The heiress

Summary: When Yamcha breaks his promise to take Bulma to her to her company gala, she turns to Vegeta in an act of desperation. To her surprise he agrees to come with her.

A/N: Vegeta may seem OOC, but you will see why later on in the story. The fact Bulma in the hair to an empire is part of it.

Namek had fallen and everyone had been wished back to Earth including Vegeta, Bulma begin a kind hearted woman invited all the Namekians and Vegeta to Capsule Corp. Her parents showed everyone around and they found out that the Namekians wanted to stay together in one of the gardens so they could farm and stay together as a community. Bulma's parents wanted to help the aliens settle in, so that left Bulma to show the Dark Prince to his room. She guided him to the guest room, she wanted him far away from the Namekians, as he might cause them trouble and they would soon be gone back to a new world.

"This is your room Vegeta, I know it nothing special or anything befitting of you, but if you are to stay here for awhile my parents and I can get you anything you want. Anyways if you want food there are machines in the kitchen that will make you any Earth food you want, or if you see my mother in the kitchen she will make you anything as well. " Bulma explained brightly

Bulma went to leave and Vegeta's dark eyes turned to her.

"Wait what about training facilities? I want to train like Kakarotto in high gravity I believed he said he used one of your space shuttles to train in."

"Oh right you want to train to beat him, My father has a spear space shuttle he is working on, but he gets distracted by... well life, so maybe I'll work on it tomorrow for you. It will be ready in two days, any ways there is a gym and an Olympic sized pool for you to use until I'm done."

Vegeta grunted.

"These things will suffice for now, get that space shuttle done, otherwise I may get board with the wait and blow you all up." He threatened

"Yeah, yeah whatever goodnight." She said dismissively.

She wondered off now to her own room, she was tired from her adventures in space.

The next morning she sat in the kitchen holding a coffee written ideas down, she picked at her breakfast now and then, she was working on some ideas for the Capsule ship and how to improve it. Her parents were chatting away about something and she barely heard them, she noticed Vegeta as he walked and and she yawned.

"Oh right Vegeta is staying here."

She went back to her written, she heard her parents talk to him now, she began to write quickly now as she was over flowing with ideas right now. She saw the Prince sit down as her mother began to cook. He seemed very off put by there hospitality and there kindness, it seemed like he was unused to it, she noticed his dark eyes turn to her, it looked like he was burning a hole right through her.

"I thought you were going to fix up that ship?" He asked annoyed

"I am doing that right now, I am working on some schematics to improve the ship." She said annoyed

She went back to her notes now huffing and muttering, Vegeta smirked to himself he saw the amount of food the blonde woman put down and eat it without saying a word. Bulma stood up now and headed out the kitchen and went to work on the ship.

Later on in the day Vegeta was curious about the work the woman as doing on the ship and he wanted to see the progress she was doing. He saw the woman wearing a bulky suit with her company's logo on as she knelt in front of a panel, he saw the weakling was there lying on the ship with one hand behind the back as he handed her tools. He went to turn away as it seemed she was not doing what he asked and he felt angered by that, but he over heard the two talk if only for a bit.

"This is not what I call a date Bulma, I didn't come here to watch you fix a ship and hand you tools."

"Well were going on a date tomorrow remember your taken me to the gala and I really need you there."

"Yeah, Yeah I know I am your date and bodyguard to protect the heiress of Capsule Corporation from harm. "

She nodded and smiled at him with a wide smile.

Vegeta muttered as he walked away.

"Heiress? I thought she was just a vulgar woman who was an annoyance. "

Still it was a strange to him that there was a woman on this planet like that. Bulma finished the work on the ship by the end of the day and she returned back to her house covered in dirt and rubbed her hands with a rag, she noticed Vegeta and smirked at him.

"I finished your ship you can start training in there as soon as your ready." She explained proudly

"Took you long enough." He said roughly

"Excuse me?" She yelled out

He turned with a smirked but then walked off ignoring her words.

She was in the kitchen now stood in a tight red dress, it had sequences all the way throughout the dress and she wore diamond earrings, a Capsule Corp necklace on, her hair was tied into a neat bun and she had light make-up on, she wore a pair of red high heels that she stood in flawlessly.

Vegeta walked in and saw her on the phone, he had never seen her dressed in such a fabulous manner

before he eyed her up and down. truly she looked like some sort of Princess tonight. He stood silent as she talked on the phone.

"Hi honey, where are you? I'm waiting on your arrival so we can go to the gala. " Bulma asked gently

"Oh crap! Erm your going to be pissed off, but the coach of my basketball team called and I have a game I can't back out off." Yamcha stumbled

"What do you mean you have a baseball game tonight? You promised me you would take me to this gala, since you know I can't go alone." She yelled annoyed

"Sorry Bulma honestly." Yamcha said gently

"Fine go play Baseball see if I care." She snapped annoyed

She put tdown the phone and looked upset. She thought on what to do, her parents insisted she wasn't alone tonight since they were out of town and this high profile gala attracted kidnappers and other no dogooders

'Tien is boring and Launch would kill me for asking Tien, Krillin is dating a whore.' Bulma thought

She noticed Vegeta and ran to him with wide eyes full of panic.

"OK I need a huge favour from you, just listen OK. Vegeta this is going to sound strange cause you don't help people but yourself. However I need your power to protect me harm tonight. I can protect myself but there are bad people at this gala sometimes. There are people who plot to kidnap the rich like myself and hold them for ransom...I promised my dad I would go in his place to represent our company cause were giving away a new capsule car..." She said in a rush

Vegeta listened to her prattle now, he was still taken a back by her looks tonight. The heiress needed him the Dark Prince's help and he thought it was strange.

"Erm I'll buy you an all you can eat dinner if you come, so please help me." She begged " I can't back out even if I want to." She begged

"Woman stop, I will accompany you tonight, as I understand your predicament. You are a precious heir to the empire of your father and he doesn't want you to fall prey to kidnappers. " He sad putting it simply

"Oh really you'll come ? Thank you."

" Although just because I understand your predicament doesn't change how I feel for you and your race." He stated roughly

"I understand, OK I need to get you a suit, as you can't go in your amour. " Bulma stated awkwardly

"Why not?" Vegeta snapped

"Cause you'll stand out too much in that, just trust me on this and wait here." She yelled annoyed

She ran off quickly and Vegeta wondered why he had agreed to go. He did understand as the Prince of all Saiyans he would would of had commitments like this if his race hadn't been destroyed, also the woman was too stunning to refuse. She came back quickly and held a suit him smiling.

"It's one of my father's old ones but it will fit you. We don't have much time, so get changed quickly, I'll wait through there for you, as I need to let my driver know I'm ready." She explained sharply

"Driver aren't we flying there? I know you can't fly but.." He asked annoyed

"No were not!" She interrupted "It's expected to show up in a limousine tonight so that is what we do. " She interrupted

Vegeta grunted as the woman left yelling at him

"Suck it up, high society is different from normal people."

With that she took her phone out and left him to change. He took his amour off cursing in his mindher beauty and name.

Still he was intrigued by what this world's socialite were like, his suit look strange on him and he looked at a strange black bow and walked to the woman.

"What is this dose it go with this human clothing?" He asked confused

"Oh that's a bow tie you don't have to wear it tonight, your fine as your are." Bulma said softy

Bulma looked at him dressed smartly in the suit that just fit him. His muscles taken up most of the room. She looked as she heard a robot announce her driver has arrived.

"OK Vegeta let's depart shall we. "She said sweetly

He walked behind her as she led him outside, it was a warm night with the stars and moon clear in the evening sky. Bulma stood as the limo arrived and the driver got out and then opened the door for her. She got in and moved herself to the other side of the limo as Vegeta got in she poured herself champagne cause God knew she needed it, the door closed now and limo began to move and awkward silence began. She looked out the window now at the night sky, she looked off into space and wondered just were Goku was out there, still she looked to Vegeta as she sipped her drink, he was quiet and he sat with his arms crossed unamused.

She wanted to say something to him get talking about something, so she just blurted out.

"So tell me the truth why did you really come?" She asked intrigued as she sipped her champagne

She thought there was more to it then him understanding her pediment, she notice how he had been looking at her in this dress,. She had got this dress to make her beautiful in Yamcha's eyes not his.

Vegeta looked her over again.

"Truthfully I am intrigued by Earth's socialites." Vegeta said roughly "Also why would I refuse the heiress before me, as I as a Prince know you have duties you can not refuse. I think if my people were still around and I had been freed from Frieza, I would have to do my father's bidding, go to social events I did not enjoy, be married to a woman I might not have loved. Even you would understand most of royal blood only married to continue on their bloodline."

Bulma chuckled a little at his words.

"Oh I see, so you know I am the heir to Capsule Cooperation. I try not to make a big deal of it so I keep it on the down low it's better that I do, you'll see why in a bit. I understand what you mean though, I do many things for my father I would rather not, interacting with these people is not something I want to do. I'd rather been hanging out with my friends then dealing with two faced dumb people." She said annoyed "Still it's not like my father is forcing me to marry anyone, my mother wants grandchildren but that's just her being my mother." She added less annoyed

She finished her champagne and she moved a lose hair and smiled to herself.

"I guess you do understand my predicament a little." She said brightly

"Off course I do carrying on your father's legacy is important, still it doesn't hurt that the heiress before me looks more like a stunning Princess tonight."

Bulma blushed and looked down at floor a little she thought she would never here that man say things like this.

"Wow a Princess, maybe I should dress like this more often." She added gently

She went quiet again and poured more campaign to get over the awkwardness of his words. He seemed to change his option on her once he'd learned of her being an heiress. Vegeta notice her reaction to his words, she drank more champing and and he moved closer to her.

"Aren't you used to such compliments, a rare beauty like you should be complimented all the time." He said darkly.

He took her shoulder for a moment.

"Vegeta." she whispered "What are you doing?"

"Getting to know an heiress better, after all I've not met anyone on Earth who has to continue a legacy like I have to continue one. From what I've learned your company is superior to any on Earth, why would I not be intrigued by you?" He asked as he took a lose hair and wrapped it in his finger.

She grimaces and he laughed darkly.

The limo stopped and Bulma shoved herself away from Vegeta, as the limo door opened she got out and saw the press had gathered as Vegeta followed her and he felt like blowing up the people flashing lights in his eyes. Bulma waved and pulled him inside the gala, people were talking and drinking and a waiter greeted them.

"Hello Miss Briefs your table is over this way, your auction will be after dinner."

"That is fine."

The waiter led the two to a secluded table that had been set up to have candles lit on it and there was wine in a cooler. Bulma sat as did Vegeta and she seemed uneasy.

"I had this set up for me and Yamcha so ignore it OK, still you can have some wine and what you want to eat, but this isn't part of your all you can eat dinner." Bulma said with awkwardness.

Vegeta sat and looked around some more, he saw people wearing fine clothing and jewels and patting each other on the back and laughing at jokes. Bulma didn't seem interested in interacting with them at all. She didn't seem to like people who came from wealth like herself, she was looking at the menu as she poured some wine, for herself and she looked to Vegeta.

"So why don't you talk to these people?" Vegeta asked as he copied her menu viewing

"I've tried to talking to them in the past, they don't understand my scientific mind or work, they are mostly as stuck up as you, I don't deal with them well." She explained board

His eye twitched and as he went to yell at her, but she happened to call the waiter over.

"Hey I want a stake dinner, Vegeta?"

"I'll guess I'll have stake as well."

When the waiter left a woman came over wearing a fur coat and she looked down on Bulma, she was accompanied buy a older man who seemed more interested in the woman's body then Bulma.

"Well look it Bulma Briefs, you finally show your face after all these years, no Yamcha tonight I guess he finally dumped you for a younger model. Oh but who is this with you? She asked in a smug way

"No Yamcha didn't dump me, he happened to have something important to do tonight. This is my bodyguard Vegeta, he is very protective of me, so I would back off." Bulma said calmly

"Oh what happened to that famous bark of yours? You've seemed to have lost it." The other woman mocked

Bulma stood up now and slammed her fist down.

"You want to see my bark then so be it, you are nothing but a gold digging whore, who are you to come over here and talk down to me like that. The last time I checked you only had money cause you married into it." She yelled

Vegeta watched fascinated by her standing up for herself.

"The only reason your here Bulma is cause you ride on your father's coat tails. Everyone knows you have no talent of your own." The woman retorted

Bulma was about to hit her when Vegeta stood up and grabbed her hand and used his unseen Ki to send the woman flying.

The woman stood up and ran off with her husband in tow and Bulma sat down and slammed down her drink.

"Bitch!" Bulma yelled "I have more talent in my little finger then she has ever had in her life."

Vegeta looked to her frowning and she seemed so angry now, she gritted her teeth and Vegeta found it amusing.

"I can see why you hate these people, I would have destroyed her, if I were not here for observing all of this."

"I wished you would have, her life had no meaning."

Bulma sighed at sat, she shouldn't encourage Vegeta to kill but everyone in this room thought the same as that bitch. No one knew how talented she was how innovated her inventions were, they saw her as a no talented bimbo. She acted stupid at times sure, but she was anything but stupid. Vegeta sat looking at the sulking woman, she seemed downbeat after the encounter. The woman had a fight in her and a she hated to be insulted and he knew that, this was different though from his spoken attacks on her.

Still before he could speak he noticed people pointing at Bulma in hushed tones and with smug looks on their faces. The waiter approached with food in his hands, he wore a smug look on his face, his smile was faker then the others. The food wasn't right at all he could smell the sedative they placed in it as it should not be there. When the food was placed on the table he said.

"Have a lovely evening, I hope you enjoy the food." He said in a strange manner

His voice said it all to Vegeta he was on on this sabotage. The waiter left and just before Bulma could eat He said..

"Don't eat the food woman, they have drugged it with a sedative, probably so they can make it easier to kidnap you." Vegeta said in a hushed tone

Bulma pushed the food away now, Vegeta noticed the men who had been whispering were now looking upset . It looked like he had ruined one plan but he knew there was something else up their shelves.

"Urg thanks for the warning Vegeta. I'm amazed you knew though." Bulma said frustrated

"I can smell a many things humans can't smell. " He said roughly

"Really? That is cool, I guess I'll have to eat later there is no way I can trust any food here. " Bulma muttered

"You are truly a valuable commodity to them aren't you woman? They seem to be insistent on taken you for ransom." Vegeta said slyly

"But off course I am worth a lot of zenni. Even if these fools think I'm worthless as a person, I am the heir to the Capsule Corp. " She said plainly

She smiled though unshaken by them and she seemed so on-fearfully of these events.

"Still this is why I have such powerful allies to rescue me, if there came a time they got to me. No one would hold me for that long." She laughed with confidence

Vegeta smirked now taken drink of wine, the woman was strong and smart, she used the strength others processed to have advantage. She had tactical thinking and she hid that well.

"So your weaklings usually protect you from harm. No wonder you were so scared when I saw you on Namek alone." He said darkly

She frowned now and moved her lose hair.

"I was scared that day... you hurt all those people on Namek , what you did to Goku as well on Earth...I had never seen him like that after a fight. ... You could of hurt me like him, like them, but you didn't. Therefore I repaid you by giving you a chance of a home and place to call your own. " She replied lightly

She blushed a little as she rarely admitted her weakness or her reasons for her actions. Vegeta fell silent to, the woman had showing him a kindness he had never received in his life. Her family welcomed him with open arms as did the woman. She didn't fear him anymore, maybe because she knew he wouldn't hurt her. Still he could easily hurt hurt, but he didn't.

The manager came over now to them now with a smile on his face.

"Is not all well with you Miss Briefs ? You have not touched your meal." The manger asked concerned

"I don't touch food with drugs in it . I am ready to auction off the Capsule Car, go make the announcement. " Bulma said annoyed

The manager walked away, he spotted the man after Bulma and as the manger walked passed the man he whispered.

"She knew about the sedative in her food, she didn't even touch it." The manger whispered

"How can that be ? After all it should have gone unnoticed, oh well we go with plan B. After her auction we will get her the old fashioned way, we will give you 3 million Zenni extra if you let us get out freely." The mysterious man said

"Deal." The manger said brightly

The mysterious man smirked, bribery worked well all the time, he had come here year after year to kidnap the heiresses, with different names and different faces. No one knew this man's real name or face but he had earned money through ransoms and he had grew in confidence. After all his aim this year was for Bulma Briefs the heiress of the biggest company on Earth. His plan was complicated and dangerous, he didn't just want a ransom this year, he wanted to force this woman into marriage and take her company by force.

Bulma stood now and looked into her compact mirror to check her make-up, she reapplied her lipstick and make a notion for Vegeta to follow her.

"I need you to stand by me on stage, I don't trust these people at all. Everyone seems shifty tonight." Bulma said cautiously

"Good choice, it seems something is going on and it resolves around you." Vegeta muttered

"Yeah it seems like there making a big move to kidnap me, I must be their main target." Bulma pointed out

He followed behind her now as she went to the stage, he stood close to her, he noticed the men who had been looking at the beautiful heiress all night had got closer to the stage, he knew they were planning something.

"Good evening everyone, as many of you know the Capsule Corporation have gratefully donated our latest Capsule Car to this gala." Bulma said brightly and politely

She took out the Capsule and clicked the top of it and the car appeared on stage and Bulma yelled.

"Let's start the bidding with 1 million Zenni."

Vegeta was board by now, but his black eyes look at the men, his sensed there heartbeats increased, filling with adrenaline, he knew ill intent as he had felt it many times in his life. He notice the gleam of silver hidden in here hands.

'How pathetic, they plan to use weapons to hold her while they kidnap her, I can deal with these foes easily enough.' Vegeta thought

The bidding finished at a whooping 4 billion Zenni. Bulma put the car back in the Capsule and give it to the winner. She was about to walked off stage when Vegeta pulled her back. The two men moved forward to her and he took the men's he slapped away their weapons. He threw one on the ground and he ran off scared, the main mysterious man stood up now undeterred, as he wanted Bulma no needed Bulma for his plans. Vegeta grabbed him in his powerful arms and retrained him.

"Let me go man, I will have Bulma! I will marry her and take her company by force!" He yelled in frustration.

Bulma stood stunned holding her chest by his words, but by Vegeta's actions he had saved her again. Vegeta was about to do something about this man as he pissed him off, he move his hand to the man's back without anyone seeing him, no one saw the invisible ki he put through the man's back. The security came to arrest the man now. Vegeta knew what he did to him and this man would be dead by tonight by an heart attack. Bulma walked now and looked at the man who was being taken away

"What the hell is wrong with you? You think you can have me? Well you can't have me, you will never have me! "

Vegeta had in reality made that man die, he had killed again without anyone knowing it was him, still the woman had ran off now.

Bulma stood outside the room and held her phone in her hand with tears in her eyes, she had never had anyone actually try this before, there had always been a risk of it, but she was shaken by these events. She faced danger with the Z warriors, but nothing like this. That man had wanted to kidnap her not only for ransom but to force her into marriage to take her company from her. She held her chest , she knew people wanted her for her money and status , Yamcha wasn't with her for money but where was he when she needed him? Vegeta had proteced her and she felt like she had gotten closer to him tonight. Tears went down her cheek and she saw Vegeta now looking at her. She turned away from him to hide her tears, she didn't want him to see her weak like this, Vegeta walked to her and grinned.

"That man won't bother you anymore, or anyone again" Vegeta said darkly

Bulma's looked to him a little, she knew security had taken him, but she had a feeling he could bribe his way out of jail.

"I am not so sure..." Bulma said her voice weak

"Oh I am sure, in fact I know it."

Bulma raised her eyebrow now and she looked at Vegeta face on

"What? How can you be so sure." She said some trepidation

Vegeta grinned darkly and took her face in his hands, he whipped her tears.

" He tried to kidnap you , do you harm. I made sure he would never do it again, I put my Ki into him unseen he will be dead by morning." He whispered in her ear

Bulma face dropped and she looked at him in shock now, he grinned seeing her look of shock.

"You ...Vegeta..." She managed to say

"Why are you so taken aback by my actions, he deserved it right." He whispered "Killing a bad person like him is easy."

Bulma didn't want him to kill, not for her or anyone, she became silent, she grabbed him and pulled him along. She had no words. He had killed again but this was a bad man so was it good that he had killed that man, right?.

"We are leaving I tire of this world, I am apart of it through my heritage, yet not part of it cause I'm not like them anymore." She said annoyed

Bulma led him to the limo outside and it drove off. She sat away from him still looking at her T.V control and she put on the TV and flicked through it looking for Yamcha's game. Still she was away from the chaos and felt a little better.

"That guy wanted to kidnap me to marry me so he could take my father's company through force. Bulma muttered in disgust

She looked at the TV finding the baseball game Yamacha was taken part in, the players names were flashing up for the two teams an eager smile became a look of shock.

"What.. Why isn't his name there... He lied to me ."

Vegeta looked to her seeing devastation in her eyes and she looked down now.

Bulma thought the worse in her head, her head filled with him being with another woman, she held her chest. It's not like she had prove of this but why had he lied to her.

The limo stopped and Bulma looked to Vegeta and pointed half heartily.

"Where here."

She walked with her head low trying to keep her tears in, she could call him out on it now, she flicked on her phone and rang his number and there no answer. In fact his phone went to voice mail.

Bulma waked in the all you can eat restaurant now.

"Table for two." Bulma asked lowly

"Right this way miss. " The waiter said

When Vegeta and Bulma were seated she sat in silence for a bit.

"Vegeta eat as much as you like. " she said distant

He didn't need to be told that again he left to fill up his plate. Still the waiter asked her what she wanted to drink.

"Wine and more wine. " She demanded

She stood getting her own food. She sat eating as Vegeta return with a full lot of food, they fell quiet again to eat. Vegeta eat a lot in one go, she wasn't shocked by this habit anymore. Still when the wine came she drank a lot fast.

Vegeta eyed her up for a moment, Bulma frowned at him in return.

"What I'm upset." She said annoyed

"Like I care I did my job tonight, I protected you heiress." Vegeta said annoyed

"That you did, I'm grateful for it." Bulma said softly

She bit into her food angry and Vegeta laughed at her

"You don't seem it, you should be more grateful. I saved you from a man who would have abused your power for his own gain. After all the Prince of all Sayians doesn't normally protect anything. "

Bulma frowned now, still something in Vegeta eyes caught her attention there was a look he never seen before. She ate more food now and Vegeta ate some more. She was grateful for him saving her, she knew the after mass of things if that man succeed in his plan. She was just in a foul mood because of Yamcha's lie, she wanted to spend the night in Yamcha's arms dancing away, but she was here now without him. She doubted her and him at times, she wondered if she was with the right guy for her, but then again who was the right guy?

She was still tired though from a crappy night, she wanted to go home and relax, she stood now and pulled money from her dress and put into Veget's hand.

"This will pay for your meal and there will be money left over, I am going to head back home."

She didn't look him in the eyes, but he grabbed her arm and he stood up wiping his mouth and he swallowed his food. He pulled her into him and put his lips into her's, she stood stunned by his actions, she gripped the martial on his suit in her hand her eyes grew wide. He moved closer to her now and deepened the kiss by brushing his tongue against hers, but as he did this Bulma pushed him away and slapped him and left the restaurant now. He sat down now with a smirk on his face.

"Such a great reward." He muttered as he went back to his meal

Bulma sat in her limo now, she sat drinking wine and whipping her mouth hoping to get the taste of Vegeta out her mouth, she had held him when he had kissed her, she felt disgusted with herself, how could she betray Yamcha little that. She held her lips though for a moment, she sat back and held her head. Her phone rang now and she answered it.

"Hello? " She answered shaky

"Hello is this Miss Briefs?" The woman asked

"Yes why who is this.?

"I am Nurse Grace from the West City Hospital, your boyfriend was in a nasty car accident this evening and he just awoke to tell us to contact you. He is fine but needs someone to come take him home."

Bulma grabbed her chest now.

"OK I'll be right over."

She tapped on the limo glass now and shouted at the driver.

"West City Hospital now!" She cried

Tears flooded through her eyes and she held her head.

'Oh Yamcha how could I ever of doubted you of cheating on me, oh God what have I done, I let Vegeta kiss me...'

A/N OK so this is an A/U and next chapter we'll get more into a suspense story