendly table to sit at." He motioned towards a few more angry girls eyeing me down as if they were praying a meteor might fall out the sky and crush me.

I begrudgingly walked behind him, grumbling quietly to myself.

"what was that?" he asked

"I said," deciding I didn't care if he heard me "who's fault do you think it is anyway that they hate me?"

Fuwa, unfazed by my anger stood in front of an already occupied table. Immediately all the kids got up and left. I watched in horror as he took his seat and motioned me to do the same. "They don't hate you. They don't even know you exist, you just got here."

Ouch. Easy for him to say. I don't see him dealing with people staring daggers into his back. Fuwa pushed a full plate of food across to me as he dug in. "aren't you gonna eat?" he asked in between bites.

"what makes you think you can just barge over here and get me food you don't even know if I like and…?"

"did I give you something you hate?"

I looked down at the plate of food in front of me and frowned. I was expecting something gross like the casserole he was currently eating. Instead I found a hamburger with eggs and a collection of vegetables that actually looked pretty good. I glanced back up at him confused. How did he know what I'd like? Wouldn't a salad have been a safer choice for a dainty teenage girl?

As if reading my mind, he said "You just look like the type girl who doesn't care about watching her weight."

"And what is that supposed to mean!?" I felt the temperature rise 100 meters. What is with this guy?

"Nothing, just that you obviously weren't going for the salad back there."

If looks could kill.

I got up so fast, deciding I'd rather eat my lunch alone in the girl's bathroom than deal with this jerk, that when I turned around to storm out I ended up crashing smack into a girl holding her own trey of food. Everything came pouring down on my cloths covering me in rice, soy sauce and who knows what else. Half the student body broke out into laughter including Fuwa.

My anger melted into embarrassment. Looking over at the girl I realized I was wearing Kanae Kotonami's food and she looked pretty upset about it too. (Like she needed another reason to hate me.)

I dropped down to the floor picking up the mess I'd made and then tried to sputter out an apology to her but it was cut off by a boy who yelled "nice work, new girl!" That ignited a whole other round of laughter from the students.

"Oh my gosh she's such a freak, walk straight why don't you?!" Said someone else.

I felt like crawling into a little hole.

A few of the girls who had been glaring at me earlier, took this as an opportunity to talk to Sho, stepping over me while making gagging sounds, in order to get to him. "my god, why are you sitting with her?" One gushed while batting her eyelashes, she didn't wait for an answer "Come sit with us Sho, we miss you!"

This bit of news didn't seem to surprise Fuwa. "Do you now?" He asked unimpressed. He glanced back at me with mock sympathetic eyes. "wish you had gotten those napkins I'd told you to, huh?" The girls around him giggled.

"Oh piss off Fuwa!" I yelled angrily. I heard a few people gasp while I pushed through to head towards the exit. I could feel the tears building up and I didn't want anyone to see.

It was stupid really, to want to cry over something so small. I whipped angrily at a tear that was threatening to fall, deciding that crying over something that involved a guy like Fuwa was dumber then the accident itself. I ran through the halls in search for a restroom, so that I could clean myself up.

Instead I saw dark figure pass swiftly down the hallway.

I gasped. I wasn't expecting to see that again, at least not in one day. Suddenly, all my previous worries collectively became insignificant. I had bigger problems, I knew. And most of them started with that little black being passing down the hall. It was strange the feeling I was getting from it. Like it was beckoning me to follow it.

I only had a hot second to decide what it was I was going to do then and there. I could always ignore it, but something told me if I didn't go with my gut now I'd regret it later. So quickly I ran down the hall after it. I rounding a few corners to catch up, only pausing now and again to catch my breath.

Eventually I lost it though, glancing around in an unfamiliar part of the school, wondering where I was. The only thing standing in front of me was a pair of large double doors. I guessed it would be impossible to retrace my steps back to find a restroom now.

I peered into the window of the doors, trying to see what was inside. Then just figuring I might as well go in and take a look. I opened the doors and walked into a large space surrounded by shelves filled with books. This must be Library. I realized. It seemed to be empty.

The spirit was long gone by now, nonetheless I had this feeling that this library was where I was supposed to be. I passed by few isle, silently looking around.

"Is there something you are looking for? I can get it for you." I hadn't even noticed someone was standing near me.

I jumped back surprised and yelped.

"OH I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." A man wearing a pair of spectacles, put up both his hands in order to prove his point. He was a very handsome looking man with light brown hair, wearing dressed pants and a button down shirt. He looked over worriedly at me. "are you ok?" He fretted "What happened to you?"

I gathered he must have meant my food covered cloths. I blushed embarrassed "I had a bit of an accident in the cafeteria."

"I'll say." He looked at me wide eyed and then reached in his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. "I'm sorry this is all I have." This strange man looked so upset by my appearance I felt like I needed to cheer him up.

"Oh no! it's ok I was just clumsy is all, I was actually searching for the restroom before I wondered in here." I explained

"Oh. Are you a new student?"

"Yes" I laughed "what gave me away?"

He smiled "most students don't come in here at all, especially during lunch period. My name is Yukihito Yashiro by the way, I'm the school librarian."

"Nice to meet you Yashiro san, I am Kyoko Mogami." I said bowing politely.

"Now, what book was it that you were trying to reach? Maybe I can get that down for you." He motioned towards the top shelf.

"Oh um." I scanned the book shelf and then pointed at the first thing I laid eyes on "Um it was that one."

Yashiro san proceeded to reach on his tip toes in order to grab the book I wanted. He looked down at the title. "Well here's an interesting read." He said looking questionably at me. "you're interested in the supernatural?"

I of course had no clue what he was talking about, seeing as I didn't know what the book was. When he handed it to me the title read 'Guide to the spiritual world' I stood there staring at the book feeling sick.

I would pick up that book.

I wanted to put it back, but it was a little too late for that. "Um yeah I love books about spirits and dead people and…" I trailed off realizing I probably sounded like a moron.

"And ghosts?" He finished for me.

"Um yeah." I said, hating the word "and ghosts."

Yashiro san didn't seem to notice my discomfort however. "I'm a bit into those things as well." He stated good naturedly "I'm what you would call a supernatural enthusiast."

"Oh how nice." Though I didn't think it was nice at all, because if he really knew what spirits were like he'd want to stay far far away from them, in fact he might even move all around japan from city to city just trying to avoid them as much as possible, because these so called supernatural beings never brought you or anyone you loved anything but suffering and turmoil.

Of course I didn't say any of this to Yashiro san. I didn't want him to think I was completely mental, also I didn't want to ruin his day. It would just be easier for him to continue thinking spirits were something to get enthusiastic about. So I smiled and nodded as he continued to gush on about the dead and the undead and so on. I followed him up to his counter so he could check out the book I didn't even want, but had no way of refusing at this point.

"This book in particular," He motioned to the one he was checking out "Is very informative however, unlike most I've seen, it's probably the most accurate. Especially with the summoning chapter, though I've never tried myself…"

"Summoning?" I broke in, suddenly intrigued.

"Yes that and the exorcism, which if you ask me is a little too dark for my taste."

"So…you could actually summon someone using this book? Like there are instructions and all…"

"Yes theoretically but it's just silly nonsense really. You can't actually summon a ghost." He laughed "at least not that way."

Still I thought It was worth giving a try…Suddenly the book seemed a bit more useful than before. And if the plan that was suddenly turning in my head worked, then the visitor I had last night was going to get a rude awakening.

"There you are!" Both Yashiro and I turned our attention towards the entrance to the library startled.

"Mo I've been looking all over for you." Kanae Kotonami was standing in the doorway looking quite annoyed at the moment. I felt my stomach drop. Was she so mad at what I'd done to her today that she's hunted me down to take her revenge?

I started feeling like a squirrel being backed up against the wall. So I did what I should have done in the first place and what my mother would have scolded me for not doing sooner. I jumped down on the floor and apologized profusely. Keeping my head hanging low as I begged for forgiveness for disrupting her day repeatedly. And that I understood if she hated me.

"I don't hate you." She said

"yes I know and I'm a despicable human being but I…wait what did you say?"

"I said I don't hate you… in fact I kinda… admire you…mo what you did back there that is"

"Um what?" I sputtered confused.

" Mo I mean, you stood up to Sho Fuwa. That was pretty cool mo." She admitted not looking at me. "Anyway what I'm trying to say is…here." She reached out her hand to me and offered me a white T-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. " These are my gym close mo…and I just thought mo… that since your cloths are ruined… and these are not dirty or anything …mo we don't have gym today…they were just in my locker and I wasn't using them." She was rambling and blushing. I smiled and took the cloths from her.

"Thank you." I said full heartedly I could feel tears running down my face. "no really thank you Moko san."

"It's no big deal, anyone would do this if they knew…wait Moko san? Mo my name's Kanae… Ah wah?!"

I'd gotten up off the floor and given her a hug. I don't know why I did it, it's just this was the first time anyone has been so nice to me before. "Thank you." I said again still hugging her.

"Eehem." From behind us Yashiro san was clearing his voice to get our attention. He seemed a bit amused while saying "well I'm happy you and your friend made up, but I believe the school bell just rang. Maybe you two should hurry on to your next class."

I smiled widely "Friends." I liked the sound of that "we are friends now; aren't we moko san?"

"Uh I mean I guess…why do you keep calling me that?"

"I'm so happy!" I yelped doing a little hop "I've never had a best friend before."

"How is it that you skipped from us just being friends to being best friends?"

"So we are not then?" I could feel my face fall in disappointment.

"no no," she said quickly panicking at my sudden change in behavior "we can be best fri…"

"Great!" I cheered taking her arm "Then let's get to class besty!" I sang dragging her towards the door.

"Hey get off me!" She shoved me away playfully, I'm sure then said "Ok if we are going to be friends…"

"Best friends."

She rolled her eyes "If we are going to be best friends then you are going to have to stop touching me. Now come on you need to hurry and change your cloths so we can get to class."

"Ok moko san!" I said happily then waved behind me "Nice meeting you Yashiro san!"

"Yes," He said back smiling "come back again."

Suddenly for once in my life things seemed to be looking up. I glanced down at the book in my hand and for once I had a plan to keep it that way.

I unlocked the front door to my house and walked in feeling more upbeat then I have in a long time "Mother I'm back!" I called out.

Getting silence in return I walked into the kitchen. My mother had left a note on the refrigerator saying she would be working late tonight and that there was a takeout menu on the kitchen counter that I should use when I get hungry.

Fair enough. It was better this way I had a few things I needed to get done that would be easier with her not around anyway.

Opening my backpack, I pulled out the book I'd checked out at the library, skimming through the table of content in order to find exactly what I was looking for.

"here." I'd found it 'exorcism and summoning' Sounded creepy, but I was willing to try it.

The first thing on the list were of course lit candles. It didn't specifically state how many though and I could only find two in my mother's junk cabinet so I figured that would have to do. Second it called for flower petals, but considering it was the end of fall and winter was coming I had to settle for the popery that my mother keeps in the living area. They were technically still flower petals. Just not fresh ones anyway. But I figured I was dealing with an ancient spirit in my house so ancient flowers probably didn't hurt.

I hurried down the list of things I needed. Getting all the ingredients I had laying around the house and then substituting things for stuff I didn't have, hoping it would still work.

Gathering it all I headed up to my room to set things up.

I'm not gonna lie, I felt a little silly doing this. After all there was no guarantee any of it would actually work, but I knew I had to give it a try. What did I have to lose? Was what I thought as I lit the candles and spread out the popery.

I had to admit my plan wasn't all that thought out. So I summon the spirit that is potentially haunting me in my room and my school? Then what? I was basically hoping I'd have enough time to exorcize it quickly before it killed me, with the possibility that both the summoning and the exorcist spells actually worked. But I knew that possibility was slim at best.

I drew my drapes closed and sat down on the ground with my book, closing my eyes, (well I had one eye open because I needed to read the words in the book) I chanted the summoning spell. I held my eyes closed once I finished and waited.

I don't know what I expected exactly. Maybe a big wind to gush by and blow out my candles and swirl the petals around the room, but none of that seemed to happen. I didn't even get a divine feeling or feel a spiritual awakening. Nothing. Nada.

I was sitting there in the middle of my floor like the big idiot that I was, waiting for something that was never going to come.

"Stupid book." I grumbled opening my eyes. (Granted I didn't exactly follow instructions all the way) I closed the book shut and the wind from the motion blew out my candles. I got up annoyed turning on the side lamp next to my bed…and nearly had a heart attack.

Sitting at the windowsill of my room was a man. The man I'd seen earlier that day, the same man who'd probably been in my house the night before, the man with the golden eyes. And he seemed pissed.

"It worked." I said in almost a whispered, then louder "Oh my gosh it worked!"

"What on earth are you talking about?" the dark haired man said aggravated "and what is all this ?" He motioned to the candles.

"It's the stuff I used to summon you, evil spirit."

"Funny." Only he didn't seem to think it was "I don't remember being summoned anywhere, ever."

"Well…I just did and if you're not careful I'll …I'll exorcize you back to hell, you demon!" I said that last part with a bit of hesitance. I wasn't sure I could do anything and apparently he didn't think I could do anything either, if the unimpressed look he gave me was any indication.

"Enough with the games Setsu. Haven't you had enough of this?" His eyes were piercing as he spoke. Hatred so vivid in his eyes, I felt like he was cutting through my soul.

"I…" I stammered suddenly afraid "I don't know what you are talking about"

Only this seemed to make him angrier. He stood up now, almost taking up all of the space in the small room with his demeanor. He was tall, taller than any man I'd ever met. His shoulders were broad and his arms large. I knew in an instant if he got his hands on any part of me he could break me like a toothpick.

"Enough!" He roared and when he did I physically felt the house shake. A few of the things on my shelf fell over, crashing to the floor. "Is this what it's come to? After so many years. Back to your mind tricks?" He took a step towards me or more like a glide. His feet never really touched the floor.

"I'm not sure how you managed to do what you've done Setsu but I swear," He was now directly in front of me. My back was pressed up against the wall as I trembled weakly.

I'm going to die. Was all I could think. I'm going to die and he's going to kill me.

"I'm not…I'm not,"

"What?" he growled.

I wasn't sure how, but somehow I found my voice. "I'm not Setsu." I stuttered out.

His face went black for a moment as he looked at me. Then he reached out his hand. I flinched reflexively, keeping my eyes closed. I was waiting to disintegrate or something when I felt something tugging at the ends of my hair.

I looked up abruptly. He was touching my hair, but with so much concentration you would have thought I had noodles growing out of my head.

He let go of the strands and looked me over. I watched as his eyes scanned from the top of my head all the way down to my feet. "not the same." He murmured I think more to himself.

"I'm," I began deciding maybe I should clear things up farther "my name is Kyoko Mogami and I'm sorry but I really don't know who this Setsu person is."

He continued to stare at me in amazement, but I think he believed me because he suddenly looked very sheepish. "Yes, yes of course you wouldn't. My apologies." He backed up giving me some room to catch my breath.

"I am severely sorry Mogami san, I'm not sure what came over me."

I stared wide eyed as I watch this man go from extremely angry to almost an angelic form.

He bowed heavily before saying "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ren Tsuruga," His eyes gleamed. "I am the ghost who haunts this room."

A/N Wooow ok so that's chapter 3. I hope you guys were able to make it through it all. I know a lot was going on, but I tried to make this chapter a bit longer for you guys in order to make up for the long wait. The next chapter should be very interesting believe me. Thank you so much for reading and looking forward to your reviews!