A/N: Hey here is the next chapter. I do have one change there are 5 seniors (including Henry), 1 junior, 1 sophomore, and 3 freshmen (Lucas, Max, and Ryan) on the basketball team. Anyways enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 2

One minute… one minute was all it took for Henry to score the 21 points needed to win the game. Scott was on his hands and knees staring at the floor wide eyed, wondering how he lost to Henry. Everyone else, except the freshmen, was slack jawed and wide eyed that Henry crushed Scott 21 to 0. Henry had utterly destroyed Scott with three points and steal the ball from his and throwing it from behind his back.

"Damn, didn't hold back on that one did ya Cap?" Max asked Henry.

"What are you talking about I haven't even tied my hair back yet." Henry said.

"You mean that wasn't all out?" Lucas asked shocked.

"I was using the same strength the other Generation of Dragons when they fought these guys two years ago." Henry said.

"That was two years ago?!" The freshman shouted.

"Yeah they've got significantly stronger over the past two years too." Henry said.

"We're screwed. There's no way we can win." Lucas said.

"Guys I'm a Generation of Dragons, you don't need to be stronger than them, that's my job, you just have to better than their teammates." Henry said.

"Okay that sounds… manageable." Max said.

"Good. Now let's get practicing we have a lot of ground to cover." Henry said.

"What makes you think we're going to listen to you?" Thomas asked.

"I did just be Snotlout." Henry said.

"So?" Thomas replied.

"Do you want to win Nationals?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, but that's impossible because of the Generation of Dragons." Thomas answered.

"Hello, I'm a Generation of Dragons, remember?" Henry asked. "Besides The Dragons have all gone to different schools, so we can test each other's strength."

"I still don't believe you're a Generation of Dragons." Thomas said.

Henry sighed and took out his phone and went to his image gallery and scrolled through till he found the picture he was looking for. "Here catch." Henry said and tossed the phone to Thomas.

Everyone gathered around Thomas to see what was on the phone's screen. On the phone's screen was a picture of Henry and 5 other boys and 2 girls. "Holy shit it's true!"Eret exclaimed.

Starting from the left side of the photo was Henry with his hair tied back into a stallion tail, revealing his pierced eyes, and he was in his basketball uniform, which was white with a sky blue trim and number 15 on it. Uniform stopped at his shoulders revealing his tattoo. "Do you have piercings?" Scott asked.

"And a tattoo?" Thomas asked.

"Yap." Henry said and moved his hair to reveal his ears. "Six in each ear."

"Six!?" Gobber said astonished. "I can see you getting a tattoo and a piercing or two to impress a girl, but twelve is outrageous."

"Why did you get so many?" Max asked. "You don't seem like the kind of guy to get a bunch of piercings."

"Does Uncle Stoick know about this?" Scott asked.

"No my dad doesn't know about them and he's not going to, until I say so. Understand?" Henry said giving a sweet innocent smile, while radiating an aura of death that sent a shiver down everyone's spine.

He certainly learned a few new tricks Gobber thought.

"Understood." Everyone said in sync.

"As for the piercings they were a punishment." Henry said and everyone's eyes widen in surprise. "Let me explain. I was doing really well and was close to making the regulars, but I kept missing my shots and letting the ball get stolen. So the captain thought if I got a punishment for missing or letting the ball get stolen. So when we were trying to figure out what punishment to give me. Hunter walks in with his newly pierced ears and suddenly I was given a punishment. I had to get one ear pierced for every basket I missed or ball that was stolen. So after ten missed shots and two stolen balls I had six piercings in each ear. After I refused to get another piercing, so the captain had some of the other Dragons to pin me down and while he had someone give me a tattoo. But after that I quit missing my shots and not let the ball be stolen. I became a Generation of Dragons shortly after."

"Wow your captain sounds like an asshole." Lucas said.

"Yeah basically, but he does have his rare moments of goodness." Henry said.

"He sounds scary." Franklin said shaking slightly.

"Oh he can be. Especially when someone defies him." Henry said. "Anyways the girl, that I have my left arm around and leaning into me is my girlfriend." Henry pointed to a smiling girl with shoulder length hair, dyed a crimson red, sapphire blue eyes that contrast against her crimson red hair making them shine, had skull stud earrings, and stood 5'6". She was wearing a long-sleeved red shirt that had a grey skull over her D-cup chest, skinny blue jeans that had a hole above the left knee, and black sneakers.

"You have a girlfriend!?" Everyone, except the freshmen, shouted.

"Yeah." Henry said plainly.

"How come you never told me about her or being the Generation of Dragons when we talked over the phone?" Gobber asked. Everyone looked at Henry in curiosity as to why he didn't say anything about having a girlfriend or being a Generation of Dragons, both of which are bragging about.

Henry thought about it for it a second and answered. "It never came up." Everyone did the cartoon move were they fall down on their head with their feet in the air.

"Dude, you have a smoking hot girlfriend. I would be telling everyone about it!" Ryan said, shouting towards the end.

"She's not that hot." Astrid and Rebecca muttered.

Henry heard Astrid and Rebecca and could help but say. "She's even hotter naked."

"You've seen her naked." Scott asked in disbelief.

"I've done more than just see, if you catch my drift." Henry said and started laughing that slacked jawed faces everyone was making.

"Who are you? And what have you done with Hiccup?" Gobber asked, still in shock, which caused Henry to laugh harder.

"I know I'm different, but blame the Generation of Dragons and my girlfriend. They made me this way." Henry said.

"So they aren't the best influences I'm guessing." Max said.

"Meh. They have their good traits and their bad." Henry said.

"And which turned you into a sexual deviant?" Lucas asked with a knowing smile.

"Girlfriend, defiantly my girlfriend." Henry said with a smile. "Which reminds me I'm the only Dragon that is not a virgin and that is because our captain went ballistic and gave everyone an eight and a half hour lecture on why not to have sex till you're married."

"Really? Which one of these guys is your captain?" The Sophomore asked. "This guy?" The Sophomore pointed to the tallest boy in the photo at 6'11". The boy in the photo was black Jamaican boy, with long dreadlocks that reached his shoulders, and brown eyes. He was wearing his basketball uniform with the number 5 on it and had a bored look on his face.

"No that's our center Michelangelo." Henry said. "He is a great artist too." Henry then pointed to the smallest person on the team at 5' 6". "That's our captain, Alex."

Alex had red hair and eyes, and also wear his basketball uniform with the number 4 on it. In the picture Henry had his right elbow resting on Alex's shoulder, whom was giving Henry a half-hearted glare while smiling slightly.

"That's your captain, he's so small." Scott said and everyone looked at him. "What?"

"He's taller than you." Henry said.

"What?" Scott exclaimed.

"Never mind." Henry said and pointed to a 6' 3" Asian boy with a scowl on his face. He had black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing his basketball uniform with the number 6 on it. "That's Ty. He's not the friendliness guy around, but only one of the Dragons that can match my speed."

Henry then pointed to a girl that was 5' 3" with a slightly bigger chest, with long blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. She was wearing green hoodie, blue jeans, and white sneakers. She had a smile on her face and was holding up a peace sign. "That's Sarah. She's Ty's childhood friend and kind of the personal coach of the Generation of Dragons."

"Personal coach?" Gobber asked.

"Yeah we had the basketball team coach, but because we were so strong the regular training wasn't really cutting it, so she would make design a training regimen for us specifically, to help us individually." Henry explained.

"She must be a good coach then." Gobber said.

"Oh, she is. She'll give us an incredibly detailed reports on our opponents." Henry said.

"Okay, so who are the other two guys?" Max asked.

"The guy with the cross necklace is David." Henry said pointing towards a boy with combed down brown hair that reached the middle of his neck, gray eyes, and stood 6' 5". He was wearing his basketball uniform with the number 7 on it and a silver cross on a silver chain. "He considers it his lucky charm."

"Is he religious?" Lucas asked.

"Not particularly. He got the thing at an antique shop." Henry said.

"Is it a lucky charm?" Ryan asked.

"I've never seen him miss the whole time I've known him." Henry said. "So I'd say so."

"Not once?" Scott asked.

"Nope. Not even when he shot full court." Henry said.

"That was during practice right?" Ryan said.

"I've seen him do it during games." Henry said.

Everyone jaw dropped. "Is that even possible during a game?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, I mean I've seen videos of the pros do it during practice, but never saw anyone do it during a game." The Sophomore said.

"Yeah the guy is accurate as hell at any distance." Henry said.

"Who's the last guy then?" Max asked.

"That annoying bastard is Hunter." Henry said. In the picture Hunter had blonde hair, blue eyes, two small diamond stud piercing in his ear, and stood 6' 1". He wore a basketball uniform with the number 8 on it.

"Damn he's hot." Rebecca said and Franklin muttered. "He's not that hot."

"Yeah a lot of girls swarm him even when he's by himself." Henry said.

"You guys get swarmed by girls?" Max asked.

"Oh, yeah we're as popular as pro NBA players." Henry said.

"Cool." Ryan said.

"So, do all of them have nicknames like yours?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah. Alex is known as the Dragon King since he is our captain. Michelangelo is known as Rumblehorn, but we like to call him Big Mike. Ty is the Skrill. David is the Deadly Nadder. And Hunter is the Terrible Terror." Henry answered.

"Terrible Terror?" Rebecca asked.

"It makes more sense if you actually know the guy personally." Henry said.

"What is he some kind of asshole?" Max asked.

"No. He's just annoying." Henry replied.

"I heard that all the dragons have some sort of special skills." Lucas said.

Henry nodded. "Alex has the King's Eye, which lets him read a person's movement's like a book, and King's Embodiment, which lets everyone on his team enter the zone. Big Mike has incredible strength and height which he uses to blow through then opposing team's defense and dunk and block with easy. Ty is fast and agile and has the abilities Lightening Dribble, making the ball basically unstealable, and Forced Zone Enter, which as the name implies lets him enter the zone at his will. David has perfect accuracy and can shot from anywhere, plus he has the Mirage Shot, which makes it seem like the ball goes straight through your hand, and he is extremely skilled with fakes. And Hunter has the ability to copy and steal the moves of others, even if he's only seen it once."

"Aren't stealing and copying the same thing?" Lucas asked.

"No, because when he steal it you can't use that move for the rest of the game." Henry explained.

"What about you? What's your special skill?" Max asked.

"I have the greatest speed and agility of the Dragons and I specialize in moving the ball." Henry said.

"What do you mean moving the ball?" Max asked.

"I steal, pass, and dribble the ball from one end of the court to the other." Henry said.

"So you make sure the ball get to where it needs to be for your team?" Ryan said.

"Yeah, basically, but I can still shoot just fine." Henry said.

"Yeah, we saw when you took down Snotlout." Max said. "How did you make those shots from behind the back so easily?"

"That's my Dragon's Eye ability. It lets me have a dragon's eye view from the top to see the full court. It also lets me change my view to a full 3D view." Henry said.

"So you can see everything?" Lucas asked.

"Along as it's with in my field of vision I can see up, down, left, right, and whatever other direction there is in three dimensions." Henry said.

"So if a girl is wearing a skirt you can see her…" Scott said.

"Yes, but I don't cause my girlfriend would take my head off." Henry replied.

"As she should." Astrid said.

"Yes now let's start practice we have lots of work to do." Henry said clapping his hands. Lots and lots and lots of work to do.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter please Favorite, Follow, Review.