
She didn't hear him when he crept up behind her, absorbed as she was by the novel she was reading. Normally, she wouldn't read anything so…alternative, and only had herself to blame for doing it in plain sight.

"I see you have special, er, tastes, Ms. Frye", Henry Green quipped as he spied over her shoulder.

Normally not one to jump for any reason, Evie Frye surprised herself when she nearly flung the book into the fireplace she was standing next to.

"Mr. Green! I didn't know anyone else was here! Thought I had the place to my-myself…", she ended lamely. He chuckled softly.

"Ah, no need to be embarrassed. Nothing to be ashamed of. We are all human, are we not?", he said with a small grin on his handsome face.

Evie took a small step backwards, still seeming to forget about the crackling embers behind her. "What? Oh, this?", she raised the book in a way she thought was casual, with a shrug. "Ha, well, we all have our needs, don't we?"

Henry, noticing her movement, stepped forward slightly and leaned down toward her right, capturing a stray hair. "True. But I do hope you satisfy those needs soon, Ms. Frye. It's not…healthy to keep them inside for too long". And with a frustratingly devious smile, he turned around and walked out of the room, leaving a stunned and speechless Evie with nothing but her confused thoughts.