Welcome everyone to my first ever - and likely to be the only crossover I ever write - fic between Doctor Who and Star Wars. This story stars the 10th Doctor and his companion Donna Noble. And they period of Star Wars history is during the Clone Wars and will star Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. So... without further ado, I present to you, the crossover!

Title: Time and the Jedi

Author: the-writer1988 (with reddwarfaddict helping out)

Rating: T

Characters: 10th Doctor, Donna Noble, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or Star Wars. The BBC owns Doctor Who and Disney owns Star Wars.

Summary: The Doctor and Donna are crashing. Inside the Jedi Temple. On Coruscant. Right in the way of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to reddwarfaddict, who not only helped me with the plot, but she also did a fantastic job editing the story, and kept on bolstering me to finish this thing! But most of all, when I was truly stuck and I couldn't write what I wanted to, she stepped up to the plate and has written a few scenes in this story which have greatly helped me. Consequently, the first scene of this story, is from her, rather than myself. Without reddwarfaddict this story wouldn't even have a prologue!

Thank you!


As he rose to consciousness, the first thing the Doctor realised was that he was lying in a pool of blood.

For a brief moment the Doctor wondered whose blood it was, before the pain hit him like a high-speed train slamming into his entire body. The shock of the pain made him cough; his entire body jolting and rippling through with what felt like fire as the ejection of his breath sent dust up from the barren ground - dust that went straight back into his nose and made him cough some more. Eventually he managed to get it under control, and fully opened his eyes.

He was lying on his side in some sort of rundown warehouse - walls seemingly crumbling around his very ears - and he was even lying on a pile of broken wood and slates. The reason for that quickly became apparent as he turned his head to look directly upwards at a rather large and somewhat Doctor-shaped hole in the ceiling.

The Time Lord coughed again, trying to force himself to get up, but he only managed to raise one leg before it dropped redundantly back down. His entire body was still on fire.

He could remember every detail - every facet of what Sidious had done to him, and even the memory of it hurt. He knew it had been Force Lightning, just as Obi Wan had described, and the Doctor could tell that the amount used on him meant Sidious had meant to kill him. He so very nearly had. It had taken over the Doctor completely - his entire body wrapped in electricity, coursing up and down his flesh and bone body for what had felt like days. The Doctor had fought, fought so hard to stay conscious, to stop Sidious from taking the TARDIS - but in the end it had been too much. He'd passed out. He had no idea what had happened after that.

But one thing was for definite. Sidious now had the TARDIS. And although the Doctor had only just arrived in this universe, he knew that Darth Sidious having a time travelling machine was a very, very bad suitcase. He needed to get up, get back to the Jedi Temple and find a way to get his TARDIS back.

Wait, where was Donna?

The Doctor's eyes bolted open wide as the thought hit him, before he forced himself to look around to try and find an appropriately-shaped humanoid next to him. But he couldn't see her.

"Donna?" he tried, but even his voice box seemed to be on fire and as a result the word came out sounding like a chainsaw. He coughed again, plucked up some courage and tried again. "Donna!"

Only his own chainsaw voice echoed back to him.

He wasn't going to like it, but he had to get up.

He took a few long deep breaths... and sat up. He bit his lip, forcing the endorphins to flood his system to try and numb the pain. It didn't seem to work, but now he was committed. He drew back his legs, positioned his hands and pushed himself upright in one swift movement. Unfortunately the nearly caused him to fall forward onto his face but he managed to catch himself on a wooden support strut, panting.

"Donna?" he tried again, but he already knew she wasn't there. Did Sidious still have her? Please no...

He saw the door - or at least, a gap in the wall. He moved towards it (one foot in front of the other, if the pain would let him recall the act of walking correctly) and stepped out into the open.

He barely had any time to take in his surroundings before a figure suddenly appeared, stepping out of seemingly nowhere. It was humanoid but it looked like a squid, with many long tentacles coming out of its face. It had two big fangs that were chipped and yellow, and dark piercing eyes. To round it all off, it was holding a gun.

"You look lost," it grated.

The Doctor's head felt like his brain was twice the size of his skull, so could barely think of a line to defuse what was obviously about to happen. "S-sorry," he ended up stuttering.

"Sorry!?" the alien repeated, snarling. "You look rich, gimme your credits."

"I d-don't have any c-credits..." he managed to say, his mouth struggling to forms words.

"GIVE ME YOUR CREDITS!" the alien yelled, and shoved the gun right in the Doctor's face. Seconds later, three more of the alien's kind stepped out of the shadows, staring at the Time Lord with horrible grins. The Doctor's eyes dropped to their hands, in which they held an array of sharp and blunt objects he was very sure he was going to feel the end of whether he had any credits or not.

He tensed himself up, and prepared himself to regenerate.

Not that far from the Doctor's current position, Sidious sat on his throne in his Imperial Palace, formerly known as the Jedi Temple. His throne room had once been the largest training hall for youngsters hoping to learn the ways of the despicable Jedi. It had given him great joy to see the room transferred from a training hall to a throne room during his Jedi Purge. He had ensured victory for himself with the aid of the unsuspecting Doctor.

His enforcer was feared amongst the Republic as someone not to cross. His power was great, rivalling his own. One day he would be stronger than Sidious.

The Sith felt like smiling cruelly. No one could stop him. Not the dead Doctor. And certainly not the prisoner who suffered in a prison cell below the throne room. Even now he could feel his pain and his fear…

And it was delicious…

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think!

Chapter One will be posted next week. I will be updating weekly. This story is already fully prewritten.

Until next time,
