A/N: Thank you.

He dozed lightly on the train back to Downton, his wife's head a comfortable weight against his shoulder. Occasionally the movement of the train would jostle them awake and they would smile sleepily at one another. He longed to touch her face, to kiss her, but the car was no longer empty.

Memories from the preceding night played like a moving picture behind his eyes; was it wrong for him to think of such things now? How would he manage at work? He'd prided himself on his personal discipline, but he knew now that his resolve would be sorely tested. They had made love every night and even some mornings. He wasn't sure he'd have the energy for such frequent pursuits given his typical hours, but one never knew. Perhaps they could eat breakfast at home some mornings?

Every day with his wife brought some fresh joy, some new awareness; surely it would be the same once they returned home? He knew her now as no one else ever had, and it gave him a feeling of pride he'd never known. He determined to be a husband equal to her worth.*

As he gazed out the window, the landscape grew more familiar, and he took the liberty of waking his wife.

"We're nearly there, love."

She moaned quietly, a delightful sound that put him in mind of…never mind that now…and sat upright slowly. Smiling at him, she said, "That's the first time you've called me love."

"Is it?"

"Yes. You usually call me my dear, sometimes even darling, but never love. I like it," she said softly.

"Well, my love, we're very nearly home."

"Home," she sighed. "What a lovely word."

"It is, because it means you."

She tucked her chin in that bashful way she had, but her eyes never left his. He hoped she could read in them all he wasn't at liberty to say. At least not yet.


He smiled with unabashed pride as he helped her from the train, looking radiant in her new hat.

The End